Sentences with phrase «return experience»

All three of these options increase the rate of return experienced by the policy owner.
When a lump - sum investment is modeled, the sequence of returns experienced in each particular year does not matter.
Today's online shoppers expect an easy and free package returns experience.
First, the real rates of return experienced from 1981 to 2000 were the exception rather than the norm.
This is an effort to return experienced teachers to these schools.
It then follows that the range of excess returns experienced by investment professionals over their careers must influence their investment decision making.
What difference do these tax rates have on returns experienced by members?
Exercise improves energy levels by improving your circulation and the health of your heart muscle, in return you experience improved energy levels.
Deliver a better returns experience with the tools to improve operational efficiency, visibility, and reporting, all while enhancing your customer lifetime value and your bottom line.
Freedom will be right on the Pirates heels thanks to returning experience on both sides of the football.
The children that were able to wait until the experimenter returned experienced better outcomes in life, including higher SAT scores, greater career success, and even lower body mass indexes.
Investors could be forgiven for asking after PIMCO Total Return experienced significant net outflows in 2011, the first year that's happened since 1993, as the well - respected bond king somehow missed the biggest bond rally in nine years.
The earlier you start preparing your tax records and documents, the more likely you are to have a smooth tax return experience...
Now, thanks to a lot of returning experience all over the field, an explosive and powerful rushing attack, and an efficient defense, Notre Dame can have goals bigger than just making a bowl game, something they couldn't do last season, by virtue of finishing with a 4 - 8 record.
- Perfected design - IP68 protection - Great display - Excellent battery life - Reliable fingerprint sensor - Stellar performance - Improved software experience - Impressive low light camera - Excellent connectivity and hardware options - Expandable storage makes a return
Casa Grande and Rancho Cotate seem more likely to make deep runs due to more returning experience.
Also, DALBAR isn't the only study that looked at the actual returns experienced by average investors.
To that point, Optoro also found that 46 % of shoppers abandoned their carts upon realizing retailers didn't offer free returns, with 76 % agreeing that a positive return experience greatly encourages them to buy from a retailer again.
In short, it would be very different from the high - quality risk adjusted returns we experienced in 2017 which investors should take into consideration.»
So Ole Miss can probably account for the loss of middle man D.T. Shackelford and OLBs Serderius Bryant and Keith Lewis, especially considering returning experience (Johnson and fellow senior Denzel Nkemdiche, who missed a good portion of 2014 to injury and suspension).
OSU returns an experienced quarterback, its leading rusher, three 200 - yard receivers, six offensive linemen with starting experience, most of a strong defensive line, and, perhaps as importantly, both coordinators.
S&P + (the higher, the more correlated returning experience is with production):
Right before the 2015 season, I wrote a post at Football Study Hall exploring a different way to measure returning experience that goes beyond «How many starters do you return?»
However, they should take into account the defense, because the «Reds» announced extremely offensive formation with three strikers, and it would be logical to return an experienced midfielder Dunn to the team, while young Lowe is likely to be moved to the bench.
Unfortunately I've always had really bad return experiences with Chadwicks, so it wasn't worth it to return these.»
For example, you will likely have a very different return experience investing in Citigroup versus Apple.
Notice that the chart above shows the one year's return experienced ONLY ONCE by the bond depending on its term - to - maturity when the rate change happened.
Admission fee (with reserved seat in Saqsawaman) Private Transport in and return Experienced Tour Guide in English Packed lunch (Vegetarian meals by request) Ceremony brochure and DVD.
Dividends are not guaranteed and depend on the company's actual investment return experience with all of their in - force policies.
The earlier you start preparing your tax records and documents, the more likely you are to have a smooth tax return experience...
The process by which the fast trend followers profit from the slow trend followers also alters the distribution of returns experienced by the latter group: returns during times of positive, negative and weak trends are different; in ways that we observe in real markets.
Gary Patterson's offensive coordinator upgrade, combined with a lovely amount of returning experience, made it even better than «pretty good.»
LSU was ninth in S&P + last season, ranks eighth in two - year recruiting, and is first in returning experience.
Implementing automated and efficient returns management software tells customers you care about their returns experience and want to earn their repeat business.
Despite this advantage, improving the return experience can be a challenge for an emerging eCommerce brand that may lack resources or experience.
Costco earned top marks among PC World readers for Best Prices, Return Experience, and General Satisfaction and did well in the Consumer Reports survey, too.
Mutual funds in Canada have ridiculously high fees compared to their counterparts in the U.S. Hopefully, increased competition and choices will continue to put a downward pressure on fees, and by extension an increase in the returns experienced by the average investor.
All year we talked about how frustrating this year was, but it would really pay off next year with all the returning experience!
Those numbers and experience alone would give opposing coaches plenty to worry about, but with Sheldon, Moreno is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to returning experience.
If the returning experience on defense can help reduce the 21.5 points against average from a year ago, the Falcons could be a juggernaut by season's end.
In 2015, they return an experienced four - star quarterback (Wes Lunt), an explosive threat (Josh Ferguson), five of last year's top six receiving targets, five offensive linemen with starting experience, four of their top six defensive linemen, three of four linebackers, two experienced safeties, and basically every cornerback.
I had to return one dress, only because it was a bit too snug on my ever growing bump... and the return experience was flawless.
Jon Chevreau recently blogged (see John Bogle says investors getting killed by ETFs) on John Bogle's analysis of returns experienced by investors in Exchange - Traded Funds (ETFs) and the results are not pretty: In 68 out of 79 ETFs, the returns experienced by investors lagged that of the ETFs themselves by an average of 4.5 %.
A short - term municipal bond strategy has provided a similar risk and return experience to the ladder options, and might be appropriate if the investor does not want to manage the maintenance of a ladder, or does not need the option of withdrawing proceeds from the investment on a regular basis.
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