Sentences with phrase «ridiculing people»

Sadly, criticizing and ridiculing people for what they wear, known as «outfit shaming,» is also becoming more common.
Evidently, his shtick is to adopt the persona of a certain type of individual whom he regards as intellectually and morally inferior to himself so that he can ridicule people of that sort.
But I don't think Kebos would spend time trying to ridicule the people that do believe in Santa Clause... maybe he would.
however, they can ridicule people's view.
There are those that will mock and ridicule people of faith but Jesus told us that they will do to us what they did to him so it should come as no big surprise even the disciples and apostle and one point in their lives either didn't believe or persecuted people who did believe until their eyes were opened this is nothing new.
Why condemn and ridicule the people of the Church as if you have never committed any sins?
«However, this particular Saturday Night Live skit unfortunately chose to ridicule people with physical disabilities and imply that disabled people are incapable of having jobs with serious responsibilities.
Even though you often ridicule people who do that as a means to show off your no - bullshit attitude when it comes to gym efforts.
In addition, the AJ - C reports, the license plate regulation prohibits profanity or language the community considers obscene, or language that ridicules a person, group, or religious belief or being, race or ethnicity.
It seems to be the time to ridicule people that are attempting to do...
Be clear that it's never OK to harass or ridicule people online.

Not exact matches

Reaction to this news from the media world has tended to fall somewhere between shock and ridicule — unless the person in question is an investor in or former employee of Business Insider, of course, in which case they seem ecstatic at the possibility of a massive windfall.
He's not just in the oft - ridiculed Peter Thiel camp of libertarianism that advocates young people forego college in order to seek life experiences.
We do not advertise on shows that contain programming that insults, ridicules, or denigrates people because of their age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, physical or mental health.
While not all gossip is bad — one can share secrets about wonderful things like a suspected pregnancy or job promotion — Epstein points out that «useful gossip is, in the minds of most people, not what gossip is really about,» and so the majority of the book focuses on the more naughty kind of tattling, the kind that makes your heart beat faster when the subject of ridicule comes around the corner.
Unfortunately, these attempts at localization have often led to ridicule from Chinese people.
Past installments included a splashy premiere of Google Glass, the connected eyewear that ultimately succeeded in only annoying people and generating ridicule.
The fourth category — attacks that take the form of ridicule or character assassination — «go after the person defending the idea, not the idea itself.»
As John Kenneth Galbraith wrote, most people «deem it unwise to be sane when sanity exposes one to ridicule, condemnation for spoiling the game or the threat of severe political retribution».
Corporate personhood is easily ridiculed on late - night television, but as Eric Posner pointed out in Slate, the law often «treats various nonhuman, nonsentient entities as «persons» for certain legal purposes.»
If you have been reading personal finance website for awhile, you may have noticed a trend towards ridiculing those who make intelligent financial decisions by constructing this fictional «average person» and describing how some handicap would prevent this «average person» from being able to share in that success.
It's arrogance to consider yourself a better person than, say, a believer, and that you have the right to ridicule them.
I wouldn't like for people to ridicule you.
So it has become natural for people to be murdered and ridiculed.
Once the speaker licenses moral ridicule toward the accused, and destroys in him any semblance of moral character, truthfulness, or decency, on what ground will such a person stand?
I think it's hilarious that CNN has a «Belief» blog with the sole mission of ridiculing these lower intelligent people.
Ridicule and moral opprobrium, and manifestations of sheer hatred for one's very being, are not easy to bear, especially for conscientious and upright and morally sensitive people.
Don't get mad at people ridiculing and making fun of you, instead, pray for them.
An evangelically centered Church, attuned to the Spirit and the times, will thus choose its bishops from among those men who have demonstrated a capacity to mount a countercultural witness by inviting people into friendship with the Lord Jesus — and it will do so knowing that it is calling these men to various forms of martyrdom, of which opprobrium and ridicule are often the least of what may be expected.
@ Doc Wow see this is why people fight and argue, always some one trying to ridicule or put down something that is sacred to another person.
Maybe when Christians stop toting themselves as the moral authority on EVERYTHING and keep their noses out of peoples personal lives AND stop trying to keep taxpaying American citizens from having rights (ie gays)... maybe then they will come into less ridicule.
That's why Jesus always ridiculed the self - righteous pompous people like Fox news and the rich, but chose to be with the sick, the Gentiles and those who were put away by society.
I love much that people offer me to see and yet my visualizations are sometimes obscured and I do sadly ever overlook others who ridicule and condemn those with lessor mentalities.
It does not matter what PRESIDENT OBAMA does, people will always find something to ridicule him about.
It always appears there is more than enough people criticizing, ridiculing, demeaning and insulting those 2.
You mention «uncivilized people,» yet the concept of posting a war trophy for people to mock and ridicule, is less civilized that even al Qaeda.
You might be rebuffed or ridiculed, but if you actually want resolution then realize it is on you, first, to be the decent person.
Instead of critiquing the straw man accusation in this instance on its merits, instead you «appealed to ridicule,» mocking the concept itself, as if by mocking the concept, «magically» (your word choice) people will no longer see the straw men we employ, and we can continue with our sophistries unchecked.
Its ok to call people names, ridicule them and call them stupid, as long as you are a liberal doing that to a conservative.
You should be quiet happy to prove it wrong... so get going... use your mouth for more than blaspheming the word of God and cursing and ridiculing those who believe differently and actually use it for good... you just might heal a person.
When you place billboards ridiculing other people's beliefs, you are doing a lot more than «not believing».
Though many ridicule the Bible, should not these three instances cause a person to reconsider their view of there being no God?
While preachers and rabbis publicly regard their ex-gay congregants as heroes and champions, ex-gays are often ridiculed and judged by the very people that demand they change.
But look at what she and her supporters had to go through: threats; intimidation; ridicule; loss of friends; debt; years or months of sleeplessness, stress and anxiety; self - doubt; fear; demands for proof of medical records, police reports, emails, and court documents; then finally being believed not because you are a person but only because you produce authoritative authentication.
You don't sound like someone who feels blessed and exceeding glad when people ridicule your beliefs.
If so, and they were apart or worked at that place, then I guess they were just as guilty and deserved just as much punishment and ridicule as the person actually committing the offense..
Nii People are literally dying because of the shame and ridicule bigots place upon gays, so I really do not see anything to laugh about here.
They ridiculed what they understood to be Christian dogma and led me to wonder how any intelligent person could be a Christian.
The trend of modern thought, with its concentration upon making the most of this present life and the tacit assumption that death means extinction, makes it particularly easy for people to disbelieve in, or to ridicule, life after death.
These attacks are the act of people following Satan not God and those claiming responsibility for the attacks need to be recognized as agents of Satan — God did not cause these attacks — he judges each according to his merits — anyone that ridicules God or his prophets will be dealt with by him not humans — these attacks are the works of the followers of Satan.
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