Sentences with phrase «right after»

That sounds like a question a three year old would ask, right after asking why santa claus is so fat.
Right after I make some people feel bad about themselves.»
That had this mullet cut, drove an old Ford yellow pick up with these orange flames burning up the fenders, who wanted to be a truck driver like his dad, just right after he got his 4 year degree in Latin and Greek philosophy.
Mormons are the nastiest people in the world right after Muslims and Catholics and Evangelicals.
Right after classes on astrology and spo.on bending and right before classes on magic potions and tarot cards.
But i messed up, i feel ashamed!!!! Right after this happen MY husband texted me saying he was sorry for what he said that he does want me as his wife and the lord has already blessed our marriage.
This passage comes right after the conclusion of Jesus» instructions to his disciples on how to be a disciple.
Right after a nice long cla ss on critical thinking skills.
It was one of the enduring images of the time right after the attacks.
If the Athiests cared so much, then where were they right after all this happened 11 years ago?
Lowe wrote his major work on Bergson's influence on Whitehead at a time (1949, right after Whitehead's death) when Whitehead's originality as a thinker was not taken for granted, as it is today.
I still remember the student who said that she left church for good when she was 12, right after she read the Bible for herself and discovered what a colossal snow job her Sunday school teachers had done on her.
Iowa cacuses right after the New Year.
O'Keefe: I first read Chesterton's book Orthodoxy when I was living on a sailboat in a quiet creek off the Potomac River, right after I graduated from Rutgers.
He's the last of God's original Giants... He will soon pass on right after we enter into unreturnable moral decay..
That doesn't mean it isn't your choice, and it's not my job to make your choices, if you believe you can make the best decisions for yourself, and you don't need God, that is your God given right after all, God gave you that right, to make your own decisions with a free will, for you to decide upon what is good or bad as laid out in Biblical principles (as a matter of fact historicly).
When Jesus is placed on trial right after his arrest, Annas the High Priest questioned Jesus, and Jesus responded by saying, «I spoke openly to the world.
I didn't do it», right after he lights a fuse of a bomb and runs away.
This was right after a Fleet enema:
It's Genesis 1 - 2:3 vs Genesis 2:4 - 25, one right after the other, not a single account.
It is ironic, isn't it, that we repeat this prayer right after reading to not repeat prayers.
Benedict Groeschel goes back to 1964, when he was the Catholic chaplain at Children's Village in Dobbs Ferry, New York where my wife and I lived for a year right after I was appointed Religion Editor of Newsweek.
Was the «doctor's defense» right after all?
My mind immediately jumped to the disgusting proselytizing that so often occurs right after a natural disaster or human tragedy — whether in a family, or on a larger scale.
Sitting at his dinner table praying with his family right after smiling in the face of those who's jobs he has cut.
Right after the Aurora Co shooting a local Evangelical conservative talk show host in southeast Michigan went into a tirade on how liberals wanted to take away our gun rights.
Go to church on Sunday right after a night of gambling and drinking in Mississippi!
I don't because I know that many Muslim imams and organizations spoke out against the violence right after 9/11.
Ironically, this statement comes right after he criticizes many Christian solutions as being crude and simplistic!
Agree with premise — the one time I truly saw the church functioning as unified body was right after 9/11 — never before have I seen people of faith come together like this to do whatever was needed to help a city recover.
The more eerie part of the Parable is its placement right after the Parable of the 10 Virgins, and before the Parable of the Sheep and Goats.
That's a common misconception, and CERN warned against premature conclusion right after the announcement back in 2011.
She talks about the Bush administration wanting to go to war with Iraq right after they took office.
Right after his conversion, they passed the Test Act of 1673, barring Catholics from public employment, by making the prerequisite to such employment a solemn oath against transubstantiation and a declaration that the Mass was idolatry.
So right after you throw the stone of «not really christian» you don't want anyone throwing any other stones??
Right after the 9/11 attacks a very high minority or Muslims worldwide supported suicide bombings agsinst the western nations.
One edge of consolation is that I may see him again, as he expected, and, to steal a line from him, he may have discovered in the meantime that I had been right after all.
Like Professor MacKinnon in his Easter meditation, I based my sermon on the assumption that there was an objective Easter event, and that it was this event which produced the dramatic change in the outlook of the disciples; that to speak of «Easter» is not a way of describing the disciples» growing conviction that Jesus had been right after all; but that it was only because something real and objective and totally unexpected had actually happened at Easter that the disciples became changed men.
While our hero is literally «working out his salvation with fear and trembling» (see Philippians 2:12), trying to put things right after being given a second chance, Javert is only trying to present him with the punishment that the law demands he receives.
In Matthew's account, Jesus tells this story right after the apostle Peter demands, «We have left everything to follow you!
Sarah spent two weeks at Ground Zero right after the attacks of September 11 and describes the experience in her book, Picking Dandelions: Discovering Eden Among Life's Weeds.
I was in a Muslim country right after 9/11, and all I got was, «we're so sorry,» «we are all with you,» «this is such a tragedy,» «what can we do for you?»
Mick and Tracy Hooper, members at Northpoint, said that their church launched MOSAIC (their adoption foster orphan care ministry) this past February, right after their church plant turned a year old.
Right after the winner is announced, somebody somewhere in America will fall on their knees and pray, «Thank you Jesus.»
We can only talk at lunchtime, because she has to go home right after school with her older sister.
Before he began his remarks, he mentioned his travel schedule, which included him leaving right after the speech for an East Coast visit where he would address Vietnam.
Did the graduate assistant call Paterno right after (during) the late night crime?
A myth, claiming to be the word of god, that right after he creates the universe, refers to the moon as a «light source».
Mark simply adds more detail by informing us that a rooster or two crowed right after Peter's first denial as well.
Jesus got a version of a patronizing pinch on the cheek and a tussle of the hair from his hometown family, right after sharing His God - given mission with his home community.
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