Sentences with phrase «review numbers»

After reviewing the number of teachers as a percentage of the staff at public schools, we noted a direct correlation between school district achievement and the percentage of teachers they employ.
By reviewing a number of different resumes, you will get ideas that you could use in your resume.
The article also reviews a number of specific assessment tools that can be used for this purpose.
One of our account executives recently reviewed some numbers with a prospective customer, who wanted to compare costs.
Offer them the option to sleep on it and review the numbers on their own, and then meet again tomorrow when they've had a chance to really take in the information.
Insurance companies not only review the number of tickets, but also the type of tickets.
The court reviewed a number of comments made during the mediation phase and concluded that the mediator / arbitrator should be removed and new arbitrator appointed to conclude the matter.
After question No. 3, you should be in the mindset to carefully review your numbers and measure your margins.
Perhaps you haven't spent enough time reviewing the numbers and the company's performance.
An article on alcohol and breastfeeding reviews a number of studies on this subject.
It's always helpful to have a financial adviser or accountant review your numbers before making a purchase to get a professional opinion.
So games launched before that date have much lower review numbers than they would normally have, 5 - 10 lower which is a huge difference.
The companies review the number of accidents you have had as well as the severity of the accidents.
Contact a Trusted Choice agent near you to start reviewing a number of quotes from a variety of providers to find the best earthquake insurance coverage that meets your needs and budget.
By reviewing the number of drivers license points you have on file, you can take the necessary steps to prevent license suspension before too many accumulate.
The article also reviews a number of specific assessment tools that can be used for this purpose.
I have reviewed a number of books, and written many articles about earnings quality Because so much of the investment world is blind here, the idea still has punch.
«With our guests» needs in mind, we look for associates who are dedicated and customer - service oriented with a desire to contribute to their communities; after reviewing a number of options, Wichita was chosen as the best place to expand our North American customer service operations.»
Mrs Ohene - Konadu said the secretariat was currently reviewing a number of business plans and urged investors and businessmen and women interested in the project to submit their proposals and plans for review.
When reviewing the numbers above, most people might gravitate toward the indexes that performed the best in 2016 — like the Russell 2000 and S&P 500.
Such changes, Li and colleagues suggested while reviewing a number of related studies, are consistent with anatomical changes that can occur in the brain as a result of learning a second language, no matter the age of the learner, as they reported in a recent issue of Cortex.
Last summer, while sitting in a team meeting reviewing numbers (bear with me, it gets better), an intriguing stat caught my eye: 70 % of our authors make their print books available as downloads, and those authors sell 30 % more books than those who offer print editions only!
Indie authors often require a certain number of 4 or 5 star reviews before they can gain access to quality marketing options, making reviewing a numbers game instead of the information tool it's meant to be.
After seeing and in some cases reviewing a number of shows of the New York art of the 1980s over the past few years, from Arch Connelly back in 2012 to a show about Manhattan's Pier 34 in 2016, through Alvin Baltrop, Greer Lankton, and others along the way, I'd gotten into my head a memory of that time as funky, inventive, and in some way modest, a period of doing a lot with a little and of making art that was often intimate and ultimately personal.
Borrowers who have questions about their eligibility or who need to update their contact information can call the toll - free Independent Foreclosure Review number at 888-952-9105.
Bentham IMF director of operations Clive Bowman told The Australian Financial Review the numbers showed the big winners were the small claimants, who on average had taken home 65 per cent of recoveries since 2001.
«Over the next few weeks, ministers will finish reviewing a number of reports relating to the evaluation of options, industrial benefits, costs and other factors related to the decision to replace our CF - 18 fleet,» Finley said.
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger reviews a number of the key elements that have characterized 2016's advance in gold, silver and the associated mining, development and exploration stocks.
Thomas Laqueur of the University of California at Berkeley reviews a number of books on smoking (meaning, mainly, cigarette smoking) and concludes with this: «They are the result of a new vision of what health means, or more precisely, of what death does not mean.
If it were, we would all be citing peer reviewed numbers by an epidemiologist.
DiNapoli said he is not looking at the program as a whole but rather reviewing a number of programs that help fund the Buffalo Billion.
Stringer also demanded that Klein review the number of chaperones required by the education department on school trips.
The research, carried out by Blue Ventures Conservation and staff at the University of Exeter's Centre for Ecology and Conservation, is the first to comprehensively review the number of turtles currently taken within the law and assess how this compares to other global threats to the creatures.
This week in the journal Cell, faculty from MD Anderson's Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis and Center for Cancer Epigenetics review a number of recent studies highlighting chromatin's role as both receiver and transmitter of signals in various cell functions.
Reviewing the numbers today, the giving is the real thing that I'm most excited about and most proud of.
Blogger Danielle Moss Lee reviews a number of ways (many of them fun) to keep children engaged during summer break and give them a running start for the new school year.
You can also use magnetic tape and children decorate their fridges at home, it is an excellent referent to review number sense.
«Thank you to everyone who supported the reform... and to those who did not... please review the numbers and rankings.»
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions — but there are a lot of negative reviews of the Oasis and it took a long time for the average review number to reach 4 stars.
Whatever your needs or preferences, Mashable reviewed a number of tablets based on a variety of uses, regardless of price.
That post triggered an interesting discussion about reviews and gatekeepers, however it was the author's comments about review numbers that really caught my attention.
Amazon does regularly vet Customer Reviews and have internal policies for removal that we are not privy to, so review numbers may fluctuate some time after hitting your target, and we can not take responsibility for this.
Even if you've included all your current books on your website, consider whether you've updated them for the awards they might have won, or the great reviews or blurbs they've received, or soaring review numbers on Amazon.
I would have to further review these numbers but one would need to make sure that revenues and earnings are growing fast enough to cover such a dividend growth and that the dividend growth remains sustainable.
The HSUS reviewed a number of kennels when gathering support for this initiative, publishing a 27 - page report called «Missouri's Dirty Dozen.»
Sticking a game review number behind it - really doesn't mean anything anymore to me.
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