Sentences with phrase «return of the itching»

If the signs resolve, a challenge is performed by feeding the former diet and watching for a return of the itching.

Not exact matches

Several of my friends and I had just returned from epic journeys, and we were all itching to share our experiences.
Most of the divers who have labored futilely in the hole itch to return and try again.
She lives in Washington, and as a result of the long winter there is itching for the sun to return so she can run outside and play!
For many others, however, this means the return of sneezing, coughing, wheezing, itching — better known as spring allergies.
It really is a stunning corner of our country and one that I'm already itching to return to and explore even more of.
Overall, the transfers of these movies are quite good, especially «Gentlemen Prefer Blonde,» «River of No Return» and «The Seven Year Itch
She teamed up with some of Hollywood's greatest directors: Huston, Hawks, Otto Preminger in «River of No Return» (1954), Joshua Logan in «Bus Stop» (1956), twice with Billy Wilder, in 1955's «The Seven Year Itch» and four years later in the black - comedy classic «Some Like It Hot.»
Having served eight years of an 11 - year sentence, Creeson is itching to get out and return to his wife Lucetta (Jovovich).
A couple of years ago, I got an itch to return to school, and decided to pursue an educational specialist degree in leadership and policy studies at the University of Northern Colorado, with the intent to apply for a state administrative license.
[return][return] Beth Havelock feels the call of the sea like an itch across her skin.
Now with the passage of time and an improved economy, the homeownership itch has returned for many of these former homeowners, but this time with an additional concern: What to do about the derogatory credit still remaining from those bleak times?
Sweet itch and mud fever were the most frequently reported individual syndromes within this category and made up 6.1 % of all returns (6.8 % in 2016).
However, without addressing the underlying cause of the allergy, the itching will return when the medication is stopped.
This is a classic tour of Belize, designed to show off a tasty selection of its best bits and leave you itching to return for deeper explorations.
That isn't a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination though, and if the success of last year's Metroid: Samus Returns is anything to go by, fans have clearly been itching for more anyway.
Fonda and I are itching to come visit in the spring; of course, we're hoping you and your team have plenty of time to get ready for the warmer weather... I am SOOOO excited for you and your return to Wave Hill!
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