Sentences with phrase «restoring proper function»

How can we restore optimal core function, therefore restoring proper function throughout the whole body?
Studies have shown that getting between 7 - 9 hours of sleep per night relieves stress, reduces the risk of chronic diseases and even helps muscles and the brain repair and restore proper function.
Therefore, therapeutic efforts should not aim to get rid of microglia but rather restore proper function to these cells, Town suggests.
David Melvin at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center invented the CardioClasp, which can help restore proper function to a failing heart by reshaping the left ventricle and reducing the need for blood pressure medication.
The best way to reduce the risk or occurrence of text neck is to restore proper function and posture to the head, neck, and body.
Functional medicine is personalized medicine that deals with primary prevention and treating the underlying causes to restore proper function.
But regardless of whether you have a hypermobile or hypomobile SIJ, there are techniques and exercises you can do to alleviate and ultimately eliminate your pain and restore proper functioning of your SIJ.
Progesterone strongly suppresses the body's stress response in large part by its opposing effects on estrogen, while also helping to restore proper function of the thyroid gland.

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The company's operations were halted for a week while the furnaces were cleaned and restored to proper functioning.
(3) Anecdotally, many babies will need further therapy to restore proper tongue - function post-surgery.
Adjustments can help restore proper nervous system function to your baby.
In relation to local government, I argued we need to restore proper governance arrangements for the party corresponding to local government structures, which would operate effectively and democratically, ensure accountability, oversee the operation of Labour groups in local government, their organisation and democratic functions, and review the operation of local campaign forums to ensure they meet the needs of both Labour groups and local parties.
Ultimately, our research will help elucidate factors that prevent proper optic nerve regeneration and guidance, and to find strategies that promote reconnection of damaged optic nerves and restore visual functions following optic nerve damage.
«We can perturb them in zebrafish and then replace them with the human ones and, at least in the lincRNAs we look at, the human ones function to restore proper development.»
Proper evaluation of the thyroid, adrenals and female / male hormones and treatment using prescription, natural hormone therapy or bioidentical hormone replacement and supplements is essential to address the root cause of the problem, restore physiologic balance, and restore normal healthy function.
Not only does proper sleep increase your immune function, but it's also an important time for the body to detox and restore.
Some research says yes... In fact, some research says that widespread use of disinfecting and antibacterial products (and removal / avoidance of dirt) is preventing proper formation of healthy gut bacteria and that restoring this beneficial bacteria could be the key to boosting immune function, reducing rates of allergies or digestive problems and even improving mood.
The body has innate intelligence and often can heal itself when function and balance are restored with the proper nutrients and lifestyle changes.
One must sleep a lot and also drink a lot of fresh quality water to restore proper adrenal function.
I wholeheartedly agree with her approach (es) to restoring proper endocrine / adrenal gland function in the body, and have applied them successfully with many patients.
In a recent interview I did with Dr. Eric Serrano and Scott Mendelson (see the February 2011 issue of Iron Man Magazine for the entire interview), their research indicates that you can restore proper fat cell function by «cleansing,» which occurs when you supply the cells with the right raw materials.
It is my hypothesis that real foods have an inherent quality to them that allows the body to regulate it's immune function, build healthy red blood cells full of oxygen, restore proper balance to the flora of the intestinal microbiome, regenerating tight junctions to the wall of the small intestine.
When trying to lose weight, your body will actually use every bit of essential fat for proper metabolic functioning and to restore energy balance.
First, exceptional levels of antioxidants neutralize toxins in the body, reducing systemic inflammation and helping to restore proper metabolic and hormone function.
Holistic therapies to restore proper bowel function include colonic irrigations, home enemas, exercise counseling, herbal or homeopathic remedies and lifestyle changes which include the emotional, structural and nutritional components.
Work with a practitioner to restore gut function (proper elimination of toxins is essential for keeping the body's stress levels low)
Vitamins A, D, and K are all essential for proper calcium regulation and restoring thyroid function, which is one of many reasons why I use them with my clients.
Do you find that people who use this product develop a dependence on it to prevent adrenal fatigue from reoccurring or are they able to reduce dosage once they get their lifestyle (proper rest, diet, exercise regiment, etc.) back in line and their adrenal function restored?
Let's focus on restoring proper body function.
Chiropractic care can remove upper cervical subluxations and restore proper structural and neurological function to the spine and nervous system.
Brain - boosting benefit: This amino acid can help restore proper memory function, according to some studies, Web MD reports.
Carla educates and empowers you to make responsible and healthful food choices that restore balance and proper function to your body, as well as offers lab testing to provide accurate recommendations and effective solutions.
«Parkland parents who lost kids are running for school board» via Kelli Kennedy of The Associated Press — Ryan Petty, a telecom and technology entrepreneur, said he wants to help restore the Broward County School Board to its proper function as an oversight body for the administration, saying he thinks that has been lost.
Cathy was familiar with several studies that showed how «proper function was restored to patients sooner» when dogs used a walking aid during rehabilitation.
Non Dairy Multi Strain Probiotic Blend -(2.5 billion organisms) Beneficial colon bacteria help to restore a proper digestive environment, assisting in nutrient assimilation and immune function.
For some, healing takes just a matter of weeks as the swelling around the spine goes down and proper function is restored.
Dr. Adam Tanase is an Upper Cervical Chiropractor with over 13 years of experience who helps restore proper balance, movement, and function to the body.
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