Sentences with phrase «retailers know about the company»

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For would - be Amazon partners, this is just the latest cautionary tale about the risks of doing business with the online retail giant: No matter what the company says, there are no equal partnerships when Amazon is involved.
Gill didn't know biscuits about the doggie daycare business, but he had a love of dogs and more than 30 years of experience in retail and franchising with companies like Pizza Hut and Gloria Jean's Coffee.
«Very big companies don't know a goddamn thing about customer service,» notes retail guru Stanley Marcus, chairman emeritus of Neiman Marcus Group.
At the same time, we saw investors that were passionate about these innovative consumer product and retail companies, but didn't know how to get in touch with the entrepreneurs.
Although Peppers Unlimited of Louisiana Inc. is a global business with more than 500 customers in foodservice and retail, most people don't know about the company, President George Bulliard Sr. admits.
lthough Peppers Unlimited of Louisiana Inc. is a global business with more than 500 customers in foodservice and retail, most people don't know about the company, President George Bulliard Sr. admits.
For instance, Cotton Babies, the company who makes bumGenius, always lets subscribers know about their seconds sales as well as clearances on their brands, which are often better than when cloth diaper retailers clearance those same products.
While I donate a fair amount to Goodwill every year and visit one of their retail centers at least monthly, I didn't know much about the company.
One day he was analyzing the financial statements of few companies that he realized that he know a lot about retail business and it will be not be bad to buy stocks of only those companies that he can understand well.
Many companies he follows are growing fast and generating a lot of cash, but retail investors know very little about them because they fly under Wall Street's radar.
Generally, penny stocks are not known to many as retail investors do not have information about these stocks and the institutional investors do not invest in these companies because of their low market capitalization.
Companies like Sleepypod, Coastal Pet Products, Gen7 and Worldwise have made it easy for retailers and customers to know about appropriate travel products by designating their carriers as airline - compliant.
We know a lot about what certain retail companies might want and what their expectations are around tenancy terms, so we've created teams that know the tenant and we understand before we've even picked up the phone to the solicitor acting for the tenant precisely what the points are going to be and we can clear those with the client.
For a carpet company in Sumter, a retail store in Columbia, or a physical therapy center in Spartanburg, the facts are the same: you're going to need different forms of business insurance, so you should know about ways to save.
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