Sentences with phrase «rest of the class»

Everybody is different and it is not necessary that you shall be able to perform each pose with rest of the class.
Before long, what few phys ed classes are left in our schools will have a separate cohort of kids resting comfortably on massage - ready, La - Z - Boy loungers because they brought a note from home saying they're entirely «allergic» to work while the rest of the class plays games where no one keeps score, everyone's a winner, and there are trophies to take home for mom and dad to proudly display.
Students also participate in an in - depth personal coaching session, followed by workshops with the rest of the class.
The rest of the class figures the party will be more fun without him.
Two top executives in the class exempted themselves from thatproject, so that the rest of the class would be forced to work together to tackle the problem, rather than relying on executivefiat.
The argument continued for the rest of the class period.
I spent the rest of the class cursing Mack Daddy in the detention room.
I would never be able to do a 90 - second plank or full - range push - ups much less make it through the rest of the class with any kind of proper form.
She added that she recently helped him plan out the rest of the classes he needed for the next three years.
Why don't you go google communism and come back and report on it to the rest of the class.
Like the rest of the class, I grudgingly began to look at the paintings, certain that I would always be repelled by their lack of accord with what I already knew, quite definitively, to be beautiful.
She had to wear long winter underwear and heavy overshoes in bad weather; she remembers vividly how in grade school her teachers would let her start getting ready to go home five minutes earlier than the rest of the class because of all the layers she had to put on.
Here, we were asked to read aloud along with the rest of the class.
I was told I would never get into shows if my work didn't fit into a consistent style and look the same year after year; one instructor at the U where I was getting my teachers» renewal units, wouldn't let my work in with the rest of the class for the end of class show because I didn't follow suit and create a piece that looked like his....
She turns to the rest of the class and asks if anyone can tell her what Mayotte, the new student, is doing wrong.
Maurice Hurst and Vita Vea have separated themselves in a big way grade-wise from the rest of the defensive tackles in this draft, but that's not to say there's no talent to be had in the rest of the class.
There are seven weeks left before the rest of the class is filled out.
Williams was having lunch with the rest of his class when his friend Jessica Pellegrino started choking on an apple.
He plans to go to summer school to get the credits he is short, but he is not allowed to participate in the graduation ceremonies with the rest of his class.
As long as participants continue to practice at home, learning whatever the rest of the class is learning that week, there is no problem.
Make learning something everyone in family does and your child will be a step ahead of the rest of their class.
A child with a good burst of energy burning exercise in the day will perform better in the rest of their classes and be less prone to being overweight.
The teacher can not spend more time with this child than with the rest of the class — and if statistics are to be trusted, we should expect at least three easily distractible children in every classroom.
You might tell her that even though she feels she can not play volleyball as well as the rest of her class, she is amazing at arts and crafts.
Preschoolers are usually asked to clean up, follow snack guidelines, walk in a line with the rest of the class and other assorted jobs.
My daughter used this for a school talent show when she was just 5 and the rest of the class loved it!
An academic child may be shunned or treated as «different», and learn to quench his ability in order to fit in with the rest of his class.
When he shared this fear with the rest of our class he was greeted with 5 other father's who also felt this way.
The rest of the class had nut free snacks that another parent provided.
Schools in the UK tend to «stream» students according to ability, so that those who are faster in particular subjects can work together at a more rapid rate than the rest of the class, and those who are struggling can also have extra help.
My dad usually fell fast asleep, and when the rest of the class went back to their lessons, he kept sleeping — and the teacher let him sleep as long as he wanted.
We had split up to work in to our project groups for the rest of the class time.
Because of her complaints, fidgeting and refusal to cooperate, Sarah was made to sit in a chair at a table removed from the group, and to color while the rest of the class conducted their weather discussions, reviewed the alphabet and learned the letter of the day.
Then, last month, the Times released a video that showed a Success teacher scolding and publicly humiliating a first - grade student in front of the rest of her class.
This reminds me of the argument against inclusion (placing slower learners in a regular classroom) claiming the struggling students would flounder and then drag down the rest of the class.
The rest of the class hated me because I ruined the curve.»
The data they marshal persuasively demonstrate that the larger the mismatch between the academic credentials of the mismatched students and the rest of their class, the graver is the danger that they will receive poor grades, lose confidence and self - esteem, drop hard courses, leave college without a degree, and learn far less than they would have if placed among more closely matched peers.
They interact with computer programs that allow them to work at their own pace, regardless of what the rest of the class is doing.
As an instructor, Roberts finds it frustrating when people move ahead of the rest of the class.
To my relief, the rest of the class is pretty much a replica of the first half.
It was 60 minutes of cardio (lots of leg lifting, jumping, and dancing), followed by 30 minutes of arms and abs, followed by... Richard and the rest of the class singing me happy birthday!
For example, you can do a «birth wave» pose while the rest of the class is doing chaturanga dandasana.
As I looked around to survey the rest of the class, everyone just seemed to be winging their own version of the various moves.
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