Sentences with phrase «revolutionary implications»

And it can have troubling, even revolutionary implications for society's self - understanding.
Moreover, the rise of technology is clearly enhancing the seniors housing and care industry, with potentially revolutionary implications.
This has revolutionary implications for our understanding of stock market dynamics.
While theologians normally elaborated the priesthood of the faithful by typological contrast with the priesthood of the Mosaic order, baptism held similarly revolutionary implications for the order of the Greek and Roman world.
This was interpreted as having revolutionary implications.
It is not surprising that some understood him to be speaking of the kingdom of the Son of David with its revolutionary implications.
The revolutionary implications of this parabolic speech and behavior have yet to be thought Out fully, much less applied in real life.
Given opposition to the Universal Declaration, with its revolutionary implications, how did it come to he adopted at all?
One hardly needs to argue today for the revolutionary implications of our faith.
The church would look different if we lived out the revolutionary implications of baptism.
In 1928 physicist Paul Dirac wrote down a mathematical equation that had a revolutionary implication: for every particle, there exists an identical particle with the opposite chargean antiparticle.
This is something that has revolutionary implications, for the moment people start to assume responsibility for creating, disseminating, and possessing their own culture, the usual force - feeding is challenged.
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