Sentences with phrase «retaliating against paladino»

But Paladino's lawyers claimed that the school board was retaliating against Paladino for his remarks by filing the charges that he leaked board private information.

Not exact matches

Paladino's defense is that those seeking his removal are retaliating against him for the comments he made in the Artvoice story late last year about President Obama and his wife, not disclosing confidential information.
«Mr. Paladino has raised the affirmative defense that he is the victim of a conspiracy to retaliate against him for his constitutionally protected speech.
But Paladino's legal team has managed to successfully redirect the hearing's focus, arguing that those seeking his removal are retaliating against him for the comments he made late last year about President Obama and his wife, not disclosing confidential information.
Paladino's main defense at a hearing in Albany before state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, who will decide if Paladino should be removed, is that those seeking his removal are retaliating against him for comments he made late last year about President Obama and his wife, not for disclosing confidential information.
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