Sentences with phrase «return assets»

Long - term assets in high returning asset classes like shares.
As noted above, your landlord wants to be sure that you'll return his asset in substantially the same condition as it was in when he rented it to you.
For example, investors tend to put their money into predictable but lower return assets like government bonds instead of the potentially higher - return but uncertain stock market.
Yet a bulk of the explosion in credit made its way into total return assets like stocks, junk bonds and real estate.
Otherwise, you risk having too much of your money in low - returning assets for the sake of stability you don't require.
Perhaps they were not able to finalize a tax efficient way of returning the assets to shareholders.
Like active investors, they also want to make a profit, but accept the average returns an asset classes produces.
In general, the more return an asset class has historically delivered, the more risk that its value could fall as well as rise because of greater price volatility.
First, the interest rate on the debt must be lower than the rate of return you are realizing on the safest, lowest return asset own.
But you have to make the decision without knowing what returns each asset class will provide, so there's no way to determine the «perfect» asset allocation ahead of time.
As noted above, your landlord wants to be sure that you'll return his asset in substantially the same condition as it was in when he rented it to you.
Even for potentially low return assets, like gold, allocations can be high if you expect low or a negative correlation with other assets.
So having a long time horizon allows you to allocate more capital to higher - risk, higher - return asset classes without worrying about short - term price fluctuations.
Using term frees up other money for clients to invest in higher returning assets such as stock portfolios and mutual funds.
HCI believes farmland is a real return asset class as it has historically been effective in protecting capital from inflation while generating an attractive income stream that grows over time.
Trading near tangible book value, Goldman offers an attractive price for a business that earns a significant amount of revenue from high return asset management and underwriting and advisory services.
First, DB pensions would have to operate with a finite investment horizon, increasingly moving money to secure, low - return assets so that lower investment earnings would lend less of a helping hand to pay for benefits.
The ensuing price gains for total return assets formed the basis for a prodigious wealth effect.
Interval fund managers don't have to worry about liquidity for daily redemptions, so they can invest in higher - return assets while controlling for risk.
The idea of the barbell portfolio is that you put a small percentage of your assets (say 10 %) in a very risky, high return asset like XIV.
Farmland is a Real Return Asset that has historically protected the value of investment capital from inflation.
Presently, the S&P 500 is both a high risk and a low expected return asset.
As we indicated in an earlier statement, the Buhari Administration has so far done very well in asset recovery, asset return and transparent management of returned assets.
With potentially 20 or more years in retirement, inflation can eat away at lower returning assets.
This obviously takes a certain amount of discipline and patience to wait for these opportunities, as well as a considerable amount of faith from investors for allowing their holdings to be in such a low - return asset for a period of time.
As a general rule Put high return assets in RRSPs and TFSAs unless... (a) the effective tax rate on their profits would be very, very low.
In October 2015, GMO estimated that EM stocks (4.0 % real return) would be the highest returning asset class over the next 5 - 7 years, EM bonds (2.2 %) would be second.
«When you build a portfolio, you don't put 100 percent of your money into the highest - returning asset,» Diczok said.
«The majority of investments in this asset class will go to zero — that's the nature of a high - risk, high - return asset class — and the goal is to build a diversified portfolio where the handful of winners do well enough to provide outstanding returns across the whole portfolio.»
What pains me about cash is that it's basically a zero real return asset (maybe 1 % real return during good periods, but negative real return since 2008).
As Nobel economist (and one of my dissertation advisors at Stanford) Joe Stiglitz noted on Friday, a good part of the reason for rising oil prices is because the producers are already awash in U.S. assets, and to supply significantly more oil will just force them to accumulate more low - return assets.
For example, the upturn in European growth could be encouraging investors to abandon low - yielding government bonds in favor of higher - risk, potentially higher - return assets.
The average retirement lasts about two decades in the U.S.. That's a long time to have to self - fund expenses, and stocks are hands down the best - returning asset class over time.
Cuomo's proposal would also require authorities to return assets to anyone who is arrested but acquitted, or whose case is dismissed.
We have already largely liquefied the portfolio and plan to return assets as outlined in the attached plan.
If there are cash inflows to a portfolio, assets should be allocated to the highest returning assets.
I would advise you to strongly consider putting your investable dollars to work in higher returning asset classes.
The Asset Location choice for high - return assets should be based on probable outcomes, not fears of doom and gloom.
People always want the highest return and then they get upset when they find out that the highest - returning asset class is usually the most volatile.
Don't go crazy paying off debt while neglecting savings in high - return assets.
You've had a nice bull market, don't spoil it by staying levered until the bear market comes to make you return your assets to their rightful owners.
«You can, however, make a case for placing your highest - return assets in your TFSA,» Hallett says.
The appeal of bonds is that they are a reasonably high - return asset class that carries less risk than stocks.
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