Sentences with phrase «resulting daughter cells»

When cells divide, a molecular motor called the microtubule spindle helps segregate chromosomes into the resulting daughter cells.
Proper control of the cell cycle is necessary to ensure that the resulting daughter cells inherit identical copies of the DNA.

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Our results indicate that this delay may serve to coordinate the production of CySC and GSC daughter cells to ensure the correct association of one Gb with two somatic cyst cells.
As a result, the daughter cell does not inherit the defective proteins that burden the mother cell.
All human cell lines growing in tissue culture dishes, and about 95 % of cells in a human being, split evenly, resulting in daughter cells of equal size.
Mycobacteria can generate daughter cells through asymmetric growth, resulting in genetically identical, but physiologically diverse, populations.
An asymmetric cell division in non-stem cells can instead result in two daughter cells with very different fates, such as one large cell that reinitiates cell division prematurely and a much smaller cell that either grows very slowly or dies.
After chromosome segregation, the cell creates a cleavage site in between the two segregating genomes, resulting in the generation of two distinct but genetically identical daughter cells.
This division can be oriented, daughter cells can be pushed inside or outside as result of the mitotic spindle orientation, and asymmetric, daughter cells can acquire distinct components giving them different contractile properties.
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