Sentences with phrase «return of one's money»

, then it shouldn't be viewed as consideration in return of your money, right?
The adage about more concern about return of my money than on my money.
What is the rate of return of money invested in learning?
That's pretty nice considering that you can only get some 1.0 % return of your money from most online high - yield savings account these days.
A simple return of your money which does not produce profits and would not generate any carried interest for the fund manager.
Or do you think if i stand my ground they will return some of that money if not all of it?
But when does the 10 - year period start running from the day the first payment fell due in 1988, or the day in 2004 when the parents made a formal demand for return of their money?
Refunds: If the client demands return of money held in trust and you have no claim to the funds for fees, immediately return it.
Index - linked GICs, sold by chartered banks, guarantee return of all money invested with zero return if their underlying investment indexes lose value and some return, usually about 60 per cent of index performance, if the defined market rises.
The former SGF was also instructed to report to the commission every two weeks and also return some of the money traced to him.
State Republicans in New York have blasted Cuomo for not returning all of the money he's been given by Weinstein.
The consequences for not properly documenting and disclosing the risks of a capital raise (also called a securities transaction) can be dire, including the forced return of all money raised.
As Capital has previously reported, health care industry stakeholders agreed to the cuts proposed by the Medicaid design team on the understanding that the state would later apply for the waiver funding, helping return some of the money the hospitals would lose in the short term.
Despite the initial return of money to people's pockets, Liu's report said the tax cut does raise concerns, especially about how it will undercut the nation's ability to pay for Social Security benefits.
Governor Cuomo now says he's returning all of the money donated to his campaign from disgraced film executive Harvey Weinstein.
ROP term takes a basic term life insurance policy and adds a rider, for an additional premium, guaranteeing a 100 % tax - free return of all money spent at the end of the term.
Lastly, even if the asset protection model was appropriate for you, would the lower returns of money placed in a cash value insurance policy warrant giving up higher returns in say a market investment account?
But, does the insurance company call you up at the end of the policy term and say, «Hey, as you didn't use your insurance, so we are going to return some of your money back
The perennial question will be «where do I find an attractive real rate of return of my money that is collateralized and does not involve inordinate risk?»
You may never receive your gold or the return of your money.
In other words, it's one of those Will Rogers — «I'm more concerned with the return of my money than the return on it» — moments.
Lenders are more concerned with risk and the return of their money with interest.
Currently, you should be concerned about the return of your money as opposed to the return on your money.
Plaintiffs are seeking the return of money given during the company's fundraiser, in part because they never received the digital tokens (known as Tezzies) that they believe their investments entitle them to.
I was annoyed by the treatment and only demanded the return of my money without having even made any move.
Some crowdfunding platforms, like Kickstarter, only have all - or - nothing funding, so if you don't meet your goal, you'll have to return all of the money to your backers.
(For the record: Some Senate Democrats, including all four IDC members, have said they will be contributing Kruger's cash to charity, but the DSCC won't be returning any of the money — $ 450,000 in the 2010 cycle alone — because it already spend the funds and is in debt).
And Mayor Bill de Blasio also received $ 20,200 from the firm and its interests, but recently promised to return some of the money and hand over the rest to the city Campaign Finance Board.
Monday, Miner announced that Masterpole and the other candidates would return some of the money to avoid any appearance that Miner's PAC had circumvented campaign contribution limits.
It also called on the people of Imo State to demand a return of the money used in this ignoble project and march to the legislature to demand that the statue be pulled down.
This law became effective on November 28, 1981 and provided the return of monies for drinking and driving violations to the counties in which they occurred, provided those counties established a «STOP - DWI» Program.
Mayor Bill de Blasio took in $ 20,200 from Glenwood as well, though he's pledged to return some of the money.
Most of the companies and manufacturers of these kinds of products do not focus on the benefits their products can give to patients and consumers because they focus more on the return of money.
They can get financial investors who want a return of their money, a publisher who has put a lot of money into marketing at a certain point when they expect the game to be done, or they could just run out of money.»
The repercussions of failure on both sides need to be the same: termination and complete reversion of the right and / or return of money.
With PIKs, one can be concerned with the return on the money, and the return of the money at the same t...
Guard the return of your money, rather than seek a high return on your money.
With PIKs, one can be concerned with the return on the money, and the return of the money at the same time.
The court can sue them for the return of the money, so it's probably best for you to discuss the issue with them before that happens.
If everything does go to the kids at the survivor's death, the executor may have to go after them to return some of the money.
In some cases, the return of your money is far more important than the return on your money.
I was annoyed by the treatment and only demanded the return of my money without having even made any move.
Is it a return of the money you invested or are the underlying mortgages in the MIE producing income for the MIE (e.g. from interest payments on the mortgage) to pay out to investors?
With respect to return of money vs. return on money, we should remember that what matters is return of money in real terms, not nominal terms.
In exchange for your principal, a bond issuer promises regular interest payments and the return of your money at maturity.
Every time a company pays you a dividend, you are receiving a return of your money as well as on it.
Maybe the best way to understand this is through a quote attributed to Will Rogers: «I'm not as concerned about the return on my money as I am the return of my money
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