Sentences with phrase «resulting hydrostatic pressure»

Photograph 4: Precast Trim — It is absolutely critical to drain the back surfaces of these trim elements to prevent perched water and resulting hydrostatic pressure.

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This has been attributed to high - velocity jets of CSF caused by obstruction of the foramen magnum by the herniated portion of the cerebellum and overcrowded brain parenchyma in the caudal occipital region [5] which is hypothesised to set up a hydrostatic pressure differential between the spinal cord and subarachnoid space and results in the accumulation of perivascular fluid which eventually forms a syrinx [9].
Accordingly, the local pressure imbalances and resulting atmospheric accelerations are much smaller in the vertical orientation than in the horizontal plane, the result being an atmosphere in approximate hydrostatic equilibrium (Gill, 1982).
Given the lithostatic and hydrostatic pressures for 1 — 2 km of overlying geological strata, and our results that appear to rule out the rapid movement of deep brines to near the surface, we believe that this mechanism is unlikely.
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