Sentences with phrase «riddled with grammatical errors»

The paper, Matus writes, «was so riddled with grammatical errors and mangled writing that some FAMU law students are now using it to help build a case that Dawson is not qualified to teach.»
Her writing is riddled with grammatical errors.
Yes, agents will reject a manuscript riddled with grammatical errors, but if the writer has a good grasp of story, that rejection might turn into a personal one.
If you post an article insulting an entire segment of the publishing world you really should expect to be judged on your delivery... which is riddled with grammatical errors that no «real» editor would allow.
No surprise ImSoSpecial's response is riddle with grammatical errors.

Not exact matches

Why is it that the religious almost always are the ones filling their posts with grammatical errors, phonetically spelled words, CAPS ALL OVER THE PLACE, and generally riddled with spelling errors?
She said many profiles she sees on use blurry or outdated photographs, contain essays riddled with typographical and grammatical errors and rely on general descriptions, like «athletic» or «adventurous.»
The last thing a potential match wants to see if a profile riddled with spelling and grammatical errors, or loaded with shortcuts to words such as «u» or «hav»; you will appear lazy and less intelligent.
If it's riddled with spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or just plain poor writing, you have a dud.
Regardless of your publishing goals, the quality of your work matters — no one wants to read a book that's riddled with typos and grammatical errors.
They're too often shoddy, poorly written and unedited, rife with grammatical and structural errors and riddled with illogic and inconsistencies.
Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and the MS was riddled with «it's, its, then, than, there, their and they're errors.
A manuscript riddled with typos and grammatical errors conveys a lack of respect for...
Not every student is a skilled wordsmith who can create perfect piece of work after another perfect one; often, even with proofreading, a rushed final assignment can be riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, along with organizational problems and potentially confusing ideas.
If so, I can see why you reached your conclusion — it has a terrible cover, no reviews, is riddled with typos, double - spaces and grammatical errors, and appears to have been formatted by randomly mashing buttons with a fist.
The worst thing for any reader is trying to sludge through a book when it's riddled with typos and grammatical errors.
By the same token, a poorly edited book that is riddled with errors and grammatical issues will make the author look sloppy and careless, and detract from the story.
Publishers hate receiving manuscripts riddled with grammatical and other errors.
(I remember vividly, the first one this ever happened to me was Charlie Courtland's «Dandelions in the Garden,» for which I paid $ 9.99 on the Kindle and had to put down after two chapters because every single page was riddled with a multitude of typos, grammatical errors and formatting flaws - all of which the author herself considered a matter of personal taste and absolutely acceptable.)
I just released a series of how - to write, publish & sell your book and who would want to buy these books (or any others) that are riddled with grammatical and punctuation errors?
And in response to a motion «riddled with unprofessional grammatical and typographical errors,» a federal judge in Florida took the time to «redline» the attorney's written submission.
Because nothing is amateurish than sending a cover letter riddled with grammatical and spelling errors.
What happens when a prospective employer reads a resume riddled with spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and typo issues?
One sure - fire way of getting your cover letter unceremoniously dumped straight into the rubbish bin is to send in a letter riddled with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
Screwing up the Basics What happens when a prospective employer reads a resume riddled with spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and typo issues?
technical writers presented résumés riddled with grammatical, formatting, and spelling errors.
Not Proofreading: A resume that is riddled with basic grammatical errors and misspelled words will certainly be passed over.
The highest percentage of resumes I see that are riddled with typos, spelling and grammatical errors are those that someone's friend helped them with.
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