Sentences with phrase «return from exile»

Rad's equally colorful artist statement is larger - than - life, featuring a mythological hybrid of Ab - Ex legends, «Jackson Johns», who returns from exile in the midwest as a millennial in order to do battle with zombie formalism, and this anecdote from AFC's very own SPRNG BRK Fundraiser:
The hard evidence of the people's experience after returning from the exile was that the blessings of God, promised in the covenant, would never be fully realised.
Instead, both in the suffering of the Holocaust and in the triumphant Jewish return from exile, he saw the call of a radical new Christian task: «to see the Jews as God sees them, to love them as He loves them, to understand their place in the divine plan for Salvation according to the theological vocation of God's people.»
As the author notes, directors such as Bahram Beyzaie, Dariush Mehrjui, and the late Abbas Kiarostami (all interviewed here) were attracting international attention well before Khomeini returned from exile to herald the Islamic Republic.
Jimmy's Hall Directed by Ken Loach, written by Paul Laverty (UK, Ireland, France)-- North American Premiere, Narrative James Gralton returns from exile and reopens a public dancehall, bravely pushing back against the sharply drawn religious and political margins of his time.
Players will follow the trails of the Inspettore, Cicero Gavar, who returns from exile to solve a kidnapping that threatens to bring Ombre's chaos to a boiling point.
Everyone knows the Steve Jobs story — how he was fired from the company he founded — Apple — only to return from exile decades later to save the business.
In addition, following the RPF victory, many families returned from exile to Rwanda.
As Po, Tigress (voice of Angelina Jolie), Mantis (voice of Seth Rogen), Monkey (voice of Jackie Chan), Crane (voice of David Cross), and Viper (voice of Lucy Liu) continue to use their kung fu abilities to uphold justice under the guidance of the mystical Master Shifu (voice of Dustin Hoffman), an old enemy returns from exile.
Some time later, in the midst of World War II, Joan Miró returned from exile in France and settled in Palma de Mallorca, which became his refuge and workplace and where his friend Josep Lluís Sert designed the studio of his dreams.
Imagine you're the King of England, you've recently returned from exile in France and your realm is besieged by pestilence and plague... I mean, what's a chap to do?
The Church, in recognizing the providential nature of the Jewish return from exile, would also acquire an implicit right and duty of interpreting and guiding the renewed Jewish national life.
Hillary Clinton thinks Snowden should return from exile in Moscow and «face the music.»
The Ayatollah Khomeini returned from exile, the Iranian Revolution kicked off, and the streets were filled with angry Iranians venting rage at the United States for harboring the Shah; they wanted him returned to Iran to stand trial with a certain death sentence.
James Gralton returns from exile and reopens a public dancehall, bravely pushing back against the sharply drawn religious and political margins of his time.
I can see how it dismisses almost every step of the salvific history: The exodus out of the Pharoh's authority, the return from exile, (maybe even the exile itself in reducing the king's), the torn curtain after the crucifiction, the agreement of the Jerusalem Council, the beginnings of the protestant reformation, the pilgrim's escape to the new world, etc..
In disputes with Jews, Christian thinkers in the early centuries argued that the promises of return and restoration (in Isaiah, Ezekiel, and the minor prophets) must be interpreted to refer either to the time of the exile in the sixth century B.G.E, i.e., the time of the return from exile in Babylonia, or to the new gathering of humankind in the church.
The garden of God was always good, people must be redeemed so they can return from exile to the garden.
The return from exile may indeed be geographical.
The return from exile begins with an emotional act of civil disobedience.
Jeremiah's description of the return from exile, John's portrayal of Jesus, and my friend's experience of grace make me wonder why we so often view grace as a scarce commodity.
In his view, the Holocaust and the Jewish return from exile, as well as the general opening of the Church toward non-Christian religions, had exploded the old, supersessionist view.
* But in the Bible, its meanings are quite different: to return from exile and «to go beyond the mind we have.»
More immediately important for his development were the lectures at Heidelberg by the Old Testament scholar Gerhard von Rad, who emphasized how for the Old Testament God is revealed in his acts in history: the Exodus, the reception of the Promised Land, the return from exile in Babylon.
Bartholomew points out that to return from that exile to our «native land» or «home»» to a state of implacement, in his preferred terminology» provides the narrative framework of the entire Old Testament, with sin constantly presenting an obstacle to that achievement.
The return from exile brought a temporary upturn but no real nationhood, and the subsequent conquests dashed what outward hope there was.
Although the nation's fortunes had seemed to pick up after the return from exile in 538, there was still much internal dissension.
38 - 39.5 Many years after Israel has returned from exile, a great army from many nations will be assembled under the leadership of a prince named Gog.
Our two books of Chronicles were written much later, after the return from exile, and retell many of the events recorded in the books of Samuel and Kings, from a priestly slant, with long lists of genealogy and much moralizing.
The Book of Psalms is the hymnbook of the second Temple, erected after the return from exile, and in it we have a compilation of great hymns through which the people voiced their aspirations, their thanksgivings, their plaints, their trust in Yahweh in the midst of both joy and adversity.
While these books are not as great history or literature as the David stories or the writings of «J» and «E,» they are our chief source of information as to what happened between the return from exile in 538 B.C. and the rise of the Maccabees in 168 B.C..
After the return from exile, the priests who were then directing Israel's religious affairs took their turn at writing history.
After the return from the exile in Babylon, when the state of Judah was re-established, Jews came increasingly under the political and cultural influence of the Hellenistic world.
God reverses God's own ways, but always with God's timing and not before those returning from exile remember what it was that they have forgotten.
He'd taken a fearsome pounding in his second career, after his return from exile.
When the Tunisian Islamist leader Sheikh Rachid al - Ghannoushi planned his return home in early 2011, after two decades in exile, a lot of choreographing went into the preparation for the trip, precisely so as not to look like Khomeini's return from exile.
Recalling how his father joined the defunct National Party of Nigeria shortly after he returned from exile in 1982 instead of the Nigeria Peoples Party, Ojukwu said the Igbo would not benefit anything by wallowing in sentiment.
She's the vengeful older sister of Thor and Loki, returned from exile.
But when they find their father, he has a dire warning for them — Hela, the goddess of death, is returning from exile and she will not only destroy Asgard but all of the Nine Realms in her quest for power.
When evil koala Igor (Keith Silverstein) returns from exile to threaten his jungle home, Maurice must defeat him, but he will need the cooperation of his mother and team.
Two Hundred years ago Napoleon began the return from exile which ended with his defeat at Waterloo.
Whoever prevails will be absolved and allowed to return from exile; you meet a variety of characters and learn what awaits them, and your actions help decide whether they go or stay.
It was only after Nelson Mandela and other political prisoners» release from prison, that Geers could return from exile to Johannesburg without fear of being imprisoned.
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