Sentences with phrase «rest of the tribe»

The selection as to who could hold the Priesthood within the Church doesn't mean that according to LDS beliefs that one group of people were more favored in the sight of God any more than say in the Old Testament that the tribe of Levi were more favored than the rest of the tribes of Israel for having the Priesthood, even though it was the tribes of Judah and Ephraim who actually got to rule.
Indian societies like that of the Eskimos or the nomadic tropical tribes enacted great life - cycle rituals wherein the elderly would be set adrift on ice floes or would fail to ford the swift river with the rest of the tribe during a migration back to the mountains.
Later, as the stuffed couple passed around the intensely flavored grilled meat to the rest of the tribe in the jungle clearing, Jaguar Claw asked: «What shall we call this food?»
«It can't be possible that one tribe has been given the urge in terms of appointments over the rest of the tribes in the country.
There, he fought off demons or consulted the spirits of the ancestors before regaining consciousness and relating his experiences to the rest of the tribe.
In the first story, a protohuman says his first word for something — maybe ma for «mother» — and teaches it to the rest of the tribe.
«We can only hope that [the FUNAI team members] were able to give out treatment before the sickness was spread to the rest of the tribe in the forest,» says Chris Fagan, executive director at the Upper Amazon Conservancy in Jackson, Wyoming.
The quickest way for HADCRU et al. to put Climateaudit and the rest of this tribe out of business is make all climate data and metadata public and make every effort to improve the datasets based on all feedback that you receive.
Synopsis: A plucky cave man named Dug, his sidekick Hognob and the rest of their tribe face a grave threat to their simple existence.
While the rest of the tribe are kicked into the nearby badlands, where giant saber - toothed ducks still roam, Dug and his suspiciously Gromit - like pet boar, Hognob, steal away into the Bronze Age metropolis.
While the rest of the tribe gets away, Dug finds himself trapped inside one of Nooth's transport pods, and when he finally gets away, he discovers that the world has moved on outside the crater.
Plot Summary A plucky cave man named Dug, his sidekick Hognob and the rest of their tribe face a grave threat to their simple existence.
A plucky cave man named Dug, his sidekick Hognob and the rest of their tribe face a grave threat to their... Read More
Mop - topped young Dug (Eddie Redmayne), is inquisitive and smart by comparison with the rest of his tribe: why don't they try hunting a mammoth instead of just rabbits?
It's established multiple times throughout this part that Aloy and Rost are outcasts and the rest of the tribe look down upon it.
The story takes place in a «post-post-apocalyptic» setting where robot dinosaurs and animals the natives simply call Machines roam the world, and has you playing as a young huntress, Aloy, who was shunned from birth by the rest of her tribe, the «Nora».
Little is known about the man, but it is believed that the rest of his tribe was massacred by ranchers sometime in the 1970s or 1980s.
b) Gasp in disbelief when that individual and the rest of the tribe are overheard describing YOU in those exact terms.
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