Sentences with phrase «to retrieve objects»

You can also teach a dog to find, indicate, and even retrieve an object with a specific scent.
Those behaviors can be classified into two main groups: 1 / the behaviors required for public access, like leash walking, sit, down and other basic skills and 2 / the specialized skills, like retrieving objects from the floor, turning on and off light switches, opening doors, helping a person get up from the ground, assisting in the transition of the person from a wheelchair to a bed, alerting to a change of blood glucose levels, or getting help.
On the next page, we'll take a look at one border collie's remarkable talent at retrieving objects of different names.
Kids this age can also probably retrieve objects at the bottom of a pool, jump or dive into the water, and resurface without help.
In order to qualify to be a lifeguard, applicants must meet a 200 - yard time requirement; swim 25 yards without coming up for air; retrieve an object from the bottom of the pool in 14 feet of water from a surface dive; break free from front and back strangleholds; and cross-chest carry a «victim,» using their free arm to swim 25 yards.
Service dogs also assist the physically disabled by retrieving objects, pulling wheel chairs, turning off light switches and performing other tasks to help in everyday activities.
Not only do assistance dogs retrieve objects, turn lights on and off, open and close doors, provide physical support, pull a wheelchair, and summon help, but they enable a person to achieve greater independence, confidence, and happiness overall.
Among some of Toyota's developments for the disabled or elderly include a strap - on robotic leg for people who lost the use of their limbs and a so - called human support robot designed to fetch and retrieve objects for people unable to do so.
Chop wood Bring wood into house Wash dishes or cook dinner WITH two small children in tow Let the dog outside in his yard area Chase down dog when he runs away Laundry Biting your tongue during Arsenic Hour Dialing a phone Breathing exercises (read: furious huffing and puffing when you get interrupted two zillion times) Finding the toddler's other shoe Retrieving objects out of time out from the top of the refrigerator Putting all the toys away.
Although the police and rescue dogs were expected to and did indeed retrieve the objects faster than the family dogs in the first round, within four rounds the two groups retrieved the toys equally quickly.
If the object is too large or dangerous to vomit, an endoscope may be used to retrieve the object while the patient is under anesthesia.
Labrador retrievers, for example, have strong «seeking» behavior which results in their being willing to retrieve objects over and over and over.
Some dogs enjoy retrieving objects likes balls or sticks, but most Leos are not natural retrievers.
The purpose of force fetching is to ensure that your dog will retrieve an object gently and carefully every time - no mouthing, no dropping, no pulling feathers, etc..
Treat the bird as an extra-special retrieve object - tease the puppy, allow him to sniff it, pick it up if he chooses, etc..
Field Spaniels have been bred to find, flush, and then retrieve objects during land and water games.
Have daily play sessions that apply obedience skills, such as retrieving objects.
Retrieve Objects [2] Stun Enemies with wind tunnels [3] Harm Enemies Cut Ropes Blow out Fires [2] Spin Wind fans [2]
Ability to lift, lower, push, pull, and retrieve objects weighing a minimum of...
These specially trained dogs can help by retrieving objects that are out of their person's reach, by pulling wheelchairs, opening and closing doors, turning light switches off and on, barking to indicate that help is needed, finding another person and leading the person to the handler, assisting ambulatory persons to walk by providing balance and counterbalance, providing deep pressure, and many other individual tasks as needed by a person with a disability.
Our service dogs are trained to respond to 30 different behaviors on average, depending on the disability, from basic obedience to more complex behaviors like retrieving objects, alerting to changes in glucose levels, bracing and getting help.
By 2 years old, she should be able to retrieve the objects.
The robot's journey was an experiment in shared control, a type of brain - machine interface that merges conscious thought and algorithms to give disabled patients finer mental control over devices that help them communicate or retrieve objects.
An example of this collaboration is the El - E robot, designed to perform simple tasks such as opening drawers and retrieving objects.
A hunting dog begins its training as a young puppy, learning to respond to a whistle and to retrieve an object to hand almost as soon as he can walk.
The bumpers or retrieve objects should be visible.
They love to retrieve and can be easily won over by playing with a ball or a retrieving object.
Once your dog finds them, your dog inspects them, comparing the scent they were told to find, and then indicating or retrieving the object.
Or, we can teach the dog to retrieve the object and bring it back to you.
Therefore in order to play with your dogs constructively and positively and as a means of retrieving objects that your pet should not have in its possession, the give or drop command can be extremely useful.
Retrieving an object is great fun for most dogs and equals walking or running in its benefits.
It loves to swim, run, and retrieve objects.
They also act as a brace and help to retrieve objects.
Fishing has always been Newfoundland's chief industry; the dogs hauled fishing nets out to sea and back to the boat and retrieved objects or people who fell into the sea.
These dogs get their name from their ability to learn to fetch or retrieve an object, which can be a fun activity for young family members.
These dogs make their companions feel safe, retrieve objects, turn on and off light switches, bark on command for help, and many other tasks.
Certain breeds like to mouth objects a lot, so those dogs can be trained to turn on lights, retrieve objects or carry them.
Train your dog to catch objects, retrieve objects and follow simple obedience training commands.
Walt can squeeze into tight spaces to retrieve objects, for example.
Workers often bend to retrieve an object, to lift a heavy object, or to make a mark on the ground.
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