Sentences with phrase «review analysis»

Significant reliance on the standard of review analysis factors was necessary to determine the appropriate standard of review.
For instance, you could start with writing book review analysis.
In fact, this peer - reviewed analysis determined that modern climate change was not negatively impacting these vulnerable habitats and bird populations.
Moreover, the standard of review analysis indicated that the question was one that the legislature intended the tribunal to resolve.
[26] The complexity of the commissioner's balancing exercise would also have been considered under the standard of review analysis.
Abstract The standard of review analysis for judicial review of administrative action developed over the course of four decades by the Supreme Court of Canada had two important features.
In their Harvard Business review analysis of why men still get more promotions than women, authors Herminia Ibarra, Nancy M Carter and Christine Silva noted that women tend to get more mentoring but less sponsorship than male counterparts.
The fact that the Court of Appeal provides 116 paragraphs of reasoning on this issue, and splits on why reasonableness is the applicable standard here, tells you that standard of review analysis remains anything but simple these days.
The Court's rhetoric suggests the categorical approach, but a more close analysis suggests that the standard of review analysis factors, or some variant thereon, are the real motor.
There is plenty to commend this in principle: leaving particular grounds of review out of the otherwise comprehensive standard of review analysis does not make a great deal of sense.
[1] To the extent that this would result in deference becoming a nearly irrefutable presumption in every judicial review analysis, [2] I fear that the rule of law component of judicial review will take a back seat to the deference side of the equation, contrary to the balance that was intended to be struck in Dunsmuir.
Portman's Communications Director said on Twitter that the Senator is reading the text and will review the analysis from the Congressional Budget Office before making any decisions.
The Global Lifestyle Review analyses the lifestyle available in 26 favourable tax locations around the world for people at three different stages of life.
I've gotten IRB approval for retrospective chart review analyses within weeks of submission.
«Excluding wetlands values from the analysis presents an incomplete picture of total WOTUS benefits,» said Kevin Boyle, a professor in Virginia Tech's Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics who reviewed both analyses.
In 2015, education professors Paul L. Morgan and George Farkas published a peer - reviewed analysis stating that there is clear bias in the way students are identified for special education.
MTI Executive Director John Matthews declined to comment before reviewing the analysis.
A weekly excerpt from the Macro Review analysis sent to subscribers on 10 markets and two timeframes.
I will also take a close look at some of the best dog beds for big dogs and how they differ from «regular» beds for medium and small dogs, discuss how to pick the best dog bed for large dogs and do a full best dog beds reviews analysis where we compare fifteen well - known brands including these five top best beds for dogs:
Though the FEC will be reviewing the analyses previously done, the answers lie ahead of us and not behind.
Until Mr. Barnes provides such an analysis, I will rely on the peer - reviewed analysis published in Bjørn Lomborg's book «Cool It»: Near - term reduction in CO2 emissions (beyond a few percent) is a bad investment.
This in - depth review analyses the energy challenges facing Poland and provides sectoral critiques and recommendations for further policy improvements.
A recent peer - reviewed analysis found that lithium - ion battery prices have come down about 14 percent per year since 2007 and the long - term trend is also quite clear, in a standard learning curve effect, of 6 percent to 9 percent reduction in price for every doubling of production volume.
Thompson looks at several peer - reviewed analyses examining satellite measurements of outgoing longwave radiation.
Meanwhile, Jones admitted that the stations «probably did move» and responded within one year with a peer - reviewed analysis confirming the original conclusions.
Despite Bastarache and LeBel JJ's description of the distinction between jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional errors (and the courts approach to determining which category a given error fell into) as «formalistic» and «artificial» (at [43]-RRB-, the way this distinction has developed in Australian law in recent decades in fact shares much in common with the standard of review analysis described in Dunsmuir.
In administrative law cases, it is always necessary to ask «what the appropriate standard of review is for this question decided by this decision maker» (at para. 71, emphasis original): «The contextual standard of review analysis ensures that legislative intent is respected and the rule of law is protected when courts review decisions of administrative actors» (at para. 89).
Experienced professionals may eventually set up their own medical billing and coding consulting business and earn additional income for seminars, coding review analyses for providers and freelance consulting to payers.
Guttmacher's findings are detailed in a new Guttmacher Policy Review analysis that outlines why Planned Parenthood health centers, as well as providers supported by the Title X national family planning program, are essential to the nation's family planning safety net.
May 2016, Divorce Economics Institute: A Practical Review Analysis, How to Analyze a Financial Valuation Report
In their business review analysis, A.M. best noted that «Vantis Life is the only bank distribution - focused life insurer that offers a full selection of easy - to - sell simplified issue and fully underwritten products from a web - based platform.
Performing the book review analysis, you broaden the mind, enrich the language, and learn modalities from your experienced colleagues.
As Justice Slatter of the Alberta Court of Appeal put it, «these signposts were never intended to be hard and fast categories, and the standard of review analysis remains sensitive to the statutory and factual context.»
In other words, while Justices LeBel and Cromwell purported to apply the categorical approach, [60] the real drivers of the choice of standard of review were the much - maligned standard of review analysis factors.
That study was a book length, massively peer reviewed analysis of what's happened with emissions and was hardly the only thing written on this topic.
[98] Once again, one can perceive the lure of the standard of review analysis factors: for Justice Binnie (and, apparently, the Court) the nature of the question is critical.
The review analyses some of the features of the products as well as the advantages and disadvantages.
UCEA offers a number of in - depth peer - reviewed analyses of specific public policy issues written by Independent UCEA Researchers.

Phrases with «review analysis»

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