Sentences with phrase «result of trash»

Come join us and view the result of trash transformed into treasure.
Ocean pollution is most often the result of trash being dumped from the land, but marine littering isn't uncommon.
The results of you trashing true Christianity is not having the effects you desire.
As a result of the trashing, Bentley is requiring Mr. Guns N» Roses to fork over $ 74,000 for all the damage he did to the car.

Not exact matches

They are the result of a systematic dismembering, a «trashing» of our culture that is «intentional, not accidental,» as Myron Magnet puts it in his recent The Dream and the Nightmare.
Thankfully, though it took a while to perfect my approach, the following 5 or 6 attempts only resulted in a trash can full of unsatisfactory baked goods rather than more kitchen disasters.
This has resulted in a trunk load of trash bags that are on their way to donation.
well I read on that Monaco is planning on giving fans refund of the money they used to watch psg trash them like babies I just began to wonder how many dollars arsenal would have to return to fans for our 8 -0,6-2,6-0 and all sort of result we have gotten over the years but no our manager is instead given a payrise...
This has resulted in a slew of families getting creative by making old items new again... «For one, I cloth diaper my children which I figured has saved us a ton of money and cuts back on our curbside trash,» she says.»
The overarching point of Murphy's piece is that the new nutritional standards of the Healthy, Hunger - Free Kids Act (HHFKA) are a dismal failure, resulting in «trash cans... overflowing» with healthier food «while [cafeteria] cash register receipts are diminishing as children either toss out the healthier meals or opt to brown - bag it.»
«What resulted was overly broad legislation that would prevent the county from reimbursing any municipality in the county for any fees that are on their tax warrants, and so the response from not just myself, but the mayors of Cohoes and Watervliet and Supervisor Paula Mahan was that this legislation changing a decades - old way of making municipalities whole for their tax levies was really thrown in to complete and utter confusion and disarray, with legislative leaders saying that the legislation or the resolution meant something different than the letter of the resolution, and all of it really could have been addressed if the leadership of the county legislature had simply reached out, sent us a letter, picked up the phone to have a conversation about their concerns with respect to the trash fee.»
The unrestricted use of trawl nets results in overfishing and the dumping of unwanted species — the by - catch or «trash fish».
The samples of trash and marine life gathered during Alguita's winter voyage — buckets of plastic, garbage, and algaelike organisms — are still being evaluated and lab tested, and the results will be available this summer.
Fish don't usually die as a direct result of feeding on the enormous quantities of plastic trash floating in the oceans.
Ok not locking out i feel is best for results BUT my lower back muscles were trashed, ihad to stretch immediately waited a couple minutes i did 74 rest paused only 10 sec pause, then 185 22 reps nonstop then a drop set 135 20 reps i had to stop my back was cramping i waited 5 minutes and did 135 a few more sets of 20 I'm hoping my back will adapt i don't like cutting the set short and stopping at the top is how i used to train and got me nowhere maybe stronger but in terms of pump not loving out on squats is tremendous.
None of these results justify tossing your ice bags into the trash bag, but again simply suggest that icing by itself may not work in some cases.
It's left to a refreshingly diverse international cast of consummate professionals — led, once more, by an increasingly disconsolate - looking Tom Hanks — to breathe what conviction they can into this hoary material, but the result still gives the lie to the old industry maxim that great cinema can spring from trash literature.
It's a projection of her misanthropy, but the result is that Tonya, an only child who likes trucks and chopping wood, grows up to be a heavy - metal figure skater from white - trash hell.
One of my sons came to me today, commenting on how stupid it was for there to be deaths that occurred as a result of a lousy movie trashing the so - called «prophet Muhammad.»
The upbeat results are being driven in part by new products such as OdorShield trash bags, according to Morningstar, and management expects sales and earnings to stay strong for the rest of the year.
Translation: 7 million (or about 2 percent of the population of the United States) have had their credit trashed as a result of their student loans and can have 25 percent in penalties added onto their total student loan debts.
If the kitchen trash can is not secured, or if young children have been lavishing some of their own goodies on their beloved new furry friend, the puppy can have diarrhea as a result of eating things that his developing intestinal tract is not able to digest easily.
Diarrhea can also occur as the result of an abrupt change in diet or from a dietary indiscretion, such as if the puppy gets into the trash can and consumes something that doesn't agree with him.
But as a result of education and awareness, even my six year old now automatically seeks out the blue garbage cans and sorts his trash.
The trailer home floors were covered in trash, feces and cockroaches.The Duhon's three children, 8, 11, and 14 years old, were taken into the custody of D.H.S., after they were found living in deplorable conditions, and were in need of medical treatment resulting from tick, flea, and other insect bites.
The data collected at the cleanups have resulted in national and international laws that help keep trash out of the ocean and inspires companies to produce new packaging that protects ocean life.
With more money thrown at nonsense and trash, this encourages more of the same to be made since people know it will sell, and the industry suffers as a result.
As a result, around the bed there's dirty underwear, used condoms, liquor bottles, trash, and as such was condemned «obscene» by the general public — even «sluttish», and by an art critic too, given that the work was, ironically, fighting this kind of prejudice.
Trash - symbolic of a saturated culture - emerges as a language of composition, resulting in an eerie amalgamation of past, present, and future.
CARBON; FIRE; GAS; NOISE; SILENCE; PLASTIC; DIET COKE; DEBRIS; PRODUCT; ALLUMINUM [sic]; INFORMATION; COPY; MARKETING; TRASH; VOICES; BURPS; RECORDINGS; RADIO; CC; FORM - EXFORM; THEORIES; POST-PUNK-POST-PRODUCT; STRATEGIC UNPREDICTABILITY; BORDER - MEXICO - U.S.. In the lead - up to her third solo exhibition at Greenspon, Mexico City - based Adriana Lara supplied this dizzying end - times vocab list to half a dozen writers as fuel for a series of original conspiracy theories, making the (suitably paranoid) results available in the gallery as simple printed handouts.
Anyway, I've stashed a plot of my results (plotted against the official NASA / GISS results) in my gmail inbox so that I can whip it out on my smartphone on short notice should the need arise (i.e. whenever relatives / co - workers / whoever decide to start trash - talking climate scientists in my presence).
But the UK is not the only place this is happening — and early results from one community in Maine suggest that trash metering can slash landfill waste and greatly boost recycling rates in a matter of weeks.
As a result, residents took matters into their own hands and started burning hundreds of piles of trash, releasing a cocktail of potentially toxic vapors.
As a result of the limited amount of space in the surrounding landfills, trash collection has now completely stopped.
If the novelty is lost by poor methodology, then simply getting a result that you could have guessed without performing the study, does not rescue an otherwise atrociously bad paper from its deserved place in the trash bin of history.
As a result of their support, National River Cleanup registers more cleanups, welcomes more volunteers to their local rivers and streams, and sees more pounds of trash are removed.
I used the word «trash» to describe the two graphs he linked to, and the word «retarded» to describe his sophomoric interpretation of a result that is unclear to me and to many others who've bothered to scan his work.
Mann et al are being «hounded» for two major reasons: fraudulent manipulation of data to produce «results» that would support political actions advocated by fellow «progressives» and conspiring with other prominent progressive climatologists and organizations to suppress conflicting data by trashing, personally and professionally, and blackballing the scientists who collected and attempted to disseminate it.
Giving gifts just for the sake of giving loses its noble purpose when it results in an overstuffed house and more trash in our landfill sites.
This doesn't include the avoided methane emissions — a gas with 30 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide — that result from trash decomposing in a landfill.
Maintaining a client that doesn't pay their bills, takes too much of your time and potentially trash talks about you in public produces the opposite results that your Partners want to see.
While you may be able to take out the trash, go to a social party, or even go shopping at the mall, those seemingly innocent activities may result in extreme pain later in the evening or even days of immobility.
Keep your resume out of the trash and get results!
SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS • Attended all monthly team meetings and provided cleaning managers with feedback which led to 50 % increase in the overall efficiency • Reported defective equipment and safety concerns to supervisor which led to increase in personal accountability as well as 80 % increase in school's safety environment • Used an assortment of a trash compactors which decreased 70 % waste bulk • Cleaned and maintained high school facilities and led a custodial staff of 6 six members which resulted in absolute reliability and trust amongst colleagues and school staff
It is difficult for rejected parents when they are dealing with children who display extreme rebellion, destroy property, perpetually trash family dinners, refuse visitation (in the absence of true abuse and neglect) and many other manifestations of undesirable behavior that result from parental alienation.
I was positively fuming: After four months of work, I wasn't happy with the results and decided I would have to trash the site.
What if the results turn out to be 60 plus percent in favour of trashing CREA?
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