Sentences with phrase «rides after school some days»

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After a largely sedentary school day + a bus ride home, it's no surprise kids need physical activity before they settle down to work.
I remember singing this with my friends on the last day of school on the bus for the ride home after the last day of school.
When Jonny and I first started dating, and he was in school across the country, I would dress up (boots, accessories, the whole nine) for my 4 + hour plane ride to go see him just to be disheveled and uncomfortable after a half day of travel.
For example, your typical day excursion could range from something cost - effective, like navigation exercises within a short train ride from the school, to the same exercises performed after catching a bus to a wilderness location an hour or two away.
My daughter informed me after a few days riding around in the big, three - row Land Rover that she thinks the new Discovery is trying too hard and it reminds her of something the snobby, popular girls at her school would want to own to match their questionably styled designer clothing and pretentiously named Starbucks drinks.
After a less than auspicious start, the pair quietly builds a relationship while riding the bus to school every day, wordlessly sharing comics and eventually music on the commute.
Later, after time spent selling home insurance by day and making paintings by night, Otero won a free ride to Chicago's School of the Art Institute.
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