Sentences with phrase «rhetorical strategies»

Rhetorical strategies refer to different techniques or methods that people use to persuade others or make their point effectively, usually through language and communication skills. Full definition
Criticism of climate science, and criticisms of scientists, has been a key rhetorical strategy of those opposed to climate action for decades.
Even a leader with perfect diction and a background in rhetorical strategy can't hope to win the influence of his or her peers through speeches and arguments alone.
Meilaender suggests that we should «recognize this for what it is: a smart rhetorical strategy that gets the reader on his side over against the presumably elitist theologians.»
One might have thought that Jesus would have used a more effective rhetorical strategy, would have saved inflammatory speech until he had taken the time to build trust, to win people's affection, to contextualize his message — as we are urged to do in homiletics classes.
People who employ rhetorical strategies frame requests as opportunities to negotiate divergent goals and needs (e.g., «Why don't we go do something fun and then come back to this topic a little later when we've had a chance to think about what would be best for our relationship.»).
It is difficult to engage an author whose prevailing rhetorical strategy is the bob and weave.
The distinctiveness of Mahoney's book is the careful rhetorical strategy that he has devised, both to win over skeptical or hostile readers and to make a plausible case for Solzhenitsyn as a political moderate who is neither a Tsarist reactionary nor an Enlightenment liberal.
As homebirth advocates have been forced to reconcile themselves to what everyone else has known all along — homebirth increases the risk of perinatal and neonatal death — they've been experimenting with rhetorical strategies to diminish the significance of these deaths.
Feel free to add the video I posted as a comment to the question as a source for Bush's new rhetorical strategy.
Students were able to finally see not just the mechanism of rhetorical strategies such as anaphora and allusion, but ultimately how these all worked together to create an effect on the audience.
Eulogy Writing as a Way to Employ Rhetorical Strategies from Three Teachers Talk is a creative summative assessment that can be tweaked to measure several different skills; I loved this creative idea.
It employs a similar rhetorical strategy and tugs at familiar themes.
Do you think it's critical for someone to understand how this dynamic works, how these cognitive tendencies play out, in order to support whatever rhetorical strategies help accomplish that pluralistic affirmation?
Arguing that it's all been said before — «I can show that your claim to have come up with something decisively new is historically inaccurate» — is a standard rhetorical strategy known as deflation.
In part, of course, let us recognize this for what it is: a smart rhetorical strategy that gets the reader on his side over against the presumably elitist theologians.
«Our results suggest that Trump's emphasis on «global warming» may be an effective rhetorical strategy that resonates with his Republican constituents, who express more skepticism in response to that term in particular,» said Schuldt.
As a rhetorical strategy for eroding trust in the media, the term dates back to the end of the 19th century.
I'm not 100 % surprised: the Naylor mostly tended to assume the wider benefits of research to economic growth rather than demonstrate or prove it, and the big U-15 institutions have banked everything on a rhetorical strategy of: money for research — > a miracle occurs — >... [Read More]
Second, Santorum's rhetorical strategy was built around winning over white working - class Democrats from the mid-1970s and it isn't the 1970s anymore.
By charting the rhetorical strategies of his implied authors and narrators, he awakens us to our own self - deceptions and urges us toward a supernatural integrity» a right relation with God, others, and ourselves.
The interpreter identifies and examines the rhetorical unit to be studied, the rhetorical situation in which the original communication was accomplished, the rhetorical problem that was addressed, and the rhetorical strategy chosen to answer it.
We address the background of the litigation, the rhetorical strategies adopted by each side, and the major doctrinal questions the Court will need to resolve.
The text as an authentically different being results from the author's creative and discriminating speech performance combining linguistic code, genre, style, repertoire and rhetorical strategies.
(35) More concretely, it is the sum total of all the decisions an author has made to externalize his or her subjectivity in a literary work in order to communicate a message: choices of narrator, genre, plotline, characters and characterization, repertoire, and rhetorical strategies.
Preachers who understand that the Word seeks dialogue with the body of the faithful, even in the preparation and delivery of the sermon, will so restructure their sermon preparation regimen and alter their rhetorical strategies that they make room for the whole people of God in the pulpit.
These questions are encouraged by the rhetorical strategies of both campaigns, which have focused on establishing their own candidate's character and credibility while demonstrating that the opponent is unfit for office.
The recent decision by the Minnesota State High School League on transgender participation in sports reveals the incoherence and the rhetorical strategies underlying discussions of gender identity.
If Nadler is less than completely helpful as a guide to Spinoza's rhetorical strategy, he provides a very useful analysis of Spinoza's relationship to subsequent tendencies in the Jewish world with which his name is often identified.
Even though these arguments are portrayed as absolute, scientific fact, these arguments are better understood as a rhetorical strategy to persuade mothers of the health threats to their children (c.f., Best's (1990) work on the construction of the child - victim).
By: Jillian Lauren There's a piece in the NYTimes today about iPhone apps that give you zingy one - liners and rhetorical strategies to aid you in debating those pesky religious fundamentalists.
As @Philipp notes, Bush tried to make it clear that he wasn't fighting «Islam,» a rhetorical strategy that is lost on many current politicians.
Given the value we place on freedom this is a potentially powerful political and rhetorical strategy.
Unless you're one of the select few applicants with lots of experience leading your own lab, that's the key to your rhetorical strategy.
Specific feedback here can include comments concerning the organization of the information, rhetorical strategies, style, voice, and conventions.
The final activity was a Structured Academic Controversy (SAC)(based on the work of Johnson and Johnson) where students assumed roles as different interest groups and then debated the merits of this issue, using the skills and rhetorical strategies we had learned about along the way.
The content - area teacher can use those texts as exemplars to point out rhetorical strategies.
In this unit, students are required to identify the rhetorical strategies in a famous speech and the specific purpose for each chosen device.
In my experience, about half of all trial teams spend months or years preparing and testing themes, rhetorical strategies, and different approaches to their visual trial presentation.
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