Sentences with phrase «rest of the genre»

(TheMIX)-- As a reverse fairy tale for the CEO set, the reality television program Undercover Boss is fascinating, not so much in the witness - to - a-train - wreck mode of the rest of the genre, but because it is so revealing of our conflicted relationship with «the boss.»
There was one from Laura Mercier that I loved, but other than that, the rest of the genre got a huge write - off from me.
The Dream Master rocks a slew of amazing effects, girl turned into a bug for example, and they really lift the flick above the rest of the genre.
While I enjoy the filmmaking and creative talent behind projects like «Wolf», #MollysGame just took a step above the rest of the genre for me
The single player is just bland and lacks any sort of creativity and never really tries to be different from the rest of the genre.
Resident Evil VII won «Best VR Game», but what about the rest of the genre fare?
It's addictive and fun, and different enough to the rest of the genre to feel fresh.
And now we have given Easy A time to settle in our memories and we learn that the jokes are just as strong as they were on an original watch, it is easy to see that this is a film so many leagues ahead of the competition that it almost becomes a shame to lump it with the rest of the genre.
I have no doubt the competitive multiplayer aspects, while currently lacking character, will be up to the standards Bungie set for the rest of the genre with Halo.
Superhero stories, at their best, are meditations on power, and this movie looks at an aspect of it that's often ignored in the rest of the genre: the trauma that it can bring.
However, for anyone that has watched Kingsman, they will know that rather than letting the audience dip their toe into the spy genre early on in the year, Kingsman sets the bar stupidly high for the rest of the genre to hit.
Final Verdict: Vice gets away with escaping its B Movie roots for a while, but a lack of depth doesn't break it away from the rest of the genre.
Nier: Automata takes this, tips it on its head, and shows the rest of the genre how it's done.
The cooperative gameplay that often evolves between the two really sets Titanfall a part from the rest of the genre in terms of multiplayer.
Despite the game's sometimes irritating puzzle solutions, Grim Fandango still stands out among the rest of the genre, past and present.
But it is an interesting mechanic in its own right, and it does distinguish the game from the rest of the genre.
Kingdoms of Amalur has refreshingly exciting fighting skills compared to the rest of the genre.
Adding an endgame objective to sandbox style gameplay and creative freedom makes Eco stand out from the rest of the genre.
The single player is just bland and lacks any sort of creativity and never really tries to be different from the rest of the genre.
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