Sentences with phrase «results in misleading ways»

Which factors can affect lab test values in the short term and skew test results in misleading ways?

Not exact matches

The raw data might be misleading in some ways, but what becomes apparent right away when comparing results between the regions is just how similar the areas have become.
See «anti-cholesterol attacks on eggs resulted in severe economic loss through a reduction in egg consumption,» so the egg industry created a «National Commission on Egg Nutrition» to combat the anti-cholesterol, anti-egg publicity with ads like this, exclaiming there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that eating eggs in any way increases the risk of heart attack,» which the U.S. Court of Appeals found patently false and misleading.
Online dating can result in successful relationships for many but there are unscrupulous people out there too, whose mission is to scam you or mislead you in one way or another.
The results produced by this first approach could be misleading, however, if middle schools with later start times differ from other schools in unmeasured ways.
Kobo recently raised the ire of some authors due to restrictions in its self - publishing platform, Writing Life, due to the appearance of erotica and adult - themed self - published ebooks making their way into online book retailers» children's sections, with the end result being a statement from the company that they will not consider for sale certain inappropriate thematic elements and that, like most of the other retailers including Amazon and Barnes and Noble, they would be deleting titles whose metadata or keywords seemed intentionally misleading.
The way in which the results of this survey have been presented to and promoted by the media is extremely misleading.
It's one thing to hold other processes and variables fixed, but the results could be deeply misleading — especially if the variables we're holding fixed are in any way interdependent.
manipulating (e.g., presenting content developed by others) listing content in any way that produces a deceptive or misleading result; or
b. manipulate (e.g., presenting content developed by others) listing and other content in any way that produces a deceptive or misleading result;
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