Sentences with phrase «rich historical research»

To accomplish this, Ubisoft has created The 19th Century Search Engine — a rich historical research tool designed to look just like the search engines our great - great - great - grandparents...
A brief summary can't do justice to their analysis, which draws on rich historical research to argue that capitalism develops in stages and that we're on the cusp of a new one.

Not exact matches

For those interested in the rich history of Onondaga County, the Onondaga Historical Association Museum and Research Center offers guests the opportunity to explore, appreciate and utilize their past.
To satisfy microbial nutritional fitness, the research team uses mineral mixtures that mimic the Martian regolith composition from different locations and historical periods of Mars: «JSC 1A» is mainly composed of palagonite — a rock that was created by lava; «P - MRS» is rich in hydrated phyllosilicates; the sulfate containing «S - MRS,» emerging from acidic times on Mars and the highly porous «MRS07 / 52» that consists of silicate and iron compounds and simulates sediments of the Martian surface.
Through the use of textbook and document - based primary and secondary source readings, interactive activities, historical fiction, videos, and research projects, the students develop a rich understanding of the varying cultures while becoming more adept at critical thinking and analysis, note taking, research, essay writing, class discussion, and both independent and collaborative study skills.
The boards and blogs were formed to help people learn how to retire early and how to invest effectively, not for this Get Rich Quick garbage that the internet sewer rats have been insisting never ever, ever, ever be questioned by those who have taken a look at the historical data or the academic research.
There's 140 years of historical data showing that those who purchase the U.S. Total Stock Market Index using research - based strategies obtain FAR higher long - term return at GREATLY reduced risk than do those following pure Get Rich Quick strategies.
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