Sentences with phrase «results someone have achieved»

Then focus on specific results you've achieved in those areas of expertise — how other organizations have improved because of you.
Don't forget to list projects you have led, skills you have acquired, and results you've achieved for your organization.
Since automotive manufacturers must trust the device's ability to provide the same results they'd achieve with their own test vehicles, manufacturers needed to be involved from the start.
Despite the excellent run of results we have achieved this season.
Be sure to address the major needs required and demonstrate results you've achieved in line with the level requested.
Use your resume to show specific results you've achieved in the past so they can get an idea of what you could do for their company if they hire you.
First of all, congrats on the great result you've achieved so far, the way to go.
Instead of writing about responsibilities, I wrote about results I had achieved or goals I had met or exceeded.
Take your key skills you bring to the role and list results you have achieved on behalf of your employer / previous employer.
Rather, focus on the tangible results you've achieved in previous roles; a slight, but important, distinction.
Your focus should be on using action verbs to illustrate concrete results you've achieved in your role.
You could take an accomplishments approach and list the three or four big results you have achieved on behalf of your past employers or clients.
Offer measurable evidence of positive results you've achieved in previous roles.
No lawyer should get a report on SEO and not be able to understand what the agency has been doing or what results they have achieved.
That's a very low barrier and, depending on what the prizes are in your contest, you may want to raise the bar and ask for a comment, a suggestion for topics for your next book, or for results they've achieved using your ideas or your program.
Pergo products have been independently tested in accordance with CHPS 01350 and based upon results has achieved FloorScore Certification. advise you to use numbers to emphasize results you've achieved.
You feel that the company is truly at your service but that you can constantly re-discuss the direction of the project on the basis of the very last result you have achieved
Next up is a fun interview that Paul Wheaton — the same guy who brought us videos on moldy hay as lawn fertilizer, environmentalists» over-obsession with native species, and making seed balls for no - till farming — conducted with Mark Van Der Meer on his accidental hugelkultur raised bed, and the stunning results it has achieved.
To learn more about individual results we have achieved, please review our Verdicts And Settlements page.
Our success is reflected in the numerous writing awards our litigators have won, and of greater importance, in the exemplary results we have achieved for our clients.
Earlier this week I featured a technology leader and client of mine, Altan Khendup, in a blog post explaining his job search strategies and the phenomenal results he has achieved.
I've been following the Weight Watchers No Count plan since August 2016 and have been amazed by the weight loss results I have achieved.
By far the best results I have achieved for my clients have occurred when I have had a good working relationship with my opponent and we have learned to trust each other's integrity while still representing our respective clients» interests to the full.
Free consultations give you the chance to ask the credit repair company you're considering what kind of results they've achieved in the past with cases similar to yours, and how they think you should go about the process of repairing your credit.
However, what can turn things around for job seekers is when they can clearly identify achievements (specific results you have achieved for the company).
Your resume should be clear about results you've achieved
Good questions to ask include what results they have achieved with other businesses, whether they have any testimonials, as well as the expected time frame it would take to sell your business at that price.
Focus more on the results they have achieved and the testimonials they can deliver to you.
The results he has achieved have been exceptional.
I'm not being disrespectful to the other players I've played with, but the results I've achieved with those two shows what a good understanding we have and they have both helped me improve as a player.
The result we have achieved is not perfect by any means, but I believe the nightmare is over.»
«His work has helped build support through the party and in communities across the state for many of the results we have achieved,» Cuomo said.
All they care about is the results you've achieved.
«Despite the small sample size, statistically the results have achieved significance due to the magnitude of change in the performance of the use of the device within each subject.»
Among the results he has achieved are demonstrations of the quantum teleportation between material objects, a quantum memory for light, an optical detection of radio waves using a nanomechanical oscillator, a quantum optical interface with a one dimensional atomic crystal, and measurement of motion not restricted by the Heisenberg uncertainty.
The results we have achieved are very significant, particularly in osteoarthritis.
I love the results I have achieved and am now motivated to keep going by building my strength and fitness to lower my body fat percentage a bit more with the help of a PT.
Next month we'll be bringing you the next piece of the puzzle: a whole new workout to build upon the results you've achieved this month.
Q: I just read one of your columns and was very encouraged by the results you've achieved.
I didn't really have any experience lately with bleaching my hair or achieving a perfect pastel hair colour, but after researching for quite a while and watching endless youtube tutorials, I'm totally happy with the results I have achieved!
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