Sentences with phrase «retribution by»

The child is psychologically brutalized into fearing contact with the target parent and retribution by the alienating parent for any positive feelings the child might have for the other parent.
(5) Encourage partners to speak out on various policy, financial, and operational matters that will affect the firm and its practice groups, presently and in the future, without fear of retribution by the dominant and more influential partners.
Also, targets in Mr. Big operations are often exposed to simulated violent retribution by the crime boss first hand such as seeing a fellow member of the crime group being severely beaten as a result of disloyalty (see R v Bonisteel, 2008 BCCA 334 at para 15).
These side missions and the overall feel of actually being the captain of the Retribution by allowing the player to pick where they want to go next makes Infinite Warfare feel different and unique in comparison to other entries in the franchise.
You «infect» your copy of Resistance: Retribution by connecting to a PS3 that's running Resistance 2.
Patobox will find retribution by hunting down Deathflock's henchmen while discovering the dark secrets the company hides and the truth behind his treason one fight at a time.
Let's harness the power of this sentiment and give people a platform on which to discuss change, without fear of retribution by their management.
If you falsify the reviews and your reader feels tricked, they may seek retribution by giving you a bad review on Smashwords or at the retailer's store.
Now that that priest has died, the unknown confessor intends on retribution by killing Father James in a week's time.
The former Communication Workers Union chief added, «I just hope this is not a piece of petty retribution by a trade union.»
Garodnick said he didn't fear any retribution by the new speaker's office against him or his supporters.
Assembly Democrats announced former Assistant U.S. Attorney Reid Schar will help the Assembly Investigatory Committee as it further reviews the closure of access lanes to the nation's busiest bridge for four days last fall in an alleged act of political retribution by top aides to Gov. Chris Christie.
Well every coward in the Assembly who's afraid of retribution by Speaker Silver, and unfortunately we can count our own Assemblywoman Addie J' Russell as one of those cowards.
It was invented during the fall of the Roman Empire as a way to continue the habit of keeping the great unlettered and unwashed in line by making threats of horrible retribution by the Invisible Man in The Sky.
«I am the gatekeeper and the gate, and whoever I let out of the pen is free to graze in green pastures without fear of retribution by God [implied].»
They had been promised just retribution by God when they went beyond His purpose in crushing Israel.
Retribution by the State has its limits because the State, unlike God, enjoys neither omniscience nor omnipotence.
Retribution by the State can only be a symbolic anticipation of God's perfect justice.
He would say, «You have incurred the retribution by your disbelief.»
Morgan Stanley employees in Seattle and Portland shared it via text messages and emails, according to the seven former Morgan Stanley employees, most of whom said they did not want to be identified because they feared retribution by Mr. Greenberg or the bank.

Not exact matches

The rambling manifesto frequently lashes out at women, whom he feels have declared war on him by refusing him sex and love, and he sees the shooting as an act of «retribution
Internet trolls love to mess with people (or chatbots), and they don't seem to care when they cross a line — by hiding their identity behind a screen name, they count on never having to experience serious retribution.
Synopsis: «When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution
This is by design to ensure that any CEO with any problem can speak freely about their concerns without fear of retribution in the present or future from their peers or from investors anywhere.
For those who disregard the blessings bestowed upon them by GOD, GOD is most strict in retribution.
The RC church is second only to the Taliban in the application of retribution towards its members (and by extention of its insistance of being the one «true» faith) to the rest of the world.
For what benefit did the Athenians obtain by putting Socrates to death, seeing that they received as retribution for it famine and pestilence?
A lot of posts directed towards the atheists are of a violent nature: Christians are wishing for divine retribution at this rally in the form of lightning, followed by an eternity of suffering in a place called Hell.
It tells you that no matter how many mistakes you make, how many bad things you do you can avoid any and all eternal consequences for this simply by believing something, with no penalties, no retribution, no sacrifices, nothing; just believe in Jesus and all is forgiven.
However there is so much misery caused by decisions based on fear or it's sister, retribution.
Far from thinking it unfair to visit on an innocent man retribution for a deed he had not done, it seemed then the essence of justice that any or all members of a kinship - group should suffer for wrong done by one of its members.
I don't believe in God, but if there is a God and we meet in the afterlife I have no doubt he'd pat me on the back and compliment me on how reasonable it was not to believe and that he was super impressed that I didn't need to be threatened by the fear of his retribution in order to lead a morally good and happy life.
It doesn't matter how offended you might be by someone's words - you NEVER have the right to physically attack them in retribution.
We send our sons and daughters to suit up for armed services to defend the U. S. of A. or other defenseless countries from the influences and ravages of moral depravity (wickedness); or our civil authorities who, by God's design, arm themselves daily to keep order and peace, to avenge and bring retribution to wrongdoers (Rom.
But they do not follow by a special act of divine wrath or retribution; they follow by the reaction of God's loving power against that which violates love.
He is visiting retribution on himself by his actions, too.
Now, it is subjective what the reward or the retribution is but everyone seems to live by those principles.
With the Church no longer fulfilling this public ministry, the penal system fills in the gap by shifting its focus from retribution and restitution to rehabilitation.
His allegiance to the church is considered secret — pledged by oath with the possible retribution of death.
Implicit in references to deserving are the dual assumptions that to speak thus is to speak with the vocabulary of retributive justice, and that the principle of retribution, however much qualified by other relevant principles, is inherent in any notion of penalty or punishment.
I suspect fear mongering to justify disproportionate retribution and agendas by those who don't have to risk life and limb but profit from war and politicians being puppets of that with measure to deceive the public to keep the public in line with their policy about war.
Elijah is certainly confronted with the retribution of Jezebel, the judgment Jesus spoke of when he said, «Those who live by the sword die by it.»
David Silvester caused a media storm in January by suggesting in a letter to the Henley Standard that Britain's inclement weather was divine retribution for making gay marriage legal.
It is certain because God has promised it, and it is certain because it is required by wisdom and justice in order to give to each creature a just retribution for his deeds.
What I fear happening is that by focussing on control and particular individuals there is potential healing that could happen that isn't happening, a perpetuation of abuse and those that are pastors that are doing great jobs might find themselves under difficulty as shared in a culture of fear and retribution as they are treated as if they are abusers when they are not.
I've never been so profoundly wronged by someone that violent retribution seems like a good idea.
The rabbinical version is interesting as illustrating the doctrine of exact retribution: the one evil deed and the one good deed are cancelled out by the funerals, and then the two inherit their respective rewards.
I have faith in humanity's intellectual potential to do great things motivated purely by their own will, instead of being motivated by fear of hellfire or retribution from an angry cloud dweller.
When God makes His covenant with Noah after the great flood, promising never again to destroy «all flesh,» this promise is fulfilled in part through government, which, by executing just punishment, enacts fitting retribution for crimes.
This is retribution, not to be confused with revenge, which is guided by a different motive.
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