Sentences with phrase «results than ideology»

Gibson, a highly decorated retired U.S. Army officer from Kinderhook, is reaching out to voters as a pragmatic, middle - of - the - road Republican more interested in results than ideology.

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Communist evil, Niebuhr said, resulted from its monopoly of power (absolute power over other men producing evils worse than injustice), its utopianism (attribution of the source of evil to something outside man — private property), its faith in revolution (a substitute religion), and its dogmatism (ideology masquerading as science).
Many men in power fail to discern that their privilege is the result of a male - dominated ideology rather than by equal opportunity and fairness.
Apparently it is easier and more comforting for gun rights activists to believe outrageous falsehoods than to acknowledge the tragedies that arise as a result of their beloved ideology.
Although both events resulted in some administrative changes on both campuses and freer access to dissident opinion, the recent violent protest on the U.C. Berkeley campus have been completely antithetical to the ideology expressed a bit more than half a century ago on college campuses across the country.
The results suggest that users hold the key to challenging their own thoughts and ideas, and that Facebook probably presents individuals with more ideology - challenging ideas than most blogs and news wires.
Teachers will remain caught between ideologies of short - term economic efficiencies and the findings of educational research — between bottom lines and holistic student development; caught in the rough - edged cogs of funding formulae about resources and student achievement; caught by the Gonskis in the public - private funding debate; stuck between the so - far - disappointing results of national, standardised testing and teacher accountability (more effort is made to hold teachers accountable than trust them!).
-- Anthony Watts, webmaster of, September 30, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «Having observed how the EPA has functioned for more than three decades, Carlin warns that its current «environmental policy has been hijacked by radicals intent on imposing their ideology by government fiat on the rest of us whether we like it or not... If environmental policy is based on government fiat or «green» policy prescriptions the results have been and are very likely to continue to be disastrous.»
The requirement is (i) quite clearly contrary to my rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, (ii) in my opinion, ultra vires the powers of the Law Society, (iii) contrary to, and indeed ignorant of, the role and function of a lawyer in a liberal democracy, (iv) the result of political ideology, rather than any evidence - based process, and (v) deeply offensive to me personally in terms of its clear implication that I and my profession and society are racist.
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