Sentences with word «retard»

The word "retard" is a derogatory term that is used to insult or make fun of someone with a developmental or intellectual disability. It is hurtful and offensive to use this word, as it promotes discrimination and disrespect towards people who may face challenges in their daily lives. Full definition
The image of mentally retarded people as innocent, childlike creatures who can do no deliberate wrong is only one of many simplistic ways of describing them that have done more harm than good.
«Some of the most important applications have been to the training of retarded children, to the elimination of sexual disorders, to the large - scale amelioration of adult psychotic behavior, to the training of autistic children, to the re-education of delinquent adolescents... to marriage counseling, to weight control and to
In severe cases, fatty acid deficiency may lead to problems such as retarded growth and weight loss, impaired wound healing, and increased vulnerability to infection.
The very high profile cast including Michael Fassbender, Brendan Gleeson and Sean Harris (going full retard in this one, and defying the old Robert Downy Jr. commentary on this — he is excellent here, but not featured at all in the trailer.
In Macon, Georgia, an interdenominational class for retarded children includes Jews, Roman Catholics and Baptists.
But in human infants, its associated with retarded growth and a few veterinary centers (like UPEI) mention seeing link between the condition and slowed puppy growth.
All states are required by law to offer early intervention programs for mentally retarded children from the time they are born.
Some cars can tolerate a lower octane for an unspecified time by retarding timing.
AFFILIATIONS Neuroscience Student Association Member Mentor and Trainer for Mentally Retarded Persons in Denton TX Member of NY metro AIHA for Hunter College.
Recent work includes The Singing Tower at the Department of Safety in Anacortes, Washington, a volume of Amy C. Lam's «My Topics» subscription series of books from Toronto and The Singing Tower II: Not Retarded Just Half White at A402 in Valencia, California.
Unfortunately TV will only put these type of retards on TV to represent our religion.
anyone who thinks Aldridge is in line to break the scoring record is a complete fucking retard who should be barred from commenting on basketball.
The ECU is used to the more retarded timing and will have to learn the improved cycling.
God Damn it I'm ps3 went full retard on me so I don't know when ill be able to play this game.
Wow, it amazes me how retarded Apple people are that comment on here.
CREA shouldn't waste time trying to rationalize their shortcomings or failings, as this just retards getting to the heart of the problem: a bad democracy!
lol samsung what retards never again will i be getting a galaxy, any other android phone, hell maybe even an iPhone, at least i will get updates on time
An engine knock sensor will cause timing to be retarded if there is an engine knock but should not cause any no start conditions.
The mother of a 26 - year - old mentally retarded man who drowned in Olympic Pool, Arlington Heights, on Aug. 7 filed suit in Cook County Circuit Court Thursday seeking an unspecified amount of damages from the suburb «s park district and Meadows, 3250 Plum Grove Dr., Rolling Meadows, a long - term care facility where the man had been a patient.
These religious retards don't know nuthin about common sense.
They may suffer from retarded growth, digestive problems, reproductive problems, depression, poor appetite, and a weakened immune system.
This is quite possible the most retarded thing I have ever read.
Now, objectively, Bitcoin is technologically retarded when compared to almost any other blockchain.
Oh do nt forget the challenge of trying new stuff without pissing off retarded fan boys.
Her name, for now, is «Baby Girl S.» She was born over the weekend and is the daughter of J.D.S., a severely retarded woman who was raped and became pregnant while living in a southwest Orlando group home.
Rev. Opuni - Frimpong said the vigilante groups must be talked to, to channel their energies into productive ventures rather than engaging in vandalism, which retarded progress.
A counselor or therapist can also help retarded children cope with the low self - esteem that often results from the realization that they are different from other children, including siblings.
Only retards do this because guess what: eventually you'd be right.
@Answer «Proven by the christian retard who just says «because I said so.»»
Studies have found that dihydrocapsaicin, a constituent of capsaicin, can lower blood levels of lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), which contributes to atherosclerosis, and raise high - density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), which retards atherosclerosis.
Regarding Keystone, I myself think it is clear that Obama should say no to Keystone, because it is something in his power to do, which would have some effect on retarding development of the tar sands (despite what the flawed State Department EIS [Environmental Impact Statement] said), and because we really wouldn't get any significant benefit from saying yes; no real oil security, few permanent jobs, and most of the money goes to Canada and to refiners in free - trade zones.
The tyranny of the PRO-LIFE argument is so retarded because it demands that NO ONE should be able to have an abortion, even if the fetus is (1) the result of a vicious r - ape, (2) the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother, among other examples that prove that abortion is not always an «act of convenience.»
@Jason, the guy who gets more retarded by the second 16 games of 31... Hmmm, that's 50 % of the time where Xbox 360 games are better.
Now let's see these religious retards stop using these idiotic statement of «what would jesus crap do..»
Hunted by the police, she finds refuge with a prostitute who is having an incestuous relationship with her mentally retarded brother.
Still no romance bug fix though, which is absolutely retarded given how bad Ashara is with getting her influence up.
Commenters suggested that «This is the most retarded article Treehugger has published in some time.»
Because it doesn't want to leave any other possible retards out of the fun, it also has a talking dog with two broken legs, a late play for sentimentality, kid reaction shots, farting, and cartoon slapstick so woefully lacking in wit and timing that it seems cruel to the point of vicious.
Additionally, a block - mounted acoustic detonation (knock) sensor «listens» to the engine, sending information about potentially damaging detonation to the PCM, which then incrementally retards ignition timing to help prevent damage.
Sunset Overdrive looks like a really retarded corporatized log of premium kid game feces, enjoy manchildren.
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