Sentences with phrase «result of one's fall»

But I'm in love with the final results of this fall's One Room Challenge.
The last major enlargement happened in 2004/2007 as a sort of delayed result of the fall of the Soviet Union and is still heavily debated in several member states.
Non-human species suffer as a direct result of the fall of man ---- The «fall of man» is a man - made concept.
It has been suggested that the immediate result of the Fall, as portrayed in Genesis 3 — «And they knew that they were naked» — should be rendered «And they became self - conscious.»
The Welsh measles outbreak is a predictable result of a fall in vaccination rates — something that still needs tackling to ensure the disease is eliminated by 2015
We present preliminary results of a Fall 2014 100 - day deployment of Wave Glider -LSB-...]
That feeling of emptiness is the most evident result of its falling.
Non-human species suffer as a direct result of the fall of man.
The animal died a week later, although Zoo officials did not say the death was a direct result of the fall.
China - based Citic Group has flagged a $ US1.4 billion to $ US1.8 billion impairment at its Sino Iron magnetite project in the Pilbara as a result of the falling value of iron ore.
«We have so many casualties proliferating of women and men collapsing from burnout, being distracted, depleted and unfulfilled,» says Huffington, who is herself one of those casualties: She collapsed from exhaustion and broke her cheekbone as a result of the fall — an accident that resulted from working regular 18 - hour days for the preceding two years while she was building HuffPo.
The Huffington Post founder had collapsed of exhaustion and broken her cheekbone as a result of the fall — a collapse that resulted from working regular 18 - hour days for the preceding two years while she was building the site, now one of the most widely - read in the U.S.
Energy companies have suffered as a result of the falling oil prices and industry stocks were hit hard again to start the week.
The Emirates flight to Dubai, United Arab Emirates was delayed for roughly an hour as a result of the fall.
Rising margins are more the result of falling oil prices.
The fall in values over 2003 was due largely to a decline in Australian dollar prices, as a result of falls in the world price of many manufactured goods coupled with the effects of the appreciation of the Australian dollar over this period.
SIMSBURY, Conn. --(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ruark Consulting, LLC today released the results of its fall 2017 studies of variable annuity policyholder behavior.
In a press release highlighting the results of the fall 2017 Bank of America Business Advantage Small Business Owner Report, which is a semi-annual survey of 1,000 business owners around the country, the financial institution said close to three - quarters of urban entrepreneurs are upbeat about their year - end revenue prospects.
Specifically, a slowing economy can be said to be the result of falling «aggregate demand», and when the pace of economic activity is rapid it can be said to be the result of surging «animal spirits».
Elsewhere, as I wrote last month, U.S. consumption is likely stronger than headline figures suggest, when you consider that much recent weakness is a result of falling oil prices and the dynamic of new technologies» downward influence on price.
Although retail sales rose in July, the increase was driven by higher food costs, itself a result of the fall in the British pound since the referendum result.
Though many people consider work to be part of the curse that came upon humankind as a result of the fall in Genesis 3, the truth is that work was given to Adam and Eve prior to their choice to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Properly speaking, it is human suffering and death which are a result of the Fall, not disease and death in the purely material creation.
Death in this manner is a result of the Fall which will eventually be reversed.
Both the materiality of the body and the division of the sexes are seen as a results of the Fall.
I do nt usually argue with fellow believers, but in this case I would point out that there is no scriptural evidence that Adam changed physically as a result of the fall (by adding genitalia)
This world that we live in, where death, sickness and tragedy reign is a result of that fall.
The state of earth is the result of the fall.
Or those who counsel, with Peter Augustine Lawler (and perhaps with Walker Percy), that humanity's cosmic «homelessness,» a result of the Fall, means that we must remain aloof from attempts to become «too much at home» on this earth.
It must be addressed as a result of the fall, like Cancer, which is treated though God's working through human agents and rarely through miraculous intervention.
Contemporary Reformation theology modifies this view at the point of rejecting the biological inheritance of sin as the result of the fall of Adam, yet holds essentially to this idea of sin as a pervasive state of sinfulness.
Evil things, such as the diseases you list, came as a result of the fall.
As a result of the Fall, says John Paul II, bodily sexuality «was suddenly felt and understood as an element of mutual confrontation of persons... as if the personal profile of masculinity and femininity, which before had highlighted the meaning of the body for a full communion of persons, had made way only for the sensation of sexuality with regard to the other human being.
Differentiation between the sexes according to Luther is a result of the fall of our first parents: «If the woman had not been deceived by the serpent and had not sinned, she would have been the equal of Adam in all respects.
Men's dominion over women is a result of the fall and is, therefore, something to be overcome in Christ, however imperfectly, in this life.
Our argument was that sickness is the result of a fallen, sinful world and since sin wasn't passed down to Jesus through his father did he have the ability to get sick?
Of course, some contemporary Christian theologians would concede that Christianity historically considered the continual presence of death a result of the fall from an original perfection, but they could not themselves attribute death so unequivocally to sin.
Humanity's carnivorous behavior only began as a result of the Fall.
I think that as a result of the fall of Adam and Eve into sin, and as a natural consequences of living spiritually separated from God for so long, we have lost much of our capacity to know God.
I think that as a result of the fall, we lost much of our ability to understand and interact with Him, this world, and one another.
Numerous commentators, particularly among contract or consent theorists, maintain that government is a result of the Fall — something that would not be necessary were it not for Adam's sin.
One might question whether pain itself is evil and is a result of the fall, or whether the pain was more mental and psychological than physical?
But he goes further, suggesting the maxim «Orare humanum est, laborare diabolicum» because «the necessity for work is ultimately the result of the Fall, and therefore of the devil».
«This text refers to the curse given by God as a result of the Fall.
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