Sentences with phrase «ridiculed so»

In fact, this was ridiculed so much, the Angry Video Game Nerd devoted a few minutes on this exact screen.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the rockumentary had settled into precisely the form Christopher Guest and co. ridiculed so successfully in This Is Spinal Tap, which came out just a few months before Stop Making Sense.
It sometimes seems we Christians know we are doing a poor job with evangelism, so we make sure we do a poor job so that we get ridiculed so that we can then claim «persecution.»
He told his friend that he had «squabbled and scolded, abused, and ridiculed so long» about this that he had no more patience for the fight.
Religion in any form deserves ridicule, after all it has ridiculed so many others for so many years.
They will question you, they will challenge you, they will defy you, they might even ridicule you so their upbringing is extremely important.
I would hope a US Senator or two would want to investigate how NOAA, with public funds, can get it SO wrong; and an amateur bunch of ordinary guys can hold them up to ridicule so?
That's why I tout ridicule so much.

Not exact matches

While I might be pleased with the nitty - gritty of what I can recall, most of the time I'm ridiculed for giving so much brainpower to such frivolous stuff.
While not all gossip is bad — one can share secrets about wonderful things like a suspected pregnancy or job promotion — Epstein points out that «useful gossip is, in the minds of most people, not what gossip is really about,» and so the majority of the book focuses on the more naughty kind of tattling, the kind that makes your heart beat faster when the subject of ridicule comes around the corner.
I have huge sympathy for those with weight issues because they receive so much negative bias from society that they are subjected to daily insults and ridicule.
It means cultivating a space where everyone is comfortable speaking up, without fear of retaliation, being ostracized, or ridiculed for saying something that may not be so popular.
Do so and you're likely to get towed — «Park the car in Harvard Yard» is an old saw used to ridicule the way Bostonians talk.
Once ridiculed for their bearish forecasts on China's currency, the analysts who predicted this week's devaluation don't look so crazy now.
Orville and Wilbur Wright had a stupid idea that they believed in so completely that they pressed forward boldly in the face of ridicule, scorn and even the gravitational pull of the Earth, and those boys learned how to fly.
So it has become natural for people to be murdered and ridiculed.
But again each belief is personal and based on lot of factors in our lives and so should not be attacked or ridiculed.
Evidently, his shtick is to adopt the persona of a certain type of individual whom he regards as intellectually and morally inferior to himself so that he can ridicule people of that sort.
so we laugh at them, make fun of them, ridicule them because for a long time they had the power and imposed their bs will on the rest of us... guess what xties... payback's a biotch...
An evangelically centered Church, attuned to the Spirit and the times, will thus choose its bishops from among those men who have demonstrated a capacity to mount a countercultural witness by inviting people into friendship with the Lord Jesus — and it will do so knowing that it is calling these men to various forms of martyrdom, of which opprobrium and ridicule are often the least of what may be expected.
An app that they don't have, so they need to ridicule, name call, those who do.
The poison of religion affects us everyday in so many ways and this is not something to be commended rather than something to be ridiculed and show up for what it is.
The ridiculous part of your argument is why are you atheists and Satanists so determined to hunt down believers to call them names and ridicule their beliefs?
Your constant ridicule of God and believers should make you wonder why if there is no possibility of God must you fight so hard against it.
Mitt Romney is a candidate only for those Republicans who are so pleased with Obamacare, (which Mitt passed the predecessor of) that they are willing to be ridiculed long after Mitt is gone.
She has endured so much abuse, ridicule and misunderstanding that it is going to take a while for her to find herself, regain her primal courage, and return to face the world to make her difference in it.
After I read the article by Evans, it occurred to me that perhaps one of the many reasons that there is so much hate, ridicule and criticism generated by Satan and spewed by the non-believers on this forum is because in a small way they can witness the hope and peace of mind that believers have and for some reason they resent those that have that which they do not have, as did Evan's mother had for his father after he had accepted Jesus as his Lord and King and Savior.
You should be quiet happy to prove it wrong... so get going... use your mouth for more than blaspheming the word of God and cursing and ridiculing those who believe differently and actually use it for good... you just might heal a person.
The video then jumps to the footage of decapitated head laying atop man's dead body — which I'm assuming is because cutting through his spine took them forever, so they got rid of that so they're not ridiculed for being complete amateurs.
When the world ridicules celibacy and shouts and clamours for its abolition, it does so in a state of spiritual sickness and ignorance.
Ridiculing Obama's efforts to engage the international community, Huckabee said, «There was once a time when our foreign policy was, «Walk softly and carry a big stick»... Our new policy is, walk softly and carry a great big olive branch, or maybe even a bag of Stay Puft marshmallows so that when we build around the campfire we can sing «Kumbaya» and have a lovely time holding arms and talking about how well we're getting on.»
If so, and they were apart or worked at that place, then I guess they were just as guilty and deserved just as much punishment and ridicule as the person actually committing the offense..
Nii People are literally dying because of the shame and ridicule bigots place upon gays, so I really do not see anything to laugh about here.
You were pretty ridiculed over and over and I think you are to coward so you hide behind another ego.
Defenders of one «theology of» do not want to have to deal with the ridicule or anger directed to others; so they make clear their distance from the others.
I TOTALLY agree, that is the only way to stop this nonsense, the entire free world should get together and ridicule muhammed and Islam so much and so often that these idiots finally become desensitized to it.
Traditions held by religious people, especially Christians, are particularly ridiculed by people who do so as a way to appear enlightened.
If you believe in The Bible, as we do, being Christians, then this is true: or you can read it here also: So, even though CNN wants to ridicule a Gospel principle, for us, LDS member, we have nothing to hide, it's in the Bible and at the time of Christ that was a practice that was in place as part of the Gospel of Christ.
You people are so obtuse to be worthy of ridicule, mocking and derision; stand up or shut up already.
I do not agree with you but I will neither ridicule nor punish you for your beliefs, so please do the same.
Now today, these of so righteous beliefs step over the poor and down - trodden and ridicule those who can not chuck a dollar into the plate at their congregation.
From simple things like the so - called «earth heartbeat» predicted by multiple theories — some better than others, but most ridiculed as a bunch of hippies — to activity which is perfectly analogous to neuro - networks along cosmic filaments, and many others.
Logic and reason don't work, so ridicule is all there is left.
What is so pathetic to me is how many atheists are on a «Belief» blog just waiting to ridicule other people's religious views.
Russ says:@ Honey Badger: so what comfort do you have to offer the parents of a dead 8 year old — aside from ridiculing religion?
Joan Cavanaugh, author of More of Jesus, Less of Me (1976), grew up a fat child who was ridiculed mercilessly by other children and so made the cookie cupboard her «altar.»
They are so bold and so brave in attacking and mocking and ridiculing Christian believers and Christian scripture and Christian doctrine Christian diety.
Any religion that teaches hate of anything but what God hates such as fornication idolotry or murder is not a true Christian there is only one Christian faith that has never been accused of doing nothing but teach people the bible going door to door but this is why people ridicule them for doing what the bible says they do nt charge for their material they do nt have communions they do nt pay their members for 2 years or send them to a college for doing so they do nt pay the speakers like other churches and they do nt hate anyone based on any reason they only give them bible knowledge then once they know the knowledge its their choice what to do with it.
That he did not appear to do so invites ridicule and scorn.
It still amazes me how many women share their very negative church experiences at the hands of its so - called leaders, only to have them ridiculed, dismissed, or silenced.
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