Sentences with phrase «richard dawkins»

read up on quantum mechanics and tell me that sounds more realistic then the notion of a being of superior knowledge manipulating the elements of earth to create sentient man... its a logical fallacy... if we can do what we can do in a universe four billion years old, simple statistics demands than someone else would have done it beforehand, especially if we had «evlved» so drastically in a cosmic blink of an eye, as the prophet richard dawkins likes to put it.
I googled, [«richard dawkins»» speciation events» estimate 1000 100,000] and the very page you are reading right now comes up as the first result.
richard dawkin's, the god delusion, because he is sorta the loudest representation of the scientific community.

Not exact matches

Here it is, directly from Professor Dawkins — Why I Won't Debate Creationists By RICHARD DAWKINS May 14, 2006
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