Sentences with phrase «reusable cloth grocery»

Throughout the Hudson Valley, supermarkets are offering for sale reusable cloth grocery bags and more and more people are using them.

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New at this so I have a lot to pick from... Switching from disposable to cloth diapers (and getting 2 friends to join in with me) Using reusable grocery bags instead of plastic will also try to use cloth napkins too.
I'm doing cloth dinner napkins, reusable grocery bags, rice - filled foot warmers, and reusable makeup remover pads (for my mom).
check on the: cloth napkins, reusable grocery bags, water bottles (except hurricane kit), microfiber dust rags (me, not hubby yet), thermos / reusable baby dishes.
We already use cloth diapers, cloth dust rags, reusable water bottles and cloth grocery bags, and I myself use cloth menstrual pads, but I'm going to try 2 new ones: 1.
We already cloth diaper, use cloth napkins, reserve paper towels for jobs like wrapping fresh herbs, use glass storage containers (all the better for re-heating in the oven instead of the microwave), and use reusable grocery bags!
we use all cloth napkins now, and reusable grocery bags.
Cloth diapers, napkins, wash cloths instead of paper towels in most cases, cloth baby wipes, reusable grocery bags.
Many good ideas, such as using reusable bottles and cups for beverages or bringing cloth bags to the grocery store are becoming very widespread, and this is great news for everyone.
On most occasions, I run through a mental checklist of all the things I take to the store: grocery list, reusable cloth produce bags, stainless steel containers (for filling at the deli and butcher shop), and a sturdy plastic bin for carrying everything.
Avoid grocery - store waste by bringing reusable totes, cloth bags for dry bulk items, and jars for wet items such as cheese and deli foods.
Next year: Skip the disposable holiday wrap and dress up your presents in newspaper, comics, or paper grocery bags you already have lying around; decorative tins; or reusable cloth gift bags.
As for drop cloths, they are perfect for so much, I started making curtains out of them first and now have reusable bags for groceries, napkins, and pillows.
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