Sentences with phrase «rich yield»

This translates into very rich yields for even the most prolific and healthiest of REITs.
Technology riches yield bumper crops in venture capital with new firms and new largesses - the rewards of LPs rediscovering our asset class.
Technology riches yield bumper crops in venture capital with new firms and new largesses — the rewards of LPs rediscovering our asset class.
Gundlach insists most money managers misunderstand junk bonds, comparing them to 5 - year Treasurys to determine how rich their yields are, when the correct comparison should be to 30 - year Treasurys.
«RNA is really cool, because from an engineer's standpoint it provides an extremely information - rich yield for what's going on inside of a cell,» Nelles said.
Some parents think they have done special planting and pruning on fertile soil, and they expect a rich yield.
Grasses became the staple foods of agriculture because of their rich yields: a single plant may generate tens of thousands of seeds annually.
Teen magazines such as J - 14 and Seventeen are great sources, but just about any magazine will provide a rich yield.
But its rich yield helps offset the low yield of the tech sector, with which it is paired in XLK.
But that rich yield didn't last long, and 10 - year TIPS were yielding 0.7 % more than inflation at the end of 2018's first quarter.
Stocks that can deliver steady dividend growth, rather than the richest yields, offer the most fertile ground for dividend investors.
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