Sentences with phrase «result of acculturation»

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The Conservative assumption was that as the immigrant population died out, European - style Orthodoxy would slowly disappear, a victim of upward social and economic mobility, acculturation, and Americanization, and that Conservative Judaism would fill the resulting vacuum.
The results show that there are significant changes in the acculturations orientations of teachers and students after their participation in the program, both compared to the situation before the program and to the control group.
The Effects of Parental Acculturation and Parenting Practices on the Substance Use of Mexican - Heritage Adolescents from Southwestern Mexican Neighborhoods Castro, Marsiglia, Nagoshi, & Parsai (2014) Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 13 (3) Reports the results of a study of Mexican and Mexican - American adolescents, examining the effects of parental reports of their communications with their child, their involvement with this child, and their positive parenting because these factors affect their child's substance use behaviors.
I have experience providing evidence - informed treatment to children, adolescent, and adult survivors of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; children and youth experiencing emotional dysregulation as a result of issues of attachment, acculturation, and grief; and children experiencing difficulties with problem sexual behaviors.
The results also showed that the more love (i.e. high score of love), satisfaction (i.e. high score of dyadic adjustment) and couple cultural identity (i.e. high score of women's acculturation to the partner and low scores of couple's individualism / collectivism), the more the personal commitment of the women.
The results showed that the more love (i.e. high score of love), satisfaction (i.e. high score of dyadic adjustment) and couple cultural identity (i.e. high score of men's acculturation to the partner), the more the personal commitment of the men.
Acculturation can be defined as a mutual process of cultural change resulting from continuous contact between two cultural groups [48], [49].
The resulting matrix denotes four distinct quadrants of acculturation strategy: separation (high heritage and low mainstream culture identification), assimilation (low heritage and high mainstream culture identification), integration (high levels of identification for both cultures), and marginalization (low levels for both).
These differential results may be explained in part by drawing upon the notion of dissociated domains of psychological and sociocultural adaptation and acculturation, outlined in the immigration literature.
Challenges to parenting after migration as a result of parental work pressure, lack of time together, acculturation gap, different cultural practices, language barriers, and bicultural conflicts
Results indicated that increased maternal acculturation was related to higher levels of maternal monitoring and lower levels of harsh discipline, which, in turn, were related to lower levels of adolescents» conduct problems.
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