Sentences with phrase «ridiculous myth»

But, I can not accept ridiculous myths with no factual basis because it makes me feel better.
They all just ridiculous myths with zero evidence backing them up.
Why do people still believe such ridiculous myths that are no different from any other culture of that time period?
I don't understand why so many AMerican parents (can't vouch for others) don't see the connection between their not getting enough sleep and their insistence on the baby sleeping in another bed (I suppose it doesn't help that there are all kinds of ridiculous myths about co-sleeping) let alone another room.
Apparently evangelical Christians are so dim that they can not conceive of how foolish ridiculous their myth is to those who don't believe.
ALL christian sects are cults: Mormons, Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics, Pentecostals, etc. you all believe slight variations of the same ridiculous myths.
Oh magical invisible baby Jesus in the sky, please help my fellow citizens grow up and stop believing in ridiculous myths.
Sleeping through the... [Read more...] about Debunking 5 Ridiculous Myths about Sleeping Through the Night
But, I have much more reason to place my faith in science, that we will eventually find the answer, than I do these ridiculous myths.
But I encourage you to keep posting you will convince more people what a ridiculous myth the bible presents with your comments.
All religion and «spirtuality» are ridiculous myth - gone - wild.
The ridiculous myth that morality can only come from a dogmatic belief system has been refuted numerous times throughout history.
During the last decades, people have been telling one another a ridiculous myth about «negative - calorie» foods — special meals or ingredients that do not contribute to your calorie intake level, and even burn previously stored calories for you!
For centuries, women have been brought up to believe two ridiculous myths: (1) «Kiss a frog and he'll turn into a prince.»
I grew up believing the ridiculous myth that Cats drink only milk, dogs drink only water; for thru childhood, milk in saucer was always left out for kitties, and water bowl for pooch, Snoopy.
There is no truth whatsoever to this ridiculous myth.
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