Sentences with phrase «resulting gas»

The resulting gas — almost all hydrogen and helium — was transparent, allowing photons to zip freely through space at last.
In laser deposition, researchers vaporize a polyethylene oxide with focused lasers, allowing the resulting gas to deposit on a silicon wafer.
This didn't succeed either, because the resulting gas vesicles were too small to efficiently scatter sound waves.
The key to the mixture's stability is replacing some of the hydrogen in typical silane with other molecules, such as carbon, to make the resulting gas less explosive.
The nutrients were laced with radioactive carbon, so if the solution was digested, a radiation monitor above the sample would detect the resulting gas.
The infrared spectrum of the resulting gas, as well as mass spectrometry, showed clear signs of methyl isocyanate.
All the resulting gas and dust eventually formed into the universe we know today due to gravity as well.
They exposed the resulting gas to light, photo - oxidizing the mixture to mimic the natural aging process that occurs in the atmosphere.
In other words, we would need to grow crops that suck CO2 from the air, then burn them to generate electricity and store the resulting gases so there is less CO2 in the atmosphere overall.
The resulting gas expansion pushes the piston down, but the combustion happens in the cavity in the head.
To stand the best chance of keeping the planetary warming below an internationally agreed target of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit above preindustrial levels and thus avoiding the most dangerous effects of climate change, the panel found, only about 1 trillion tons of carbon can be burned and the resulting gas spewed into the atmosphere.
The SOLAR - JET team is the first to have demonstrated the entire process using solar heat, to split the H2O and CO2 and to store, compress, and to then process the resulting gas via the Fischer - Tropsch method into jet fuel.
-- The term «qualified waste - to - energy» means energy from the combustion of post-recycled municipal solid waste, or from the gasification or pyrolization of such waste and the combustion of the resulting gas at the same facility, if the owner or operator of the facility generating electricity from the energy provides to the Commission, on an annual basis --
No more than one trillion metric tons of carbon could be burned and the resulting gases released into the atmosphere, the panel found, if planetary warming is to be kept below 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Celsius) above the level of preindustrial times.
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