Sentences with phrase «rich society»

And a proposed goal to «ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns» needs to address expressly the role that unsustainable consumption and production in richer societies plays in driving climate change.
They are growing up in an information rich society — at a click of a button we can research anything we like.
But we spend more on education now because we are a much richer society.
To have a vibrant rich society, we want people to flourish.
There's no doubt we live in a social media rich society, where you dominance in social media can actually help you a lot when it comes to getting a job.
It is common knowledge that in rich societies the poor have shorter lives and suffer more from almost every social problem.
«Carbon offsetting is used by rich societies to carry on polluting but without the guilt.
He writes that the «inner poisoning of life extends not only through poor societies but through rich societies as well.
In terms of per capita income, Hongkong is now the sixth - richest society on earth.
The problems in rich societies such as most of those in Europe is not, heretical as this is to say, caused by these societies somehow not being wealthy enough (and therefore requiring more GDP growth, and the associated promotion and veneration of «wealth creators» and establishing ideological divisions within society between «shirkers and strivers» etc.).
Renewing our commitment to gifted education is the key to a more innovative, productive and culturally rich society
SINCE we published The Spirit Level two years ago, we've noticed a hunger for explanations of why rich societies seem to have so many social problems.
Schools that pay attention to eye - opening statistics like these realize that students living in our knowledge - rich society learn differently than they did in past decades when knowledge was harder to obtain.
The people who live in high class society have an urge to get fame in rich society and therefore, they don't care much about their ancestors» cultures and norms, they just care about themselves and want to look individual and unique among the rest.
In 1930, economist John Maynard Keynes made a prediction: Better living standards and a richer society in the future would allow people to work far less — just 15 - hours a week.
Buffett agreed that capitalism is brutal to capital, but said that, «a rich society can actually... take care of [those left behind by the economy].»
Buffett added that, «we've got a rich society that can do that and a society that will benefit from free trade, and I think we oughta try to hit both objectives of making sure that there is no roadkill and, at the same time, that 320 million people get the benefits of free trade.»
But if they live in a rich society, they depend in fact on the existence of those economic mechanisms, technical rigors, and open or hidden violences that form the warp of that society.
Similarly, Dasgupta and Ehrlich claim: «In rich societies, competitive consumption has further adverse consequences.
Although we live in the richest society in the history of the world, we still assume that there is not enough.
But the rich society can only buy our bodies, not our souls.
Similarly among the industrialized countries, a new reciprocity, particularly one stemming from the marginalized groups, may lead to sharing at the peripheries of the richer societies.
In a rich society the process of economic ruination is likely to take more time and to be less visible, with the consequence that the available choices may seem more free than they in fact are.
We're the richest society in the world.
It is a deep irony that the Great Recession is unfolding among some of the richest societies the world has ever known.
To raise kids, for example, in our rich society, who are sorry to be alive.
In our constantly connected, information - rich society, some drivers are jumping at the chance to let auto insurance companies monitor their driving habits in return for a handsome discount on their premiums.
This is going to be increasingly important in our data - rich society.
The result of these combined trends is that rich societies are becoming more secular but the world as a whole is becoming more religious.»
With her new film, Generation Wealth, she puts the pieces of her life's work together for in an incendiary investigation into the pathologies that have created the richest society the world has ever seen.
Everything about this film felt off putting, but the film's fatal mistake is that instead of focusing it on, you know the great love of the rich society girl Cecilia and her poor handyman Robbie (James McAvoy) who apparently went to college because Cecilia's father paid for it.
We're an information - rich society, and every one of us has access to vast resources — they're available online for any women interested in the STEM fields.
Whether it's in college, on the job or at home, everyone needs to know how to function well in today's information - rich society.
Explore new tools and strategies for empowering students to fully participate in a connected, technology - rich society.
Business and higher education leaders are pleading with schools to teach «21st - century skills,» such as interdisciplinary thinking, that students need to flourish in an increasingly global, technology - rich society.
To live, learn, and work successfully in an increasingly complex and information - rich society, students must know, understand, and be able to use technology effectively.
The Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) and the Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN) is partnering with Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn and Joanne McEachen on an approach titled New Pedagogies for Deep Learning that aims to articulate and demonstrate how the potential for learning can be realized through new pedagogies in a digital - rich society.
CEC through the Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN) regions is partnering with Michael Fullan, Joanne Quinn and Joanne McEachen on an approach titled New Pedagogies for Deep Learning that aims to articulate and demonstrate how the potential for learning can be realized through new pedagogies in a digital - rich society.
«They support educators and prepare youth for informed living in a technology - and information - rich society.
To grab attention in today's information - rich society, you must tell a unique story.
What they found is that equality and inequality are infectious: the more economically equal a society, the happier, healthier and more sane and peaceful it becomes - not just for the most fortunate, but for everyone:»... we are affected very differently by the income differences within our own society from the way we are affected by the differences in average income between one rich society and another.»
If you want a rich society, encourage service.
«Word of mouth travels very fast in our information - rich society, and very few products last long with false claims,» he says.
A knowledge of canine behavior can help alleviate the problems that can plague a dog - rich society.
They can not fault us for the CO2 that was added to the air before the likely effect was known, just as we do not blame our great - grandparents for taking the energy path that made us one of the world's richest societies.
Their book was replete with graphs showing that, by most measures, America's air and water had been getting cleaner for decades, thanks partly to greater affluence (richer societies can afford to pay for pollution controls like sewage treatment) and partly to the progress of technology (the pollution from cars today in New York City is nothing compared to the soot from coal - burning furnaces and the solid waste from horses at the turn of the century).
Rich societies are environmentally resilient; poor societies have dirty power plants and sooty huts.
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