Sentences with phrase «resurrection from the dead»

Many honest people find it very difficult to accept the idea of resurrection from the dead.
Wolfhart Pannenberg urges us to adopt, in its essential outline, the anticipation of a general resurrection from the dead as the only adequate context within which to judge the evidence.
Jesus's resurrection from the dead inaugurated God's new beginning, which the New Testament calls «the last days.»
Jesus» resurrection from the dead defies our worldly sophistication.
miraculous resurrection from the dead or You put your faith in science which is anti-supernatural, 100 % rational, observable, confirmable w / o «irrational» faith.
The Gospel is the good news that God has sent his son Jesus Christ into the world in order to reconcile Creator to creation, which will renew all things and he has done all this through Jesus» perfect sinless life, bloody atoning death on the cross and subsequent resurrection from the dead.
Jesus was the Christ from the moment of his conception, but it took the events of salvation and his bodily resurrection from the dead for him to be recognized as such by men.
When the Gospel according to Matthew uses the story of Jonah as a symbol of resurrection from the dead, (Matthew xii.
When early missionaries converted the Saxons to Christianity, the holiday, occurring the same time as the memorial of Christ's resurrection from the dead, was merged into one celebration.
Both the Christian celebration of Jesus» resurrection from the dead and our sharing in it through baptism, and the Jewish Passover celebration of their deliverance from slavery and oppression are understood in the light of the Exodus.
Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven is also a fact.
However, the Bible teaches that when a person dies, then, they as a soul, die and is in the grave, awaiting a resurrection from the dead.
In the earliest period, for example, the appointment of Jesus as son of God came only after his resurrection from the dead (cf. Rom.
35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, 36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels.
The restoration of Israel, in fact, will have the character of a resurrection from the dead.
The scene is nothing like the spectacles created by presidential candidates with their bussed - in crowds and their camera crews The stories the Gospel writers tell about the resurrection from the dead of the Savior of the world are undramatic, understated, maybe even recklessly minimalist compared to the dénouements of Greek heroes, Teutonic goddesses and Harry Potter.
An historical fact which involves a resurrection from the dead is utterly inconceivable!
Sunday is the octave of Easter, which commemorates the eighth day after Jesus's resurrection from the dead.
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead
His sacrifice upon the cross is our redemption, and His resurrection from the dead is our pledge of eternal life.
(The «it» in these verses refers specifically to «the resurrection from the dead» [verse 11].
If you ask the average Christians how God is most clearly revealed in Jesus Christ, they may talk about His teachings, His miracles, or maybe even His resurrection from the dead, but few would point to the cross.
Jesus comes again in the threefold form of his Parousia: in the resurrection from the dead, in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and in the consummation.
This person God raised up on the third day, and permitted him to be visible, not to the whole people, but to witnesses chosen in advance by God — namely to us, who ate and drank with him after his resurrection from the dead.
But wherever we stand, Easter is the season where all Christians should join in remembering how Jesus Christ, the light of the world, won a victory over the forces of darkness by his resurrection from the dead.
Peter tells those who had collaborated in the death of Jesus that his resurrection from the dead meant that he had now become the Lord, which means our judge.
After all, Paul says that Jesus was «designated Son of God... by his resurrection from the dead».
Mary Magdalene, once possessed by seven demons, became the first witness of Christ's resurrection from the dead, and the first person in history to tell others the full and complete message of Christ's power over sin and death.
The New Testament pictures Jesus as leading a host of captives into the heavenly paradise by his resurrection from the dead (Eph.
Nowhere are we closer to the Christian kerygma: hope is hope of resurrection, resurrection from the dead.
In Romans 1:4 he says that Jesus was «designated Son of God... by his resurrection from the dead».
Concerning these he said, «I count everything sheer loss, because all is far outweighed by the gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I did in fact lose everything... All I care for is to know Christ, to experience the power of his resurrection, and to share his sufferings, in growing conformity with his death, if only I may finally arrive at the resurrection from the dead.
If the Resurrection is resurrection from the dead, all hope and freedom are in spite of death.
And it was further implied that since their tombs still contained their mortal remains, it was their souls that were alive; it was their souls which had attained to the resurrection from the dead.
In the Old Testament and the Apocrypha the hope of a resurrection from the dead has been expressed in a clear but restrained way.
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the sharing of his sufferings by becoming like him in his death, if somehow I may attain the resurrection from the dead.
«The men and women of this world marry; but those who have been judged worthy of a place in the other world and of the resurrection from the dead, do not marry, for they are not subject to death any longer.
He said that the New Testament «last things» are described in the fundamental symbols of the return of Christ, the last judgment, and the resurrection from the dead.
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