Sentences with phrase «ridiculous people with»

Shame on these ridiculous people with no brains.

Not exact matches

If you run a small business with a big potential, how can you hire the best people to join your team when you don't have the deep pockets or ridiculous perks a big company can offer?
Making a point of starting off a meeting with an impromptu dance party might seem ridiculous and awkward, but it's likely to get people laughing and feeling grateful to be part of your team.
I get up early at a ridiculous hour, I go to work, spend time with the troops, take care of my family, I love taking care of people, and I think that kind of thing resonates with people today.»
Like «Grand Theft Auto,» you're in control of a protagonist from the third - person perspective, and you navigate a massive open - world with missions, side missions, and all sorts of ridiculous characters.
How about we educate people on the benefits of healthcare and continue to show what every other country does that... now don't fall over... WORKS!!!! This country is so maddening with the ridiculous rhetoric.
Just as ridiculous as being an extreme religious person or being an atheist which both have more in common with each other than they let on.
@Noah, That book is ridiculous... He claims the universe is likely younger than 13.7 b.y. and backs it up by claiming that 100 + measurements taken over the past 300 years supports the claim that light does not travel at a constant rate... As if people 300 years ago could measure with the kind of accuracy we can today
These Tea people were out there with their ridiculous hats, and calling the Democratic, liberal (moderate if you think about it), first black president a Nazi.
you believe in a narrow view of a god based on ancient fairy tales and that if you adhere to the teachings of a supposed son of god you will go to disneyland in the sky forever... which is damm ridiculous... I consider myself an atheist but I am aware of the possibility of a creative force which created the universe... but that god chatted with people 2000 years ago and brought out a book is childish and stoopid!
SO YOU are so special that god allows 25 thousand people to dye everyday of starvation alone, while bothering with your little existence enough to go thru this insane episode is RIDICULOUS.
It must be one of the three of those, because I don't want to live in a world with a person like you actually believing and convincing others of the ridiculous as.sertions you make on a daily basis.
Your reference to the uproar had nothing to do with my comment that it was illogical and ridiculous that people would believe a god would create a religion for everyone on the planet yet made that religion only comprehensible in one specific language.
It's funny how people forget so quickly what really happened and replace it with ridiculous fantasy scenarios.
I didn't use the word «ridiculous» with regard to Jesus having polygamous wives or that Indians are lost Hebrew tribes or that black people are black because they have the mark of Cain — One can see for themselves.
But I've also learned over my lifetime that it is just as holy and just as ridiculous and just miraculous for the people of God to pick up their own small shovels and shoulder into that mountain with faith.
Listen Humble themselves (that is, don't control the situation, and don't assume they understand or perceive the situation perfectly) Identify how they contributed to the situation (whether consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly) Take responsibility Apologise Allow the other person to express what they want done (and do it, if it is within the pastor's ability, and truly helpful) Support the other person's decisions, even if the pastor disagree with them Empower the other person at every step Part friends if possible, and at peace, if at all possible (and never go to court — Jesus and Paul call this dangerous and ridiculous, respectively)
Surely people have the right to disagree with ideas they find ridiculous and / or abhorrent?
bootyfunk your and idiot because that passage in mathew 10 its a parrable he is trying to get people to realize that God needs to be the most important thing your life because with him you would not be period so to say that Jesus Christ the son of God is promoting volience is ridiculous, it tares me up that people like you take bit's and peices of the bible and make sound like you want it to if your going to read the Christian hand book then read it all do nt take stuff out of contence just to suit your life style your truly and always be a devoute Christian
I'm not exactly sure who started them, but people like Brian Boitano with those ridiculous outfits seem intent on keeping them going.
I don't want to go on and on about this but over the years I have observed that one of the biggest causes of ridiculous antics in the church and the rise of various cults has been people running away with ideas about eschatological events which are nothing more than pure imagination.
For example, if a denomination declared in their doctrinal statement that the Bible teaches that all good Christians must wear pink hats and only those people who wear pink hats can indeed be true followers of Jesus, we would conclude upon reading this statement that we would never be accepted by those folks because we don't agree with this bit of ridiculous theology.
The type of atheists, like most on this post, that continue with the ridiculous assertion that there can be nothing greater than us that exists above or outside of our little physical realm, are simply either intellectually stunted individuals, or more likely, bitter people who have gotten their panties in a bunch because some religious text contains some apparent condemnation of their lifestyle.
Ben, I agree with all you said, especially about turning our country over to some of the «greediest people who have ever walked God's Earth,» instead of a good man, a great man, who has done his best for us for four years against ridiculous odds.
We need to get the people in this country to stop with this ridiculous creationism state of mind!
But I encourage you to keep posting you will convince more people what a ridiculous myth the bible presents with your comments.
Capitalist — well, the problem with you people who believe the «six days and a talking snake» theory of terrestrial biological origins is you throw out a ridiculous comment like «well, if men came from apes, why are there still apes» then, when challanged, claim the responder is being elitist.
So the goal I came up with was to announce God's ridiculous commitment to his people, even when we give up, he doesn't give up on us.»
People (Jews, blacks) are screaming about racism, etc. yet they constantly bringing those differences with thing like that: Jews and baseball, Black history month, ridiculous.
-- Your comment is ridiculous, Saying that i'm the pot calling the kettle black doesn't even make sense, pointing out that people are being hateful with their comments is not being hypocritical you moron.
You would like to make people think it is, along with ridiculous comments by Akin, free contraception or any other make believe issue.
Agreed, with Interested48 As for other countries, yes the whole damn world needs to know that religion is ridiculous, except of course people like me and Interested48 (and millions of others) who already know the truth — there is NO god.
I don't know if it was the hormones or what, but I remember crying in the pool on the last day because it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen: people of different shapes and sizes and backgrounds and ages and races and religions, all of us in the public pool with the babies we loved, looking ridiculous for their little sakes, utterly and entirely here for this parenting gig.
religious people with 0 understanding of any science hide behind «its in the bible» no matter how ridiculous their claim (i.e. noahs ark).
Unfortunately momoya, as long as these ridiculous religious people with their idiotic logic are affecting policies, it will not be a bright sunny day.
This delusional idea that the world was to end yesterday reminds exactly of the stupidity that I see everyday when I step out of my house and have to deal with the hypocrisy of America and that silly white man who thinks he's above everyone else just like Harold Camping believed in this ridiculous idea that the world would end and only the good would go to heaven, trust me, all white people think the same way this guy did!
Those naive people who continue to parrot ridiculous statements like «the Church should stick to the Bible and not get involved with life» will be revealed for what they are, because what we believe and how we act on every level of life can never be separated.
People choose to believe fairytales because they support a world view / lifestyle they are comfortable with, not because they can't see how ridiculous the fairytale is when applied to the evidence around them.
be mad all you want i could care less if i offend anyone or not afterall the atheists get to say their peace and same with the all knowing scientists who claim that darwin was right - side note - he became a christian a few short years after he made those ridiculous claims - anyway you people can say and believe and choose whatever you want..
And I bet none of those healed had any kind of health insurance with huge rip - off insurance companies who charged them ridiculous premiums and then said they wouldn't cover whatever their illness was, or had limits on what they would pay, or gave payoffs to crooked politicians to keep people from getting decent health care at reasonable prices, or forbade them from buying the medications they needed from anywhere they were available, or even had forms to fill out.
Why do nt these people just declare Jesus following bible believers illigal and stop with the ridiculous logic and manipulations.
This is so ridiculous... can there still be hope for humanity after more than two thousand years and hundreds of millions of people trying to interpret such a entangled monstruosity with no spare space in its pages for more contradictions?
I think that even the most uneducated person were to open a bible and read it even one time through with no outside influence (even from me and my positions) would NEVER come to the ridiculous conclusions that this «biblical scholar» comes to.
They also tell me that people in the Middle Ages thought the earth was flat (everybody knew it was round), that women in the Middle Ages were no better than cattle (they had more freedom than they would enjoy until the twentieth century), that people in the Middle Ages were morose and grim (they were boisterous partiers who loved color), that they were morbidly fascinated with demons (they portrayed demons as ridiculous stooges), and they were oppressed by their kings (most of the kings were weak).
People should be insulted & offended by the fact that some people still believe this ridiculous nonsense that we call «The Bible» and that a television network has the right to slap us in the face with this propaganda once People should be insulted & offended by the fact that some people still believe this ridiculous nonsense that we call «The Bible» and that a television network has the right to slap us in the face with this propaganda once people still believe this ridiculous nonsense that we call «The Bible» and that a television network has the right to slap us in the face with this propaganda once again.
Just because there's people out there that like to believe in Jesus as being some kind of superhero here to save people and forget the fact that he was a man with specific teaching to follow, doesn't mean that you have free reign to criticize because some of us, many more than you might want to give credit to, don't act in a ridiculous manner as portrayed in articles here.
I know I'm overwhelming people with the mango... it's getting ridiculous.
As an aside, I also find it ridiculous when people tinker with recipes... only to complain later that the recipe came out not to their satisfaction.
I knew everything there was to know about my alma mater's football program, from Don Faurot creating the Split - T (and teaching it to future Oklahoma coach Bud Wilkinson during World War II), to Dan Devine nearly winning a national title in 1960 (damn Kansas beating Ol' Mizzou with an ineligible player), to the big upset wins (and ridiculous upset losses) of the 1970s, to the cratering of the 1980s and the early 1990s, to the Fifth Down, to the Flea Kicker (which I had the honor of seeing in person).
Winning comes with a price.8 Winning also comes with bandwagon jumpers, horrible traffic, more ridiculous expectations and embarrassing behavior by some of the people around us.
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