Sentences with phrase «resulting embryos»

"Resulting embryos" refers to the embryos that are produced or formed as a consequence or outcome of a specific event or process. Full definition
The resulting embryo is implanted and a healthy baby (at least as regards mitochondrial diseases) should be born.
The resulting embryo is transferred to the other partner's uterus, and she will carry and deliver the baby.
The resulting embryo is transferred to the partner who is carrying the baby; remaining embryos are cryopreserved.
The eggs were fertilized and the resulting embryos frozen, though I didn't really plan to use them.
When the mature eggs, which have been retrieved from a woman's ovaries, have been successfully fertilized the resulting embryos begin to develop through rapid cell division.
The resulting embryo (s) are then transferred into a surrogate in order to achieve pregnancy.
Green and his colleagues are currently investigating how these epigenetic changes in the sperm of mice effect male fertility and the health of the resulting embryos conceived with these sperm.
These resulting embryos are then placed into the uterus of the gestational surrogate mother for her to carry the pregnancy to term.
These resulting embryos are then placed into the surrogate mother's uterus.
Once the mature oocytes are extracted and combined with sperm in the laboratory, any resulting embryos are placed back into the monkey's uterus.
So in animals, before an egg cell is fertilised by a sperm, its centrioles are eliminated, ensuring that the resulting embryo receives only the sperm's centrioles.
When the resulting embryo has divided into about sixteen cells, it is broken up, or disaggregated, into its component cells.
If mammoth sperm successfully fertilized an elephant egg and the resulting embryo took to a surrogate mother, a half - mammoth / half - elephant wouldn't be born for 600 days.
The resulting embryo will consist of embryonic stem cells.
That is relatively easy to understand compared with all that must happen next: producing, nurturing, storing, and dispersing the resulting embryo.
When they removed the eggs» own chromosomes, the resulting embryos all stopped developing at the six to 12 cell stage.
He knew his experimental technique was correct because when he used the same method to combine male and female genes, the resulting embryos survived.
The editing techniques would likely affect each cell differently, so that the resulting embryo would be a mosaic of cells with different genetic alterations.
«When just a single sperm enters the bird egg, fertilisation may occur normally, but the resulting embryo will probably die at a very early stage.
The resulting embryos — and live births — contained mitochondrial DNA from both egg donors along with regular, nuclear DNA from the mother and father.
In a few weeks, Machelle Seibel, a reproductive endocrinologist at the Fertility Center of New England, will mix the eggs of a much younger woman with Alan's sperm and introduce the resulting embryos to Deirdre's uterus.
Using stem cells from the resulting embryos, Wakayama and his team were able to create clones that grew into fertile adult mice.
Current techniques can't avoid dragging a small number of the mother's mitochondria into the donor egg, totalling less than 2 % of the resulting embryo's total mitochondria.
In their study last year, Newcastle researchers showed that they can transfer pronuclei between human eggs, but they have not yet implanted any resulting embryos.
The resulting embryo would carry the mitochondrial genes of the donor woman, and the nuclear DNA of their father and mother.
Just 29 of the resulting embryos were implanted into surrogate ewes.
The resulting embryos can grow up to be healthy adults, indicating that something in the egg's cytoplasm must prompt the nucleus to reverse the biochemical events that turned it into a specialized adult cell.
In the process, the cytoplasm (the cellular soup in which mitochondria and other cellular organelles float) of both cells is mixed, so one might expect the resulting embryos to inherit mitochondria from both.
Unfertilized mouse eggs can be prompted to divide in the lab, but the resulting embryos can't make a placenta and thus die in the womb well before birth.
At the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, there would now be no need to immerse eggs in a «warm bouillon of free - swimming spermatozoa» before «bokanovskification» made the resulting embryos bud into hundreds of identical cloned Gamma, Delta and Epsilon humans.
And the resulting embryos were a mosaic of modified and unmodified cells.
«When we artificially retained maternal centrioles, the resulting embryo had excessive centrioles (both maternal and paternal) resulting in abnormal divisions and aborted development, showing that centriole elimination is critical for sexual reproduction» says Inês Bento.
The resulting embryo would have genetic material from three individuals.
The resulting embryo has exactly the same DNA as the person who donated the skin cell.
The resulting embryo would then boast a mix of mostly Neanderthal (but some human) features.
(For a detailed look at the process, see How Cloning Works) This egg is stimulated to divide either chemically or with electricity, and the resulting embryo carries the patient's genetic material, which significantly reduces the risk that his or her body will reject the stem cells once they are implanted.
The resulting embryos are implanted back into the woman's uterus so that they can develop.
IVF is a process whereby eggs are fertilised with sperm outside the body (in a «test tube», as it's more commonly known), after which the resulting embryos are implanted into a female to gestate.
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