Sentences with phrase «ridiculed because»

Realistically voicing the monologues of the troubled Iranian American teen who is scrutinized and ridiculed because of his ethnicity, Podehl artfully reveals the depths of the teen's despair.
I have been wearing turtlenecks in California my whole life and mostly been ridiculed because people thought I must be boiling!
He says he has been subjected to a hostile work environment, threatened with disciplinary action, harassed and ridiculed because he refuses to cut his hair.
This decision then gets ridiculed because Arsenal have options on the bench in terms of Walcott and Oxlade — Chamberlain who are better suited.
The club was ridiculed because these facts were not trophies and when we won the FAcup it was decided that was no good either.
She can't single out a child for change or even argue that he will be ridiculed because he apparently is in good company.
Duh, you're just too dumb to figure out that you're being ridiculed because you have yet to figure out that «sole» is not the same as «soul».
so we laugh at them, make fun of them, ridicule them because for a long time they had the power and imposed their bs will on the rest of us... guess what xties... payback's a biotch...
Men have endured bitter public ridicule because they believed in civil liberties for others.
And here you are spewing judgement and ridicule because atheists contrast to your moral belief.
In Rome, there are some who feel that Mgr Marini has gone too far, that the Pope is the focus of ridicule because of the lace on his alb or the stole of St. Pius X.
When we went through that tough financial period, no doubt their friends and fans from other clubs began to mock and ridicule them because they support «losers» without any clue about what has actually transpired at Arsenal (new stadium etc etc).
When we went through that tough financial period, no doubt their friends and fans from other clubs began to mock and ridicule them because they support «losers» without any facking clue about what has actually transpired at Arsenal (new stadium etc etc).
Wenger has been at the centre of protests by fans, and the subject of ridicule because of the club's decision not to spend big while their rivals seemingly invest heavily in their squads, but this report seems to disagree that Arsene is at fault this time around.
So goooner wilshegz the same players you ridicule because you never watched them played or ridiculed because they are not famous or have the enormous price tags, may one day get the the opportunity to have that price tag so that you can recommend them to play for arsenal
For the second game in a row I've had to hide from ridicule because of the crap that keeps calling itself tactics.
Legitimate contacts will respect you and not pressure or ridicule you because you are being cautious.
Those who admire science fiction and fantasy characters are often subject to ridicule because they don't know how little they resemble the characters when they imitate them.

Not exact matches

At the time of the discovery, Marshall was ridiculed for his idea because «everyone» knew that bacteria couldn't survive in the acidic environment of the stomach.
We do not advertise on shows that contain programming that insults, ridicules, or denigrates people because of their age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, physical or mental health.
I have huge sympathy for those with weight issues because they receive so much negative bias from society that they are subjected to daily insults and ridicule.
Why would an atheist want to believe in God, because if they did, they would have to change their lifestyle and they don't want to do that — that would take away what they consider, their freedom to do anything they choose not to mention the fun they get out of ridiculing believers.
Also, is it living when you have to face ridicule, and hide everything you do because the religiouse majority persecute everyone around them that is different?
Anyway, come today or tomorrow we will all meet our maker and as a Christian I welcome the scorn and ridicule of secularist because I believe I will be rewarded ten fold for standing for my god.
If you choose to be that stupid you're going to hear it from us and be ridiculed for it every chance I get, because ignorance is dangerous and religious ignorance has cost and continues to cost human life.
You see muslims getting into an uproar because their prophet Muhammad was depicted... but they believe Jesus was a prophet, as well, and do NOTHING when He is depicted and ridiculed by the world.
After I read the article by Evans, it occurred to me that perhaps one of the many reasons that there is so much hate, ridicule and criticism generated by Satan and spewed by the non-believers on this forum is because in a small way they can witness the hope and peace of mind that believers have and for some reason they resent those that have that which they do not have, as did Evan's mother had for his father after he had accepted Jesus as his Lord and King and Savior.
The video then jumps to the footage of decapitated head laying atop man's dead body — which I'm assuming is because cutting through his spine took them forever, so they got rid of that so they're not ridiculed for being complete amateurs.
When we speak publicly on «the larger issues of life» simply because of the feeling of power such action provides, we risk ridicule.
But look at what she and her supporters had to go through: threats; intimidation; ridicule; loss of friends; debt; years or months of sleeplessness, stress and anxiety; self - doubt; fear; demands for proof of medical records, police reports, emails, and court documents; then finally being believed not because you are a person but only because you produce authoritative authentication.
Nii People are literally dying because of the shame and ridicule bigots place upon gays, so I really do not see anything to laugh about here.
We used to ridicule those who talked about justification by faith because that talk seemed to be an excuse for them not to take Jesus» call to discipleship seriously.
I don't like how some atheists ridicule believers, because they have faith in something or someone that can't be proven — that's what faith is all about, and I know that.
I don't call out any atheists, who make the same exact type of posts, because I side with them and will not ridicule my own.
I ridicule the religious because because they can not.
It's a shame that a cartoon can ridicule the tears of parents because they see the value of «church» and raised their children to see value there too.
A conservative comedian (They fear these people the most because if they use their «Alinsky» principle of ridicule on them, they'll get as good as they give) 6 A religious person (Even though, ironically, most lower income democrats, like the mexicans, are devout catholics 7.
Why do you ridicule my beliefs because you don't share them?
Look around now, I can guarantee that any «ridicule» you're feeling is only in reaction to christian policy and statements, and sure I lump all of them together because the main point of EVERY christian sect is to get me to accept jesus as my savior and to follow the new testement, only after that does it become more nuanced.
«Because of the patriarchy, she's ridiculed, she's told that she's possessed by demons.
Or perhaps because atheist find this religion to be particularly easier to ridicule than others.
The only way Republicans could get «serious» press time was to mention «holy words» because any time they addressed a real issue they were ridiculed.
BW, he wouldn't draw one because it is safe to ridicule Christianity, but not Mohammed.
Also, isn't it a bit disingenuous to ridicule a religion because it's different from «mainstream Christianity» when the religions that make up «mainstream Christianity» differ from each other?
So open a bible if you have one, or get a link to text online, and read that last part of Daniel, and reply back with all the vile ridicule you can dream up... because that's what you'd do for anyone telling you God is there... because quite frankly, you don't want to know, and don't care in the least.
As a general rule, atheists feel safer ridiculing Christians because Christians don't react as this guy was accused of doing.
(I've had people assume I hold certain typically «side A» interpretations because I'm in the affirming camp — to the point of being ridiculed for beliefs I don't actually hold, which is quite frustrating.)
Bottom line: He didn't want to risk losing to a woman because his teammates and friends would ridicule him incessantly.
But here is the plot of the enemy of human souls, the Deceiver of this age: he has numbed the hearts and consciences of so many people of this generation, so that they have lost their abilities to experience this divine love and longing... And so, because they have lost this divine ability given to them by God, they scorn and ridicule those who have it, making themselves into to blind beggarly fools......
As for me, because of my past, where there was no mention of God, except to ridicule, I totally understand Him.
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