Sentences with phrase «revealing startling»

Now he focuses on the contained world of the farm animal, revealing startling, irrefutable evidence that barnyard creatures have feelings and even consciousness.
What starts as a complaint letter to a vending machine company turns into a series of letters revealing startling personal admissions.
Many of you have already seen on TLT's Facebook page today's New York Times blog account of a New York City fourth - grader named Zachary who secretly filmed the lunches at his public school cafeteria, often revealing a startling disparity between the school menu's glowing description of the meal and the dismal food actually served.
Retail, not mining, has borne the brunt of the slowdown in Western Australia during the past 12 months, with a study of the state's economy by the investment bank Goldman Sachs revealing a startling decline in retail jobs of more than 20 per cent.
That transcript reveals a startling fact: the meeting involved lengthy discussions of the law of the United States of America.
However, despite growing awareness of the risks engulfing oil companies, the survey revealed a startling lack of preparedness on the part of asset managers.
A bombshell investigation by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab reveals startling evidence that sophisticated malware developed by a Canadian software firm was disseminated through a prominent Egyptian telecom company, infecting user devices with cryptocurrency mining scripts.
The New York Fed's quarterly report revealed a startling statistic that was buried in the footnotes.
It was certainly bold and daring, and in fact a careful reading reveals its startling success, although Holloway insisted that it is the mere beginning of work in progress which needs to be taken up, further developed and refined by other minds.
At Edington Mains, Clark revealed a startling fact about the «500.»
Yes, that is right, one's Zodiac can reveal startling, harsh, and even exciting truths about what she will learn about motherhood.
Fox, Isabelle BEING THERE Barron's, 1996 This book reveals startling evidence about the critical importance of a parent's presence in a child's early years.
With HASA's growth at hand, Stringer is seeking to ensure that the agency is first revamped, as a recent audit by his office has revealed a startling lack of oversight by HASA related to vendor management and recordkeeping.
But new observations reveal a startling result: it's actually the collision of four separate clusters of galaxies, all slamming into each other at the same time!
So Beck and colleagues trained magnetometers on the earthen mound, which revealed a startling contrast between the magnetic properties of the soil and unusual structural frames beneath it.
As a student in Soviet Bratislava, Makuwa says she was fascinated by the electron microscope, a massive instrument that revealed startling insights through images: stringy cell membranes and steampunk viral injection systems.
A closer glance, however, has revealed some startling details.
Well, here is a video that will reveal some startling research on just how powerful the mind is over the body, as well as introduce a grounded, everyday technique that you can use to actually help your mind to keep your body healthy.
This type of throwing often reveals a startling lack of athleticism in athletes who can snatch and clean and jerk astonishing numbers, but can barely sequence a medball toss against a wall.
He reveals some startling changes in what men and women seek in a romantic partner, based on his survey of 400 mature singles.
Reluctantly the noodle making bird reveals a startling secret: Po is adopted.
He also revealed some startling info about a major plot change that altered Rebecca Hall's adversarial role as Dr. Maya Hansen.
The two circle warily, piecing together past and present, memory and fact, to reveal the startling truth behind two mysterious deaths.
Ariel is reluctant to speak out loud, fearing that he will burden others with his painful stories, but his stark narrative, both of life at camp and of the harrowing details of how he came to the U.S., reveals a startling depth of character.
The bestselling author of The Endurance reveals the startling truth behind the legend of the HMS Bounty.
The end result of that email was, which revealed the startling fact that self - published authors were making as much as a cohort every single day as all the Big 5 authors combined.
A recent survey reveals startling news about financial literacy among college students which was run by College Ave, one of the new and upcoming private student loan providers.
The fix in the coding error revealed some startling data.
Research by wildlife officials revealed a startling finding: the Tasmanian devil population was being rapidly decimated by a new type of infectious cancer.
The PS4 and XO versions are arriving with us shortly, but in the here and now, a close look at the graphical make - up of the current - gen console and PC builds reveals some startling differences, while also showing that the developers have found a little more room for improvement in the engine that powers the series on the current - gen systems.
Close up, the photograph (below) reveals the startling unreality of dozens of ships in near - collision; from afar, it resembles a mid-1960s Larry Poons painting.
This would be unique enough — they haven't been shown together since Pollock's death, drunk at the wheel of his Oldsmobile in 1956 — but here they appear among a tremendous selection of paintings from every period, to reveal a startling continuity between the figurative and the abstract in Pollock's career.
The first joint exhibition of Francis Bacon and Henry Moore for 50 years reveals startling similarities, writes Rachel Cooke
A temporary one - room permanent collection installation in 2013 juxtaposed 19th century American landscape paintings and photographs that revealed startling visual shifts from new technology.
NASA footage from the International Space Station has revealed the startling extent of the wildfires spreading across the American Southwest.
A new map reveals startling statistics, like that 80 % of North Americans can no longer see the Milky Way.
So it was disheartening to read a 2010 article in the Columbia Journalism Review that revealed a startling disconnect between climate scientists and on - air meteorologists.
Over the last 50 years, orangutan populations have been in dramatic decline due to external factors like habitat fragmentation and poaching — but a new study reveals the startling pervasiveness of their threat from humans.
This area of the survey results revealed some startling results for me — 75 % reported that they have reduced the total fee without the client asking!
A recent study [PDF] conducted by The National Campaign revealed some startling statistics — statistics which we believe are, if anything, an under - representation of the prevalence of sexting.
A recent study from Sun Life Financial reveals some startling findings.
His indictment reveals a startling, sophisticated, and sustained campaign designed to influence the 2016 presidential election through false personas that Russians used to spread divisive political content over social media, among other tactics.
Hired also reveals this startling statistic: 53 percent of the time companies interviewed only male candidates for a given role, whereas the reverse (only interviewing women) was just true 6 percent of the time.
This research revealed startling conclusions about the way we think of adolescence and the position that we take as adults when we work with this population.

Not exact matches

That's a startling number in itself, but what might be even more eye - opening is what happened when the professors told people about the all - revealing policies at these firms, one of which was an investment firm called Bridgewater Associates.
As Cambridge Analytica's actions revealed, those groups will use data for startling purposes — such as targeting very specific groups of voters with highly customized messages — even if it means violating the policies and professed intentions of one of the most powerful corporations on the planet.
Update: Urmson sent Recode this statement: «Tesla's meritless lawsuit reveals both a startling paranoia and an unhealthy fear of competition.
Decter reveals the true fallout with startling candor: increased pride, self - pity, and narcissism among women, and sheepish apology for whatever - it - is - they've - done among men, coupled with eagerness to accommodate, atone, and improve for the decrying women.
However, the Bible and history provide important insights on our present state of affairs — and the Bible alone reveals where these startling changes are taking our youth and our society.
Rather the concern is that the Church is ignoring the power of the ever more startling evidence of the workings of the natural order, as only the scientific methodology can reveal them, to inspire more persuasive arguments — not only to reinforce and defend classical philosophy and Church theology — but to prompt careful re-examination of them.
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