Sentences with phrase «restoration of»

Of course, this drift of subjectivity away from the cosmos, an alienation prepared for by ancient dualistic mythology, can not be mended by a restoration of pre-rational, naive consciousness.
For while his message was a reaffirmation and renewing of what earlier prophets, named and unnamed, had been instructed to convey to various peoples, in a very special sense it was a restoration of the religion of Abraham.
In the Ugaritic tests dew was always associated with the restoration of vitality, and consequently played a part in the Baal myth, for the very good reason that in Palestine the night dew assists in keeping vegetation alive during the almost rainless four months of summer.14 Some also regard the reference to Leviathan, «that twisting sea - serpent» and «monster of the deep», in Isaiah 27:1, as an echo of a Phoenician tradition concerning a demonic monster who guarded the gate of the underworld.
The official organization of higher education, although it achieved the immediate end of the restoration of order, unfortunately led to those characteristics of Islamic education which have come down almost to our time — the addiction to memorization of prescribed texts and study of the same materials in generation after generation.
Since the Second Vatican Council, the Church has reemphasized the baptismal character of Lent, especially through the restoration of the Catechumenate and its Lenten rituals.
Any hope for the individual man, subsequent to the death and dissolution of the body, must entail the restoration of the former body.
The idiom of resurrection, as we have so far traced its path, has been used to portray the renewal of the earth as a living entity, and to describe the restoration of the corporate body of Israel when its national life was threatened with extinction.
The only Priesthood authority that can be given to man has to come after the Restoration of Christ's original Church and gospel (which can not come from the Catholic Church or any splinter group from this Church), so any claims to having divine endowments of authority are void because those who bestowed this upon you did not possess any priesthood themselves.
A certain careful and modest restoration of personal narrative — call it «testimony,» if you will — can help restore some of the life - giving particularity to the dialogue among religions.
The prophetic movement was to restore the faithful relationship between God and the people of God, which means the restoration of the covenant community.
The Catholic Church has always taught that punishment justly rendered is a good in itself, precisely because it has two good ends: the restoration of social order and the redemption of the offender.
In this 1925 publication, Bartleman made a case for the centrality of «old Azusa» for Pentecostal identity: «Wales was but intended as the cradle for this worldwide restoration of the power of God.
The prophetic movement was the political resistance against all despotic or imperial rule, and it was the witness to the Sovereignty of God and its political expression, that is, the restoration of the covenant community.
When the covenant framework of political life for the people of God had been completely broken, there arose a the vision for the restoration of the covenant political community.
Chapter 37 follows with the vision of the nation's resurrection and the restoration of life and vitality to Israel's vast valley of bones, long still and dry:
Advances in civilization were never throwbacks to some garden of Eden with a restoration of primitive innocence.
This crisis arose from the development of the Oxford Movement, the high - profile conversions to Catholicism and the restoration of the Catholic hierarchy, which ensured that Catholicism, far from being a relic of the past, instead «erupted into the present».
Both publicly and privately he championed counterrevolutionary war, a «long war,» until full restoration of the French monarchy could be realized and Jacobinism extirpated.
The lament that there is no knowledge of God in the land (4:1,6) and the plea for the restoration of that knowledge (6:6; cf. 2:20; 6:3; 8:2) imply so strong a relationship between Israel and Yahweh that the profound effect of its violation can be conveyed only by comparing it to the violation of the marital relationship when a wife wantonly offers a husband's sexual prerogatives to other men (10:11).
There has been considerable progress made in the reform of the liturgical reform, not least by the restoration of sacral language to the Missal.
Restoration of the Mexico City Policy was one of his top legislative goals of 2017.
With the restoration of Charles II (1630 - 85, ruled 1660 - 85), the Church of England was re-established and the Prayer Book and episcopacy reintroduced.
When killed, there is no possibility of the restoration of a monarch.
So then, how do we assess Peter in Acts where he says that Jesus is to remain in heaven until the «Restoration of All Things»?
In the end, Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel reveals a vision that makes death a parenthesis between moments of life, and makes the body a site not only of death but also of redemption.
When we pursue diversity, we start to understand that God calls us into a «belonging» - a restoration of this division.
With Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel, Levenson aims to clear up this confusion by showing how it can be traced back to facile thinking.
Mercy indicates the restoration of a broken relationship.
There are in this last group four miracles: the raising of the ruler's daughter from the dead, the healing of the woman with a continuous menstrual hemorrhage, the restoration of sight to two blind men, and the enabling of a dumb man to speak (Matt.
The restoration of a right relationship which has been corrupted is salvation or healing.
But until the eighth century the future could be seen in continuum with the present, holding in prospect essentially more of the same, or even, in the prophetic view, the restoration of Yahweh's lost order.
This results in a state of existence intolerable both for man and God — a state of existence into which Yahweh introduces his Word through Abraham and Israel for the restoration of creation.
Last April, Nepal faced a national crisis with growing protests for restoration of democracy.
The appropriate word for restoration of a broken relationship is salvation.
The exiled Hebrews, however, desired nothing quite so much as the rebuilding of that destroyed city and temple; their persistent ambition centered in the restoration of the very shrine whose ruin had done so much to refine and elevate their faith.
They might ask for the restoration of some civil rights taken away from American citizens through the Patriot Act.
Cherry isn't calling for a restoration of first - century cultural norms, such as women covering their hair in worship, or a rigid dress code.
«William Hague has been a great FS, contributed hugely to restoration of FCO.
All this being done, in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings, no less than the pardon of our national sins, and the restoration of our now divided and suffering country, to its former happy condition of unity and peace.
God's deep desire is the redemption, renewal and restoration of all things.
Sacrifice is therefore the way towards the restoration of the broken relationship between man and God in Jewish thought.
Almost as soon as they had said that America never again would be the same, they began to talk about the restoration of the familiar and heroic past, making good the losses of September 11 with quicker witted intelligence agents, heavier artillery, more patriotic displays of consumer confidence in all the nation's better stores....
I would suggest that the service of love, then and now, is to effectively proclaim the gospel, as in, «God so loved the world...» The restoration of civilization may or may not be a consequence of such effective proclamation.
Generally, the primary aim has been understood in terms of restoration of «health» and «wholeness» to the client.
All sexuality includes such an element, one that can best be «explained» on the hypothesis that its goal (unbeknownst to the participants) is the restoration of some «lost» bodily wholeness, that the seemingly other is beloved because he or she is really just a missing part of oneself.
(Albert Schweitzer, The Decay and Restoration of Civilization, London, 1923, p. 3.)
I would have to read it a few more times but I believe when he says government he is talking about the restoration of our original relationship with God and everything being in its rightful place.
In this particular instance it is not very difficult to imagine scenarios in the not - too - distant future in which there might occur resurgences of socialist policies and ideals: the failure of neo-capitalist regimes in developing societies and / or the formerly Communist countries in Europe to achieve economic take - off; the insight granted to sundry dictators and despots that, while socialism invariably immiserates the masses, it is a very good recipe for enriching those who claim to hold power as the vanguard of the masses; the «creeping socialism» (still an aptly descriptive term) brought on by massive government intervention in the economy in the name of some societal good, e.g., there could be an environmentalist road to socialism, or a feminist one, or one constructed (perhaps inadvertently) with some other building blocks of politically managed regulations and entitlements; or, last but not least, the actual restoration of socialism, by coup or by voting, in a number of countries, beginning with Russia.
The Incarnation is a renewal and a restoration of all the forces and powers of the universe; Christ is the instrument, the center, the end of all animate and material Creation; by Him all things are created, sanctified, made alive.
The third is a period of patience, long - suffering, and expectancy: the captivity and exile, the return and temporary restoration of the nation, and subjugation by Rome.
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