Sentences with phrase «to result in miscarriage»

This estimate doubles among women aged 35 to 39 to 2 of 10 pregnancies resulting in miscarriage.
Too much cholesterol in a woman's body will result in miscarriage as well.
Depending on their location and size, they may affect fertility and potentially result in miscarriage.
Cautioning that a departure from the essential requirements of law is «something more than a simple legal error,» the court said there must be a violation of a «clearly established principle of law resulting in a miscarriage of justice» to warrant certiorari review.
Although courts have «a large degree of discretion» in determining whether a departure from the essential requirements of the law has occurred, they «should exercise this discretion only when there has been a violation of a clearly established principle of law resulting in a miscarriage of justice.»
In addition, if major problems are identified through prenatal care, or an unfortunate turn of events results in miscarriage, this is devastating for the people involved.
The rate of aneuploid embryos resulting in miscarriage increases dramatically with maternal age such that 50 % or more of pregnancies after age 40 will miscarry.
In addition, studies consistently show that eggs produced by women in older age groups form embryos with a higher prevalence of chromosome defects than those from younger women: these embryos are less likely to implant and more likely to result in miscarriage if they do implant.
It is estimated that between 50 to 80 percent of embryos created for IVF have a chromosomal abnormality and typically do not develop into a pregnancy, instead resulting in a miscarriage, Medical Xpress wrote.
Many of which resulted in a miscarriage, stillbirth, or birth of a baby with a severe condition.
One - half lower risk of anencephaly, a neural - tube defect that interferes with brain development and often results in miscarriage
7 and 11 (d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.When a claim of ineffective assistance is raised, the onus is on the appellant to establish (1) the facts that underpin the claim; (2) the incompetence of the assistance provided [FN1]; and (3) the incompetent assistance resulted in a miscarriage of justice.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, around 25 percent of pregnancies result in a miscarriage.
Requiring counsel to represent the accused at trial when counsel has announced that he / she can not, in good conscience, continue to act for the accused renders the appearance of the trial unfair and will result in a miscarriage of justice, requiring a new trial.
That may result in a miscarriage.
A lack of oxygen and blood is dangerous for your unborn child and can result in a miscarriage or preterm birth.
This bacteria can potentially be passed to the fetus, resulting in miscarriage.
«Without doing genetic testing, 50 to 70 percent of the time, when you put an embryo back into the uterus, they're not going to get pregnant or they're going to result in a miscarriage,» says Joe Conaghan, Ph.D. and IVF lab director at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, a clinic using PGS.
That said, the chance that these infections will result in miscarriage is usually much lower than the chance that a baby will be fine.
Aneuploidy in a baby can result in miscarriage or death shortly after birth.
Certain disorders may restrict blood flow to the uterus and prevent baby from getting the oxygen she needs to grow and develop, resulting in miscarriage.
Studies have shown that consumption of illegal drugs during pregnancy can result in miscarriage, low birth weight, premature labor, placental abruption, fetal death, and even maternal death.
Such a breach can cause the mother's waters to break prematurely, resulting in miscarriage.
But more than 100 attempts to produce babies by re-implanting the embryos in the woman all resulted in miscarriages.
The discovery furthers our understanding of a process which can often go wrong, resulting in miscarriage or infants born with Down's Syndrome, Edward's Syndrome and other chromosomal irregularities.
Aneuploidy is also a leading cause of miscarriage, and with an estimated 1 in 7 pregnancies resulting in miscarriage.
If a mother is infected during pregnancy, she can transmit the parasite to her fetus, which can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, brain or eye damage, or hearing loss in her child.
This new discovery furthers our understanding of a process which can often go wrong, resulting in miscarriage or infants born with Down's Syndrome, Edward's Syndrome and other chromosomal irregularities.
It can result in miscarriage, premature delivery, serious infection or stillbirth, if a pregnant woman became infected.»
This can result in miscarriage or birth defects.
Black cohosh could stimulate uterine contractions and result in miscarriage.
If your placenta is damaged, it could result in miscarriage or serious birth defects.
But in those with weaker immune systems, infection with T. gondii can cause an illness called toxoplasmosis, which can result in miscarriages, fetal development disorders, weeks of flu - like illness, blindness and even death.
If a woman contracts the disease while pregnant, and fails to get treatment, the infection may result in miscarriage, stillbirth or death shortly after birth.
Pregnancies in Guiyu are six times more likely to result in miscarriages, and seven out of 10 children there have too much lead in their blood.
These actions often involve accidents, negligence, medical malpractice, or intentional acts that result in miscarriage or fetal death and allow for recovery by the mother for the extreme emotional distress she suffered as a result, without any concomitant physical - injury requirement.
YLAL is concerned that these cuts will result in miscarriages of justice and an unacceptably poor service for the poor.
Al - Enzi argued this resulting in a miscarriage of justice that deprived him of his right to a fair trial.
It took two shocking cases of corruption that resulted in a miscarriage of justice — the Guildford 4 and the Birmingham 6 — to change this view.
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