Sentences with phrase «to retain high quality teachers»

and more competitive teacher compensation (permitting schools and districts to recruit and retain a higher quality teacher workforce).
At a time when no teacher in the state has received a meaningful increase in pay in at least five years, will these solutions be enough to attract and retain high quality teachers in North Carolina?
«As the former Director of UChicago's Urban Teacher Education Program, she has deep expertise in what it takes to train and retain high quality teachers within some of the nation's most distressed communities and challenging classroom environments.
«Whether (the law) or policies like it succeed in attracting and retaining high quality teachers remains an open question.»
Michigan's average teacher salary has dropped for the fifth year in a row, and many districts say they have trouble retaining high quality teachers because of low pay.
All that said, I argue that regardless of how this compares to other geographies or districts, we're simply not spending enough on teacher's salaries to truly attract and retain a high quality teacher workforce.
Jerry Lager, Superintendent of Schools of Ki Charter testimony focused on teacher compensation and shared his school's best practices to retain high quality teachers.
Without providing probationary teachers with the prospect of these job protections, they further argued, it will be difficult to attract and retain high quality teachers — especially in light of the low salaries the state offers to them.
Our state is truly beginning to take the steps necessary to support our schools in their work to recruit and retain high quality teachers.
Back in 2013, lawmakers did away with paying teachers more for obtaining advanced degrees — a move that many said would hurt North Carolina's ability to attract and retain high quality teachers to the state's classrooms.
The pilot, «Differentiated Pay for Highly Effective Teachers,» comes at a time when the state is facing what some say is a crisis when it comes to recruiting and retaining high quality teachers.
Pension legacy costs can restrict the amount of resources available for current public education and make it more difficult to attract and retain high quality teachers.
Preparation and professional development programs that support principals» ability to improve schools and to recruit and retain high quality teachers.
Leaders within the education system are painfully aware of the challenges of recruiting and retaining high quality teachers, both at primary and secondary level.
Further, the court pointed out evidence that was brought to the lower court indicating that tenure «was an important incentive in recruiting and retaining high quality teachers
«A strong support system for pre-service and new teachers is essential for attracting and retaining high quality teachers
The strain on school budgets impacts the ability of school districts to hire and sometimes to retain high quality teachers.
«The new law would have only forced teachers to give up these very basic protections and further undermined the ability of districts to recruit and retain high quality teachers,» Van Roekel said.
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