Sentences with phrase «reward pet owners»

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They steal a pooch when the owner's not looking, then return it to the bereft victim a few days later, collecting a reward for finding the «lost» pet.
By yelling back at the bird, the pet owner has rewarded the bird for screaming.
But small - animal owners are no less passionate about their pets and will reward retailers that make the effort to keep the small - animal sections of the store brimming with new and innovative products.
Pet owners often have to be trained to not inadvertently reward and encourage bad behavior in pet birds.
The pet is doubly rewarded if the owner comes into its room, as well.
Rabbits are a rewarding pet that take time and interaction in order to really bond with their owner.
By making veterinary care more accessible for all pet owners, we hope to build mutually rewarding veterinary - client - patient relationships, educate the community about preventive pet care and reduce animal cruelty and neglect.
She loves that no two days are the same and the rewarding feeling of helping to restore the health of pets, enabling them to spend more time with their owners.
But with veterinary visits on the decline and many pet owners still budget strapped, dog treats appear to be reaping at least equal rewards.
For pet owners who think their dog is forever a good boy, or their cat is just purrfect (read: all pet owners), try suggesting instead rewarding furry friends with affection, toys, playtime, and — most importantly — attention.
Owners should reward them with tidbits and / or praise them amply after successful completion of each task and make their pets earn their rewards.
She finds it very rewarding to know that she has helped strengthen the bond between an owner and their pet.
Utilization of Fear Free methods and protocols leads to reduction or removal of anxiety triggers, which creates an experience that is rewarding and safer for all involved, including pets, their owners, and veterinary health care teams.
Sad stories have been told about cruel extortionists who extracted large cash rewards from grieving pet owners under the premise of having «found» their pets.
Municipalities can be part of the solution to this problem by implementing and enforcing bylaws that encourage and reward responsible pet owners who licence, permanently identify and neuter their pets.
The time that you'll spend working with your bird, plus the tasty treats that he or she will get as a reward for a job well done, will provide plenty of stimulation for your pet while at the same time offering tons of socialization time and strengthening the bird / owner bond.
In fact, many pet rabbit owners have found success with plenty of time, patience and lots of rewards.
Though time - consuming for some pet owners, others view cooking for their pets as a highly rewarding process.
A patient and loving owner can make all the difference and the rewards of seeing such Goldens become the loyal and happy pets they were meant to be is unforgettable.
Therapeutic treats are made to help pet owners continue to show love to their pets and reward them while helping with management of health conditions.
Choosing a Puggle as a pet can be a rewarding experience, but as with any pet, owners must take this as a serious responsibility and ensure they are up for the task.
As pet owners ourselves, we truly understand and honor the value of the human - animal bond and we consider it a privilege to work with you as a team to provide your pets with the care they need for a long, healthy and rewarding life.
Most pets enjoy being active and this can also be a rewarding experience for the owner.
Pro-Treat ® Ferret Treats are a delicious reward that pet owners can feel good about!
Many pet owners give these little extras as rewards — or to show their love for their dogs or cats — without thinking about the number of calories that are in... Read more
Choosing a New Pet — By Dr. Patricia Ainsworth Regardless whether you are a current, previous or first - time pet owner, a little advance planning can make the entire experience more rewarding.
It is a big responsibility to make sure that the pet receives the best care, but being a pet owner is a very rewarding task as well.
To get back on track, ask pet owners to place limits on unhealthy table scraps and avoid «guilt treats» to reward pets for being cooped up all day.
Multiple pet owners must introduce their new pups slowly to the rest of the pack, consistently doling out equal attention, commands, and rewards across all of the dogs.
Most likely, dog owners reward such jumping up behavior by petting the puppy and talking to the puppy in an enthusiastic way.
Veterinary technicians provide invaluable service to pet owners seeking the best care for their furry companions in this rewarding career field.
Sometimes, pet owners become too picky about rewarding behaviors and decrease food rewards too quickly.
Generally, when you can help a pet that is truly suffering or ill and help heal their illness to return them to the arms of their happy owners... this is always a big reward.
Perhaps one of the greatest joys for a pet owner is rewarding their pet with a treat or toy.According to The Survey, seven - out - of - ten dogs, cats, and other small animals are privy to the growing market of tasty snacks and boredom - busting playthings.On average, dog owners spend $ 66 per year on treats and $ 41 per year on toys.Salt - water fish owners also spend a significant chunk of change on decorations, totaling $ 71 a year.
Her favorite thing about the veterinary industry is dentistry - there is nothing more rewarding than sending pets home with a clean mouth to give their owners lots of kisses!
The time and effort invested in Wellness programs has rewards for both pets and owners.
In my job at a veterinary clinic, I loved helping owners learn to handle their pets safely and correctly; it was a rewarding part of the job.
Rover is especially likely to be rewarded during the holidays: 76 % of dog owners say they have given toys or presents to their pets on Christmas, compared with 46 % of pet owners who do not have a dog.
Potential pet owners who choose a puppy or adult dog that is healthy, trainable (or already trained), and capable of fitting the family dynamic are more likely to develop an enduring and rewarding relationship than those who make snap decisions based on an emotional appeal.
Fear Free ℠ is an initiative that promotes methods and protocols that lead to the reduction or removal of anxiety triggers, which creates an experience that is rewarding and safer for all involved including pets, their owners, and veterinary health care teams.
But perhaps the best reward of all is the satisfaction that comes in providing effective solutions that help owners keep their pets comfortable and happy, and provide much needed relief when problems do occur.
Together they offer methods for writing enforceable laws that build support for community animal control by rewarding responsible pet owners and applying meaningful penalties to problem owners.
Seeing how happy she was to be my new dinner guest was enough of a reward to make me challenge the number one sin of pet owners; Don't feed your dog people food!
As Dog Day Afternoon's Day School trainer, she uses reward based, positive reinforcement techniques to help dogs become well - mannered family pets, and helps their owners learn techniques to achieve this goal.
The time and effort invested in early detection and wellness programs has rewards for both pets and owners alike.
Once underlying medical problems are ruled out or treated, and the pet still exhibits problems, it's time to give the owners behavioral advice, including how to effectively manage the problem and prevent reoccurrence, how to modify and improve behavior with rewards - based methods, and, in some cases, using products or medication when the problem is abnormal or excessive, Landsberg said.
The ARL offers behavior counseling to educate pet owners how to encourage and reward good pet behavior.
However, it is a process that is eventually rewarding to the pet, the owner and the veterinarian!
They must offer support and incentives to encourage and reward responsible pet ownership; and they must enforce reasonable penalties against irresponsible pet owners to bring them into compliance.
We know that sometimes the most powerful and rewarding option for a pet is to keep in in the home it already has so we invest in programs that support struggling pet owners to keep the animals they love.
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