Sentences with phrase «result of working»

As a result of working with Eskolta, all teachers at MHCHS report using more performance - based tasks in the classroom, which in turn has helped students prepare more thoroughly for their Regents Exams.
I think it's particularly important, there's a domain to do with professional learning and that gives schools a very good idea of «the extent to which staff members feel that, as a result of working in this school I am improving my teaching».
A 17 per cent increase in school meal uptake was seen as a result of working with the school, the pupils and the lunchtime supervisors.
factor many students experience in the class has only been heightened as a result of working with people who had been virtual strangers prior to the beginning of class.
This led to all manner of injury as the result of working with unpredictable animals.
Unlike Ferrell, Wahlberg has a few especially strong films on his resume — a result of working with directors like Martin Scorsese, Paul Thomas Anderson, and David O. Russell — but both stars have appeared in far too many middling films, as you can see below.
«Not only has my confidence skyrocketed as a result of working with her, but I have learned to take care of myself.»
And as a result of working out harder and longer, you stimulate more muscle fibers for greater growth.
What ended up happening as a result of working with Sarah is that I feel more confident in my own work as a pilates instructor and I'm excited about losing my «pooch» for the first time!
As a result of research on sights like this I have come to the conclusion I have increased Cortisol as a result of working out too much and not consuming enough calories.
My life has literally changed for the BEST as a result of working out with Louben Repke!
As a result of working with the Raspberry Pi Projects Kit, Laura says she is now interested in learning more about computer programming, learning Python, and writing more sophisticated code that she can hook to her creative projects and circuits.
I can't remember if I looked for experience because I was already interested in a «communicating» job, or if Belinda and Ray were looking for volunteers and as a result of working with them, I realised this was what I wanted to do.
«I also know that as a result of working with the police, we have police strategically placed throughout the zone, every morning or whatever.
As a result of working with my husband's senior writing group and helping him and several other members self - publish eBooks and paperbacks, I have learned enough to create a course on
Some are able to buy their own phone from the money they earn as a result of working part - time, but the more likely scenario is that you, their parent, ends up buying them one.
The effort to create universally accessible wildlife sanctuaries was the result of working with partners and generous supporters.
«As a result of working closely with all of the project partners, we can proudly offer our thermoforming customers a new resin that really boosts the optical properties of rigid packaging applications beyond existing levels.»
Caribbean Food Delights» most popular product overall is the spicy beef patty, but the Sabrina's Delights products came as the result of working with its retail partners to create other popular goods.
HoSang says Caribbean Food Delights» most popular product overall is the spicy beef patty, but the Sabrina Delights items came as the result of working with its retail partners to create other popular goods.
The ultimate spiritual question is, is human being with his / her awakening to self - identity and personhood an accident in the evolutionary process and earth's history or is it really the result of the working of some purposive cosmic force, God or whatever?
The eleventh Anga is filled with legends of the retribution which various people have suffered or enjoyed as a result of the working of the principle of Dharma not only in this but in preceding successive births.
Not long ago tens of thousands of people mourned the death of a fifteen - year - old boy who died of toxic poisoning as the result of working only six months in a mercury - producing factory.
He later became a philologist, and the fantasy worlds he created were partly the result of working out the logic of the languages that he had invented.
The programs taught me about (1) admitting I was beat, (2) coming to believe in something greater than myself (eventually a higher power)(many evolutions and concepts of HP, all of these at one time or another: nature, the 12 steps, creator, Love, spiritual principles)(Step 3) applying my low self worth and gigantic Ego to these spiritual principles (4) write down my liabilities and assets (5) share them with another and my higher power (6 & 7) ask for the liabilites to be removed and be patient with the process (8) Make a list of all that were harmed by me (9) make amends to such folks except whn to do so would injure them or myself (10) take a daily inventory of my day, checking for snafus, mean temperment, arrogance etc (11) meditation and prayer to communicate to my higher power and quiet reflection to listen for the Truth (12) after having a spiritual awakening as a result of working these steps, help others if they wish for help because now I am in the position to assist.
Any conception of God I've found today (and it is often changing) has developed directly as a result of working with others in the program.
Sometimes it may come off as a business blog especially with the gratuitous self promotion (hey, I'm a marketer) but there are often articles, tips and resources that come as a result of working in the search marketing business and being active in the industry.
This chart shows four examples of clients whose referral numbers soared as a result of working with Marc:
As a result of working with Rachel, I added 5 figures to my business in less than 4 weeks, hundreds of new social media followers and exceeded my sales and list building goals!
What are the benefits of working with a group likeCarrick Capital Partners / have there been any changes to the company as a result of working with a private equity partner?
My book, Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive and Build Your Dream Business is the culmination of over a decade in the outsourcing industry and the result of working with thousands of entrepreneurs on their virtual team building strategies.
Following on the first three items, it helps to track how much you save as a result of working from home.
They often suffer from both mental and physical health problems at a higher rate than workers in other industries as a result of their working conditions, which include operating under hard - nosed management practices and getting yelled at all day by irate customers.
«An audacious company is one that measures its success or failure by the number of people whose lives are improved as a result of its work,» he told me.
In the near - term, Gardner says Sequence Bio plans to make the results of its work available to participants, allowing them and their doctors to use the genetic to inform prevention and treatment strategies.
If your penalty was manual, meaning someone manually issued the penalty and it wasn't the result of the work of an algorithm, you may have the opportunity to reach out to whoever issued the penalty once you've resolved the issue that caused it and request a re-review of your site.
As a result of its work during the downturn, he says, the company came out stronger than ever.
The results of that work are still to come.
I've spent a lot of time with some amazing people as a result of my work, including many who served in the U.S. military, some of whom were wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan.
The result of this work will more likely put him in the 10 percent who give birth to a successful company, founded from a place of passion combined with strong business judgment.
We are very happy with the results of our Work Truck Solutions site.
As a result of this work, the Company gained valuable insights into the permitting regimen in Serbia under the terms of its mining law, and on February 27, 2018 the Company received the exploration decline permit.
B2BX is the result of the work of a team of people who believe and know what business needs at this point of time.
Too many people depend on the results of their work for it to not be done well, efficiently, and without drama.
The work of believers is thus seen to possess a significance that goes far beyond the visible results of that work.
As a result of his work he was eventually executed for making a translation of the Bible into the English language.
Bringing to the results of the work of Jeremias insights derived from her own teacher, E. Fuchs, Miss Linnemann both interprets the parables historically and also applies the results of this interpretation to proclamation and instruction today.
We are aided in avoiding idolatry by distinguishing the Spirit that is working in us from the specific results of the work.
Chief executive, Andrea Williams told Premier: «We've met at Christian Concern many ex-prisoners who've been absolutely delighted - and had their lives transformed - as a result of the work, ministry and witness of Pastor Song.
The convergence, neither sought nor fabricated, of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in favour of this theory.»
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