Sentences with phrase «rich composition»

I have a natural ability to compose images - layering the affects of perspective, distance and light to create rich compositions.
Bissier developed a technique of egg - and - oil tempera for the later works on small canvas he called «miniatures» — symbolically rich compositions of multiple, densely colored washes.
The result: kesterites with a slightly copper - poor and zinc - rich composition found in solar cells with the highest efficiencies also have the lowest concentration of point defects as well as the lowest disorder of copper - zinc.
«Not only does this star have the high velocity expected if it is recoiling from a supernova explosion, but the combination of its low mass, high luminosity and carbon - rich composition appear impossible to replicate in a single star — a smoking gun that shows it must have originally formed with a binary companion,» adds Ben Ritchie (Open University), a co-author on the new paper.
Donovan made her first pin drawings in 2009, continuing her practice of accumulating common objects into dense, visually rich compositions.
Fridriks have been compared to Jackson Pollok for her color - rich compositions with tangles of drips and brushstrokes.
Employing a process in which erosion and layering simultaneously conceal and reveal his subjects, Stewen's rich compositions conflate abstraction and figuration, anonymity and biography, chance and intuition — inherent material and conceptual contradictions which bely the work's rich poetic and psychologically - charged effects on its viewer.
His multilayered, optically rich compositions and their highly precise, overlapping skeins of elusive traceries and dots anticipate the paintings of Steve Charles and the drawings of Gina Ferrari, Simon Frost, John Morrison and Daniel Zellner.
In addition, Ceres» light spectrum suggests that it may have ammonium - rich clay at the surface, which would fit the expected ammonia - rich composition of large, differentiated substellar objects in the outer Solar System, including the «plutoids» defined on June 11, 2008 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as a new class of bright «dwarf planets beyond the orbit of Neptune (IAU press release).
Inward migration of the TRAPPIST - 1 planets as inferred from their water - rich compositions.
The new theory, set forth by planetary scientist Robin Canup of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and published online today in Nature, explains the ice - rich composition of the rings and accounts for the odd characteristics of some of Saturn's smaller moons.
NWA 7034's water - rich composition, the researchers contend, bolsters the notion that Mars may have long ago boasted a much warmer and wetter surface than it has today.
Bentonite clay because of the rich composition of constituents can be used in a plethora of ways.
Only upon close examination do the rich compositions reveal heroines with hearts that aren't pure, convictions that aren't steady or dark twists to the expected.
Created either on computer or by hand, Williams's vibrant colors and amalgamated shapes construct a joyful and rich composition.
In our exclusive video interview we profile many of Dugmore's rich compositions that reference landscapes he saw in his travels in Mexico, Colorado and everywhere in between.
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