Sentences with phrase «rid humanity»

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@peace2all If you want to spearhead legislation, I sure wish you could get rid of that «freedom of religion» that so many scuzzbuckets like Phelps find so convenient as they do their psychotic crimes against humanity and individuals.
As indicated previously, Genesis 8:21 proves that the flood was not about ridding earth of sinful humanity.
(and spell kroenke with the lower case k, as we don't think of him as a person, but rather a greedy lizardmen from outer space, who came to our planet to rid us of natural resources and join forces with crab people to bring humanity to it's knees).
If voters could wave a wand and get rid of any one political tool, I'd bet you a hefty sum that it'd be robocalls, and not just because they're a clear psychwar precursor of the coming genocidal war of robots against humanity.
«I highlighted the need for the international community to work together to liberate humanity from poverty, save our planet from the devastation of climate change and rid the world of terrorism for a more peaceful and prosperous future,» he said.
Ultron was tasked by Stark as a peacekeeping program, so of course it believes the only way to do so is to rid the world of humanity.
Initially created by Tony Stark as a form of global protection from potential extraterrestrial threats, Ultron soon turned on his creator — and humanity as a whole — hoping to rid the planet of humans altogether.
And that's really the fascinating thing that the film dabbles into but is too afraid to explore with much depth: what if humanity had the capability of actually creating «God» — all - seeing, all - knowing, with the capability to heal and protect people, and to rid the world of hunger, strife, war and pollution?
Add in a faction of old gods calling themselves the Polytheistic Alliance, seeking to rid the entire world of both angels and demons for their benefit, and it's up to you to decide what is right for yourself, for humanity, and for the otherworldly conflict.
You are humanity's best chance to rid the galaxy of terror.
However, I have very little idea what the effects of AGW on humanity will be beyond the fact that it is an ecological disaster which can kill lots of people in the developing world (excellent reasons to do whatever it takes to get rid of it, in my opinion) and so I have a problem with responding to the argument that we need do nothing because at least as far as the DEVELOPED world is concerned AGW will be at most a nuisance.
Humanity has replaced selection - after - birth (infant mortality), which tended to get rid of weaker genes, with selection - before - birth (abortion), which, unless one does a lot of genetic testing, makes the surviving pool of humans potentially more needy — including of performance enhancement.
Genocide or getting rid of a culture or nation in its entirety, crimes against humanity, and war crimes are some offenses that are governed by it.
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